The Lucknow Sentinel, 1973-02-28, Page 3PAGE'THREE — STAPLETON - Neil and Nancy R. R. 2 'Auburn , 'are proud to announce the birth of their fifth daughter on .February 25th at Wingliam and District Hospital. • MORRISON, - in Wingharri and District Hospital on Friday, Feb- ruary,23rd , 1973 to Mr. and Mrs. Douglas MorriSon of R. R. 5 Lucknow , a daughter. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 28th, 1,73. I. THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, .kticKNowf, ;MARJO When it comes to RED& WHITE BUYNENEEK FOOD STORES BEST BUY! -- ASSORTED Pouch Packs °MARCH taexsnor 5i 99c FEATURE! 12.02. Tin KAM Lunch Meat 53c I MIT ORANGE PEKOE LADA TEA BAGS" SEW BUYI OWEN mffilvEltuay nwr ofFEm . PACKAGE ING 'SIZE TIDE $1.68 MIXCift MATCH, - FANCY CUT WAX. ON CUT GREEN BEANS 14 FL at. nes EL MONTE'Ciiiii4 Fruit Drinkt 41160`c BY THE BASKET BUSHEL LEASE BRING. EMPTY BUSHEL A WHITE PHONE 528-3001 Mr. and Mrs., Roy Hawley, Le*s• lie and 'Pamela of Oshawa spent the week end with Mrs. Lorne Woods of Lucknow. Mr. and Mrs. 'Wayne Nixon and, 'family of Ripley and Mrs. John Emerson of Lucknow were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Nixon, Belfast. Orland ,Richards of Lucknow re- turned last Friday from a three week holiday in, Florida and a week in Sparta, New Jersey with his son George Richards and fam- ily. • Mrs. Jim O'Donnell and Mr. and Mrs: Glen Porter of Lucknow motored to Hamilton Wednesday, February 21st to attend the last rites and burial of the former's 'son, the late Terry O'Donnell, who lost his life in a car accident on February 6. Also present were Mrs. Terry (Anne) O'Donnell of Hamilton: Mr. and Mrs. Gord King (Sharon O'Donnell) of R. R. 3 Jarvii;, MA. Margaret Paton and Mrs. Carl Elliott, both of Hamil— ton. Rev. Father. B. RaS'imacher of Caledonia had'oharge of the Service. JOHNSTONE - Rev. Bob and Marilyn are delighted to announce the birth' of a daughter, Sara Ivlarilynne, in Victoria•Hospital, London, on February 22, 1973, a sister for Marc, and a grand daughter for Mr. and Mrs. Harold 'Johnstone, Parkhill. Mrs. Lloyd Hall Of Lucknow re- turned home on February 10. from •Wingham and District Hospital • where she had been a patient.for three weeks. 'I am enclosing a money order . for $5..95 for. "The Fans Go Wild , Paul Henderson's Miracle". , Luck now can be proud of their home- town hockey player. Please send' me a copy of the book" , writes Miss 'Hilda Twamley of London. Father and Son Boy Scout Banquet Held In lucknow The Lucknow Boy Scout Assoc - iation held their Father and Son banquet in the Lucknow United Church on Saturday , February Following Grace by Rev. Nich- olls, Don Cameron proposed a toast to the Queen. The banquet was prepare and. served by the Mothers of t e Cubs and Scogts. Jack 'Trele ven, 'local chair- man, welco ed those present and spoke brie on area scouting activities. Norman Taylor thanked the ladies for preparing the meal and Mrs..Jack 'Treleaven replied on behalf of the ladies. An account was given by David Aalders on the background and work of Baden Powell in organiz-' ing the Boy Scout Association. A toast was proposed by Michael McDonagh to the fathers and lead- ers 'to which Barry McDonagh re- plied. Rev. 'Nicholls spoke briefly on the contribution of scouting to the growth 'of a boyi4 character and moved a vote of thanks to leaders lvlorrisbn, Ambrose Redrhond ENOAGWENI. EEDY BLACK Mr. and Mrs. John M.' Black , R. R. 4 Calgary, Alberta are pleased to announce the engage- ment of their ,daughter Beth Elaine to Mr. Franklin George Eedy, son of Mr. and Mrs. Heber J. L. Eedy of Dungannon. Ontario. The wedding will take place March 10, 1973 in Parkdale United Church, Calgary. 55TH ANNIVERSA RY CONTINUED FROM PAGE-1 dance at Poilsonby. School on Fri-' day., February 23, to which their friends were invited.. Mr.. and Mrs. Gammie were married in Lucknow on February 27,.1918. Mrs, Gammie, born in West Wawanosh, was the former Ellen Jane Woods. They have a family of four twenty-three grandchildren and two• great grandchildren: and Bill Searle for theft: fine work Following reports given by Jim Morrison and, Bill Searle on activ. ities'of the groups during the past, year , a film was shown titled • Paddle to the Sea. Mrs. Irene Dineen. and Mrs, Gertrude Crough of Toronto spent the week end with Mrs. Jim O'Donnell and Austin. Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Dineen and Gerald . were Sunday visitors ,with all. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph O'ConnOr of Elora visited with Mrs. Jim O'Donnell and Austin last week. Mrs. J. C. Johnstone has been a patient in St. Joseph's Hospit- 1 in London where she under- ent surgery on Monday of last ' eek. On Tuesday, eight members of e executive 'of the Bruce Co. omen's Institute Rally met at e home of the secretary treas- er Mrs: Ken McKinnon of Port gin. After a noon luncheon the. resident,Mrs. Wm. Arnold took barge of the meeting. Plans ere made for the rally being' eld in ChesleFon Thursday, ctober 18th with the Bruce East istrict as hostess.• "To-day Is he Day" Was the theme chosen Or the meeting. •