The Lucknow Sentinel, 1973-02-28, Page 9COMING MARCH-7 • FOR 4 14YS. INTRODUCING The firm 'RESTRICTED' 1011.1ength animated cartoon feature A OMIT I ANC I :PAR...K. THEATRE 0040.04 Min r Suet Mon. J Tuo..6 THE MAN LEE VAN MED' • yar ..RETuRNol GUNSIGHT EYES IS SACK An ALBERTO GRIMALIN SOurdny Matinee 3- CAISPMEK SIMI° %) UNDERWATER InoOked by CITY JULE/SI/ERNE QM* __HOCKEY WO.A.A. INTERMEDIATE HOCKEY FINAL GROUP 2 STANDINGS Milverton Listowel 8 8 / .2 104 134 394, 18 Clinton 7 11 115 117 356 14 Lucknow 4 13 1 100, 149 264 9 . PEN. W L T GF GA MIN. PT . 15 •• 2 .1 183 98 .270 31 AVG. - PEN. GP GA GA MIN. Greg Hunter ..:;.° 8 58 7.25 10 / Gary Sutton 10 91 9.10 Lucknow's Dave McKinnon was seventh in the league's leading scorers with 36 points and John Emberlin was ninth with 34 points: l• WANTIIDS Pack Power ARRIVALS • D° 814s°Aigs • - • Chairs and Davenports 'PLAINS, PLAIDS AND VINYL Spacesavers •79.95 and up NEW SHIPMENT OF PLAQUES JUST ARRIVED MACHAN LUCKNOW PHONE 528-3008 VALUE - SERVICE • OEPENDABILITY RON wEDNEIDAY, FEBRUARY •2111ii, 103. THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO pA011 NINI hat, Fri, 2.. 443. • ••• •••1 = PAO- taFtra AngfiV~ApR BEK - PARA' GODERICH, ONT. 524 -7:11 s. itEINER SCHONE ''' "f 2 ul RIZZO.' as.11z.,(3, ls _ F_FFT2..!_r7iN.C_07:P_AR.9,.._7"FRANK.KRAMER = c..4,0i0 . •• 'KM as MONC104 4 6M AASUppa, uni";1 Arnim • ..1111111111110111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111110100.11111111111111111111111110111111111111111111111111111111111ii Lucknow • Dungannon. Cora ?Thompson rolled .a 245 ' game 'to take ladies high single this week. High triple was rolled by Beck Culbert with a 640 total.. Ladies over 225 were: Cora Thompson 245; Kay Collyer 243; Marion MacKinnon 241; Dean Ag- neW 239; Beck Culbert•228; Wil- ma Chisholm 225. , • This week only'two men reached the 250 mark. Jack Caes• ar•rolled high single again this week with a 277 infl" e Bill Button captured high tr(plfeof 673. He also. had 41256 game. Team standings are; Tigers 116, Zebras 95; Beayers 93; Cubs 92; • Squirrels 74; Wolverines 71; Chip- munks 68; Coon's 66; Gophers 61; Kangaroos 61, Lions 48; Pole Cats 27. Just one week left in the regular season. Watch next week's paper to find out which night your team bowls. • ta:cfie.s 6t30 p.m. 11•• o.• so. ••▪ • ••• OM a.• am▪ . enia 11•• N O . ••• Convention To Be At: Banff Centre The Sixth Triennial Convention of the Federated Women's Insti- tute of Canada will be held June 18-22, 1973' at the Banff Centre, Alberta. The theme of the Convention, "For Home and Country" , is the :risotto of the Federation which was formed in 1919 in Winnipeg. This motto has furnished the inspiration under which the organ- ization works in all Provinces and Territories of Canada. ,oWigios ev; *4 • • Town & Country. Ladies high single and double was again bowled by Anna Dex- ter with scores of 211 and 392. Harry Lavis took the high single at 201 with Mel King next at 199. Mel. King bowled the high double with a total of 352. Teatn points: Yellows 3, Reds 2; Oranges 3, Greens 2; Blues 3, Violets 2. Standings:` Violets' 74, Yellows 65, ,Greens 56, Oranges 51, Reds 47, Blues 37. KInloss League Alf Herbert was top bowler for this week with a single of 249' and a triple of 650. Anna Dex- ter was high lady with esingle of 192 and Doris MacKinnon had a high triple of 495. • Men over 200: Alf Herbert 249, 214; Lloyd°MacDougall 223, Ger- ald Rhody 213; William *Dickie 207. None of the ladies hit the 200 mark this week. Teath points: 'Ann MacDougall's Macs 0 ,-Doris MacKinnon's Wealthys (2 ,.Mary Lavis' Spys 7, Elizabetjtzffickie's Pippins 5. : Team standings: Wealthys 13,- Spys 71, pippins 71, Macs 65., Marion. MacKinnon rolled the high single .game of 254 and Grace Elliott the high triple of 578. . • Games of 20.0 and over: Marion MacKinnon 254, Grace Elliott 227 , Wilma Clark 253, Mildred Cameron 232, Maiiie Mather 217 , Olive Smith 202, Annie Gaunt 200, Thelma Brown 249 , Jean Phillips 211, Ferric: MacDon— ald 217. Team points:. Belle Mole's. Shrimps 5, Carol Maitin's Crabs. 2; Isobel Miller's Lobsters 5, Vana Gammie's Clams 2; Kath- leen IvlacDonaid's OysterS 4, Janet Machemon's Scallops '3. Team standings: Oysters 84; Scallops 83, IA-ksters 83:, Clarns 80, Crabs 78, Shrimps 75. Lets go teams ! Just two weeks remaining in our regular schedule. LUCKNOW INTERMEDIATE 'C' MINOR FINAL INDIVIDUAL STATISTICS C, . Player GP G A PT MIN Dave McKinnon 18 19 17 36 42 John Emherlin 17 . • 18 .16 34 21 16 11 ' 9 20 18 Doug Stevenson Mike Courtney 9 ° 9 10 19 8 John Fludder ' 15 11 Paul. Frayne 15 5 Ken Houston I 16 1 3 Ross Forster 9 4 Art Stanley 16 1 Don Mann • 17 6 Russ Mbncrief 6 4 : Bill Chisholm 17 Alan A Vrew 11 2 Gerrit DeJong a 3 John. McKenzie 7 Brian Jardine 6 4 15 6., 9' 14 12 10 13 2 '8 12 12 8 9 6° 2 8 27 4 • 8 10 7 7 33 4 6 9 3 3 • 3 4. 1 2 13 PEN. Buicks Top 9 p.m. League In the Men's 9 p.m. Bowling League Jack Caesar bowled'an 835 for the high' triple. Next in line Was Fr. Datinger with 689., Roy Finlayson 663, Clarence Greer 660 and Ted,Cooper with 650: Jack also rolled the high- est singles, 321 and 300. Other over 225 singles; Fred yi:)ung 277, Ted Cooper 277, Fr. Dentinger 274, 233; ClarenCe Greer 260, 226; Mel Corrin 250; Harold Ritchie .248, Roy Finlay- son 242, 235; Donald MacKin , • non 240, Gordon Fisher 233, Stuart Jamieson 230 and Howard Agnew 226. Teat points: Bill Stewart's Fords 0, Howard Agnew's Buicks 7; Jack Caesar's Olds 5., 6rant Cilishohn's Mustangs 2;. Clarence Greer's Pontiac§ 4, Bill Button's Dodges 3. • Team standing: Buicks 84, Pon- tiacs 83, Fords 76, Mustangs 67, 3 s 61 and Dodges 49. This was the last night of the• regular schedule. The' Buicks, are :he winners. Congratulations!! Actually the 2nd place Pontiacs' were even closet than it Appears - they lost the pinfall to the Dodges by Ipin - 2 more pins and they Vuld have tied with the. Buicks for '1st place, , • Next week the play-offs 'start. Grace 1-lopf bowled high single with 253 and also 'took high triple with 639. • Games 200 and over: Grace Kopf 253 and 202, Shirley Bolt 249 , Betty Emberlin 240 , Anna Johnstone 239, Lot-na Guay 226 , Rena Forster 220, Marie Stewart, Team points: Grace Hopi's Jelly Beans 5 , Marie Hoffmati's Chocolates 2; Marianna' Porter's Pepperminti 2, Dean Agnew's Gumdrops 5; Barb Sanderson's Ju Jubes 2, ,Lorna Guays Lollipops 5. Team standing: Chocolates '95, Gumdrops 85, Jelly Beans 83, Ju Jukes 81, Lollipops 72, Pepper- mints .67. Mens 7' p.m.. High single of the evening went to Ron Stanley with a 283 score. High triple was Dave Humphrey with a 110 score. Games over 225: Ron Stanley w283, 234, Evans Helm 280, Dave Humphrey 267 , 263, George Humphrey 266 , Rick Orr 233, 225, George Stanley 231, Allan Rhody 226 , Wayne Todd 226, 'John Hogan 225. ' Team points:, Wayne Rhody's Owls 2, Evans Helm's Cardinals 5; Ron Stanley's yultures 0, George Stanley'S Hawks 7; Art Purney's Sparrows 5, George Hurnphrey's Crows 2. Play-off standings:' Hawks 7, Cardinals 5, Sparrows 5, Owls 2, 4OWS 2, Vultures O.