The Lucknow Sentinel, 1973-04-04, Page 14►rrOW: MOnpY, money • If that house you've set your heart on is a bargain — if buying that cottage cuts- vacation costs — if your pi-operty will sell much better for a little improvement come in today to Victoria and Grey. Sometimes .a little money spent now saves a ' lot of money tomorrow. Call us?' PICTORIA VG . c.OmaANY S.NCE ',Best Lyle Zerbrige !Allow Elgin and Kingston Streets God rich 524-7381 • 111 • * •, Cheque out a crippled child today. See what your dollars can do. Support Easter Seals. Hotieing, Corporation; at the request of yout amnia, council, is,con Ider.lug the development of senior vitizen housing in the "town': TO. dterniine the local interest in, this type of acconitiodation, :survey question! mires are now being distributed.' Only By Filling Out A Questionnaire Can You Help To Determine Whether A Project Should Be Developed lifERI3ERT VILLAGg.OF.:t.-UCKNOW Mrs. Alice Cooley .of Tiverton and Krs. Ernie .Pollock left, on Friday•to visit with their sister and her husband, Mr. and Mrs. — Irwin Hulse at Schomberg and on Saturday to attend 'the wedding of, their grand ,niece there. • • • ••• • PAO", FOURTEEN. Also Harry Scott of.Ripley, who has been a patient in St. Joe's for several weeks after suffering a broken hip, has been transferred nearer home and is in Kincardine Hospital now. Looking after Mrs. Tena Outer- bridge at her home in Ripley is Mrs. Jean Ritchie of Kincardine. During the fall and early winter Mrs. Minnie Wyld was with Mrs. Outerbridge. Thit Week In Ripley . • • lb .0 • IR, BY AB WYLDS • • • • 0 • 01: THE INCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO. John Walden, son of Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Walden, was able to come home last. week to. Pine Riv 'er. John has been these long Months since last fall recovering froM serious injuries sufffered when'he' was run, over by .a bulldozer on a farm at Reid's ' Corners. All this time he has „n• been a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital in London. So it is nice to see him back, from St. Joe's last Friday morning, he was in Ripley walking with the aid of crutches. 'The 'funeral of Kenneth Mac- / Leod was held last Friday after- noon at the Robert, MacKenzie ----- Funeral Chapel in Lucknow fol- lowed by entombment at the . South Kinloss Mausoleum'. Later burial will be made in the Loch- alsh Cemetery. Kenny is survived • , by one:sister Margaret at Loch- ,nn alsh and a brother in. Western Canada. Kenny, for many years owned and farmed the Norman MacLeod farm at the corner of the 20th sideroad and the second concession of Huron Township. It is now owned by Donald. Mac - Tavish. Two` family members predeceasing him were John, who farmed the home farm west `of Lochalsh and Dr. Bill MacLeod °, for several years the Ripley den- tist prior to selling his, practice here to the late Dr. John A. Mac• Donald. • • • • • n Mrs. E. 0. Forrester of Ripley arrived home on Tuesday of last week after visiting for the past several weeks at the home of her son at San Francisco. Mrs., Forrester reports a nice trip and visit. Although the weather was cool' in Northern California , she was able to take walks along the seashore of the Pacific Ocean. 'S • * * Last Friday evening the Ripley Midgets 'travelled by bus for the fifth' and final garneiin their ser- ies with Thedford. Bach team had won one game away from home and two were ties. Last Friday evening Thedford won 3 to 2 although for some time in the game Ripley led beforepenal- ties caught up with them. Every- one says that the teams were even ly matched. Over the five games there was only-a difference of 3 goals between the two teams. Last Friday erening, in the last show 'of the Television series ' "Who am rt," from Wingham, two district residents were lucky earn- ing a total of three hundred dol- lars. Both shopping lists which were drawn from the hundreds in the big revolving drum at the. CKNX studio were from Hall's Red and, White Store in Lucknow and since it was a "Spot Light" store for last week the prizes were doubled. Miss Corinne Boyle, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Francis Boyle, concession 10 east in . , Huron Township, correctly identified the first as Rex Hagen who is on the Drop In Show and won 140 dollars in 'cash. Then Mrs. Gordon-Barger of Lucknow correctly identified the second picture as Anne Murray, who had, just been the star of a spec- ial one hour show prior to the Who am I show. Mrs. Barger got 160 dollars, and a third per- son came up with Gordon Sin- clair for 90 dollars., This made a record of 390 dollars paid out for thelast show in this series. • • • 10 • Recently Mr. and Mrs. Donald Bell of Islington, Ontario spent the week end with her aunt, Mrs. A. D. Mariyn, in Ripley. On Saturday Miss Annie MacLeod of Lucknow had dinner with Mrs. Niartyn and the Bells.. • • •• • Dan Wylds has a very interest- ing book concerning the history of a town in Western Canada. It was published as a centennial project in 1961, and is entitled "Vermilion Memories". The town of Vermilion is in. Alberta , locat- ed on fiat prairie land, high above the Vermilion River some SO to 90 miles east of Edmonton. It was started in 1905 with the cone ing of the railway. A small set- tlement, Breage, a few miles away, was, moved to the railway . .and renamed vermilion. The first Mountie was a MacDonald. and his picture is shown.' Listed among the early Settlers in the area is Kenneth Mciay. Among the pioneer families are many names quite familiar here - Hold ; Armstrong,' Bell, Brawn, Cameron, Chapman, Collins, DOdcis, Emerson, Farrell, Hamil- ton, Hill, Johnston, Kennedy, MacDonald, Murray, MacGregor, McGillivray, MacKinnon, Mac- Leod, Morrison, Morgan, Reid,' Scott, Smith, Stewart, Taylor, Thompson,' White and Wilson - all names still.to be found in this area. 'Then there are names which were well known here but are now gone such as McPhee, Telford and others. The book is written in sections by different people. It contains pictures and descriptions of early times in the West. Then in the ba.Ck of the book it features several coloured pictures of the present town - showing it to be a pleas- ant and scenic prairie town. • * * • • WEDNESDAY, All • CANOES COVER CONTINUED FROM Pk Standing committee cot for Kairshea Women's hist met Monday evening at of Mrs. Frank MacKenzie' compile annual reports. FRACTURED WRIST Leonard Machines had fortune to fracture 'his wrii will.have to wear a cast ft time, - Miss Betty Hamilton oil Fails spent the week end w parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gil Hamilton. • Denver Dickie was on tr business, trips for •Dominioi Machinery Co. last week i Milwaukee, Wisc. and Pei Maine. Linda Sparks was home Toronto for the, week end at their homes were Betty well from London, Heath Kenzie from Hamilton ant Walter Dickie from Teton VILLAGf OF 'LUCKNOW: • IF YOU ARE SIXTY YEARS OF AGE OR OVER • IF YOUR PRESENT ACCOMMODATION IS INADEQUATE ... • IF YOUR INCOME IS MODEST THIS IS OF INTEREST TO YOU! FURTHER INFORMATION AND• QUESTIONNAIRE ' FORMS ARE AVAILABLE TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS 40 YEARS OF AGE AND 'OVER AT THE: