The Lucknow Sentinel, 1973-02-21, Page 1761. ••N. • I. • I •
os. • '44'"44%C-P'06.0 444i. tt ittl01F tt „9
,cknow Native Supports Pool Fund,
stains Keen InterOstin Hi.s Rome Town
. 366 Ridgewood Ave. ,
Charlotte , N.C. 28209
D. Thompson,
Lucknow Sentinel,
know; Ontario, Canada.
leems mere the logical per7
to ;end, my-donation to the
f Fund as your Father and I
<e about it' being the next fund
e at the time of the Ice Arena
°nation is' in the memory of a
friend and former employer
{McDonald, who for years
z the "1917 Cadet Picture gen-
ion" a fine swimming hole
living board at his grist and
;lime dated December.15th.,
1g with a letter regarding my,
rly nostalgic visits to the, old
rn'in hole,. was misplaced and
McCallum and I left the
Le day for the sunny South for
Winter. Our mail is forward7
mice a week and the home
n paper gets more enjoyable
informative every year. Its
resting‘to read about the com-
ay spirit in sports and all
other activities and including the
many changes "in the name of
Progress." A paper like yours
(along with your present Reeve)
makes any small town Big.
Getting back .to, the Cadet pic-
ture of 1917.which includes pub-
' lic school pupils; Now , 55 ..
years, 2 kids'.and 8 grandchildren
later, it seems' that this unforget='
table journey, in• the tritest of
phrases. happened only yester-,
day. Hope the years have been •
good to the Cadets remaining as
they have been to us. .My only`
complaint is that they've gone
by much too fast and the pace
keeps increasing. •
If I had literary talent I could
write a few short interesting stor7
ies of Luc know (that you
won't find in your "Looking back
column") or on our last 25 years
in the "Jungles of Detroit".
Wishing you and yonrs a Happy
and Prosperoui New Year.
James McCallum.
1913 PLYMOUTH Satelite 4' door, 6 cylinder, /automatic
1973 DART Swinger, 2 door hardtop, 6 cylinder automatic
1973 FORD half ton
1972 CHEV Impala, 2 door hardtop, V8 automatic, power
steering and power brakes
1972 'PONTIAC Catalina 4 door hardtop, power equIpped
1972 DART Special 4 door, power equipped with radio
1972 BUICK La Sabre Special, full power with air conditioning
1970 FORD •Custom SOO, 4 door V8 automatics
1970 FORD Galaxie 500, 4 door hardtop, power equipped ,
970 FORD XL, 2 door hardtop
970 MONTEGO 4 door, 6 cylinder automatic
968'CHEV van, heavy duty equipped'
968 DODGE Polat;) SOO, 2 door hardtop
967 BUICK Wildcat 4 door hardtop, fully equipped
967 PONTIAC Grand Parisienne, .4 door hardtop
'•YIN PHONE 523-4342
MA. Elmer Osborne attended
the wedding of her grandson John
McCallum of Hanover and
Denyse Contrastky of Willowdale
on Saturday, February 3rd at
Don Mills: The happy couple•
will be residing in'. Guelph.
Both are students at the Univer- •
sity of Guelph.
Donnie.,Rail. and Ronnie Peter- •
son of T oronto spent last week
holidaying with'DavicMgg.
Mrs. Douglas Wrightson and
family of Tiverton visited with •
Mr. and Mrs'. Robert Osborne
and family and Mrs. Elmer •
Osborne,on Sunday.
Mrs. David Rigg and Adon
returned home on Sunday after
spending last week in Toronto
with relatives and friends. •
Mrs. Doug Moore and INlichael
of Ripley, and Mrs. Gordon Mauer
of Huron Park visited with their-
parents Mr. and Mrs. Oscar White
and May on Saturday.
Miss Darlene Coiling visited
with her grandmother Mrs. Mel-
vin Coiling on the week end.
Mr. and •Mrs. John Fludder and
baby Dawn of Lucknow' called' on.
Mr. and-Mrs. Ray Hamilton and
Wendy and Mrs. W. ,R. Hamilton
on Saturday afternoon.
Mrs. Doug. Moore and children
of Ripley visited with Mr. and
" Mrg. Oscar White last -Monday.
a tender price of $411.06 ;the.
loWest receiVed. .
• *
The village renewed its agree
ment with International Business
Machines. for the processing
and handling of the tax state-
ments for the municipality.
Requests for donations from the
'Bruce COunty Pldwmen's Assoc—
iation (who suggested $50), who
are preparing for the Internation-
al Plowing 'Match in Bruce in •
1976 and the St. Johns Ambulance
Corps were not acted' on.
* *
Reeve Joynt, reporting .on the ,
progress of the medical centre,
stated that an invited tender had
been received but was 'too high
and the committee :is presently
waiting on a, further tender. Arch-
itects fees o approximately .'
$3400 were recently paid by the
* *
Further discussion centred on the
feasibility of the village employ-
ees handling main street snow re-
moval. This had received. discus7
tossed around again at the Feb-
sion at an earlier Meeting and was
ruary meeting. Total cost last
winter, for snow removal, paid
to contractors, was $2180, for
trucking. and $808 for• •
loading. A. 600/0 grant is recover-
ed on this cost.
• * .5
Dog owners beware. Council
commented that it was time again
to be thinking of tying dogs and
that action by•council would have
to be taken in this regard.
* •
Reeve Joynt said that he felt
the cost of cutting grass in the
municipality was too,higliduring
the summer, months with the' ,
town having a variety of lawns
and area to keep trimmed. He
said that consideration.will be
given in the future to buying a
riding lawn mower.
• * •
Councillor Whitby commented.
on problems with the use of pellet
guns, in the village and it was
decided to publish in The.Sentin-
el, the •by-law. governing the use
of pellet guns and fire arms with-
in the. municipality.
A motion was passed that a
letter be sent to James Lyons in-
forming him that unless a 'build-
ing being erected on his property
conformed to the local building
regulations, it should cease at
A letter from Grant Gollan of
Lucknow requested permission to
erect a '10 by 40 mobile home on
a permanent foundation on his.
property. No decision was made
on this" request.
* * • *
Roy 'MacKay and Mac Conley'
of Luc know appeared before
Lucknow Village Council on Tues.
day of last week to discuss prob-
lems of water run-off and insuf-
ficient drainage in their area in
the north-west corner of the vill-
Mr. MacKay indicated that
proper drainage for that area had
been needed for some time and
that it had been resid-
ents of that section of town a long
time ago. • '
Reeve Joynt told the two 'men
that prdvincial subsidies on road
work had been cut down
drastically and that many needed
projects in town had, to be cut
back because of lack of funds.
Ind this regard , hestated that he
and the clerk were arranging a ,
meeting in Toronto to discuss
problems Of this nature with the
government,: •
He indicated that much of the
44 •
money spent on drains, bridges
and sidewalks' during earlier years
was money well spent because
today the' necessary funds to do
these jobsris not available.
He said the two men had a
"legitimate beef" and that the
drain would be done when money
became available: Mr. Joynt
indicated that a drain must go in
to handle water run off frOm Vic-
toria Street at the Wheeler Street
PHONE 52140113,
. " •
* •
/Vex Havens was rehired as
building inspector at a salary of
$400 per year and bylaw officer
At a salary of $500 per year.
A. E. Herbert was rehired for
1973 as clerk-treasurer at a basic
salary of $8400, $900 for•high- •
way auditing and accounting and
tax collector's fees at a rate of
7% on arrears. Council further .
recommended thai increments
be made to bring, his salary tip to
$10,000 by 1975. .
Cliff Crawford was rehired as
town foreman at A salary of
$7000 With time and one-half
after .44 hours.
Eldon Miller was hired a assist.
ant to town foreman at a salary
of $5376 based on $2.35 per
hour and overtime at time and
i'one -half after 44 hours.
Sick leave was set out as fol-
lows: after nine months emi)loy-
Mem. 1 day per month to a .
maximum' of 180 days. On term-1
ination of, employment , half
credit is, paid in cash after five
years semice.
• •• •
Dog tag fees Were set; each
male or spayed female $4; each
additional male or spayed fe-
male $6; each female $10;' each
Additional female $15.
• •