The Lucknow Sentinel, 1973-04-04, Page 170 PAY, APRIL 4,1913 THE LOCKNOW SENTINEL., 1,OCKNOW, ONTARIO OBSCRIPTIO TO- 1111CKNOW- SENTINEL idue ?rep W loo iren yen' h 28 /en° )als lling Jane iha a 4111 MOW Nifty Klits fifth; meeting of the Dun I 441club was held. on 30(10.30 p.m. •The pledge•Was repeated. The llwas answered and the • OtheJaSt meeting were Kathy. Pentland, next meeting is on April to get the sileboard for our covers. hievement Day'will be on 9at,Winghani, read the letter from Miss egoeerning the clubs, for iing that we vote on at ement Day*. led the dikussion on Bless Armholei with a fac set-in sleeves. Linda abbutlinishing a lower edge eeve. did a sample of the tailors for our record nooks. meeting was adjourned. HaPAY andicrafters esecond meeting of St. 'siappy Handl Crafters held March 28 in St. 'Helen's The meeting was opened 'the 4-H Pledge. roll call was answered by mheri. The treasurer's and the minutes of the last meeting were read. NeXt meet- ing is to be Thursday, April 5. Our treasurer is choosing our book covers. We were told that Catherine Hunt ;--Home Econom- isCwas tO1 be on television with Bill Romahn Sunday, April 1st. Achievement Day is June 9. Books are to be in June 1st. Samples' of. Knits *fabric were handed out and discussed. We also discussed altering and ad- justing patterns' and cutting and 'marking. The remaining time - was spent by the girls cutting and marking their material. The meeting closed with the 4-H Creed, Clover Valley Artistic 7 The tenth. meeting of the ' Clover Valley/ Artistic 7 was held at the home bf Wendy Hamilton's on Thursday, March 29,' at 4.15. The meeting was opened with the "Pledge". The roll call, What p'art of block printing did you like the best was'answered by each mem- ber. The minutes, were read by Laurie Colling. Mrs. Hamilton discussed the paper on which to block print nature prints and about nature prints, Mrs. Elphick demonstrated how to print our nature prints which we had brought. Later each girl printed their, nature prints. The meeting' closed with the- 4-1-1 creed. TABLE TENNIS On March 31, .RDHS hosted the B.I.A. table tennis tournament and consequently defeated five other schools in Bruce County to win the overall championship with thirty-five points. Follow- ing closely on the heels of the champions were Kincardine and 'Chesley. • Feminists 'would have rejoiced, to tee that females chalked ui, twenty -sexen of the winning points, while the males, reaped' in two points and mixed teams earn- ed 'six. TWo 'sisters swept, the singles competition as Debbie Tranter took the senior girlS' division while Arlene Tranter 'won the junior girls' championship. Winners of the girls' junior doubles were, Cathy Creech and Kim Farrell. - crests will be awarded to the champions. ,Added to the expanding RDHS awards case, was a handsome trophy held last year by Kincardine. TROPHIES Ouri.rophy case has several recent additions to add to its glamour. The Royal 'Canadian Legion has donated two trophies for public. speaking, .one for the senior division and. the second trophy is awarded to the top jun ior public speaker. .This. year(' Donna Needham from Level V was declared the winner in the senior divison while Julie Reeves was the top junior speaker. Their names- are engraved on' the troph- ies which shall.remain the permanent property of RDHS ! WORLDLY. WISE A number of RDHS members, teachers as well as pupils, enjoy-: ed trips to other parts of the world during the' winter break from March:17 to 25. Beautiful Haw- aii was the destination of Gail Messenger, who accompanied the group leaving from. Wingham's F. E. Madill school. Dianne MacKay Boyd and Blain Carruthers, Mary Needham and Connie Pollock journei,ed to Florida, while a five I some of Shirley Mcareath,.Debbie Marg Chester, Joan Fer.- guson and Roy Thorneycroft opted for a two week tour in Greece. French teacher. Mrs. Katharine Collins headed for "Le Beau. Paris" in France , and so finally reached a lifetime aspiration.. Upon returning Mrs.' Collins' related her insights into French life; its slow-paced atmosphere, narrow streets, •crazy drivers, exhorbitane prices for food and clothing and unorthodox, dishes , such as rabbit. The students were .shown "croissants" or french rolls and king breadsticks, very narrow and perhaps a yard long, as well Shower Helci For Janet Williams PURPLE GROVE 'NEWS Congratulations•to Miss Corrine Boyle , who won a. prize of money on the program "'Who Am I" , from 'CKNX-TV on Friday evening Relatives gaihered'at the home of Mrs. Bob Thompson on Satur 7 day evening to honour Miss Janet Williams, bride-to-be. Those attending the shower were Janet., her mother Mrs. Earl •Williams,.' sisters. Susie Williams, Joanne' Lions, Elener Larder and her daughter JaCkie from Goderich and Mrs. Claude' Dore, of Bervie, Mrs. Williarn McInnis and Linda ; Mrs. Brian King and Stephanie , Miss Ruth Whytock, Mri. Claud Dore Jr. of Teeswater, Mrs. Rand) McDonald, Tarnmy. arid Kim rof Tiverton, Mrs. Gerald Rhody and Marilyn, Mrs. Alan Rhody and Matt, Mrs. Burton Collins; Mrs... Don Dore and Vicki and of course Mrs. Bob Thompson 'and Robbie. Contests were held by Joan Mc- DOriald, Judy Thompson and Larg- aret McInnis. :Winners were Largr aret McInnis', Joan McDonald, Susie Williams and Jackie Larder. F011owing the games Janet opened het, gifts with the assistance of her sister Susie and a delicious' lunch was served. John Collins 'of Barrie viiited his‘parents and Margie 'last week end. Sandra and Ed McGillivray' of Goderich also visited the Collins. Some from this area climbed • aboard the bits in Ripley 'for Thedford on Friday evening 'to take in the Midget hockey game in that town. MrS. William Wood arid' Mrs. Don Dore spent Wednesday at , Anten Mills, where they visited Mrs'. Wood's sister; Mrs. Dave HislOp and her grandson David. Miss Cathy Dore spent the week end in Teeswater with her' cousin Dianne Dore. Mrs. Ken Milds of Lucknow visited do Friday with Mrs,. Don Dore. h 'A" Hig ) be iket ie 1 led le, fav Wien you purchase your weddine.invitations The Lucknow Sentinel you will receive one year's free subscription (value $6.00) to The Lucknow Sentinel • Earn while you learn *Guaranteed employment . at $10,000 on graduation MARINE NAVIGATION TECHNOLOGY *MARINE ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY 14 months paid sailing experience plus 22 rnpriths college study Admission requirements • Mature students (19 years or over) or • Secondary School Graduation Diploma , (candidates should possess 4th year credits as fOr technology programs 'in College. of Applied Arts , and Technology Calendars.) For Furth?, loth:nation write: Georgian College, Box '700, Owen Sound, Ontari0. 115 yeyetbserboot seitnsmett Ity Yr, (beat 4Atm St L Z"9" tytfitieb tedoyey, teetesented by Dometton Marble byte t -A , PROFESSIONAL • 0N TH.E.pREAT -LAKES • t. Wayne Nicholson Beverly Smith as the various money coins, and bills In Paris, Mrs. Collins saw the Arc de Triumphe, the Louvre, which houses the haunting "Mon'a well and the' Eiffel Tower as well as countless other places of 'interest. Tours were taken of the countryside surrounding Paris, and the breathtakingly beautiful palace of Versailles was viewed,_ as well as the cath- edral at Chartres, rustic sights' at Chateaudun Vendome, Tours, Chateau at Blors and Orleans', the city of the immortal Joan of Arc. Students returning from Greece fotind the fast paced cities ,having rush-hour traffice that . never ceased, while rural areas were peaceful,and backward. Food included such delicacies as boiled octopus, Which tastes like chicken. Be- sides spending a day with a Greek student; the Acropolis at. Athens and Delphi were viewed. FOR A COMPLETE. LINE OF PETROLEUM PRODUCTS PRAM-FILTERS AND ACCESSORIES Wm. A. "Bud" Homilton 6 FOOT STEEL POSTS 7 FOOT STEEL POSTS MANOVA WIRE HEAVY WIRE EXTRA HEAVY WIRE STAPLES AND BRACE WIRE WHOLESALE — RETAIL BURNER SERVICE , TRUCKS. EQUIPPED WITH 2 WAY RADIO FOR SERVICE CALL US TODAY' will be available for your -Haying and Harvest PRIPMITIP.111.0"1.41..."1.W.111"q”."11;"41.41"111”1 IS AROUND THE CORNER IT'S TIME' TO SEE. US FOR YOUR •• FENCING NEEDS TWINE DIAL 52114006 RES. 5316 p ring