The Lucknow Sentinel, 1973-02-21, Page 10WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 21st, 1M itA4)!,Titi THE: .LUCKNOW 'SENTINEL, 1.,PCKNOW.,,. ONTARIO Mrs. G. W: Joynt gave two suitable readingS in connection with citizenship, of which she is chairman. Mrs., Eldon Hender- son of the special occasion com- mittee stated they had called on Mrs.. Ed Thom on the occasion of her 91st birthday and made 'mention of Miss. Catherine MacGregor's approaching one hundredth birthday in March. 'The offering was received by Mrs. V. Hunter and Mrs. E. Dunsmuir and dedicated by Mrs. R. Adkert. ' The program was in charge of the. Community Friendship corn- mittee , with Mrs, Garfield Mac- Donald chairman. The theme was Kindness. Scripture and med itation, in keeping with the ' theme , were presented by Mrs. Jim Mathers and Mrs, Hunter. Two pleasing solos •were Chalmers Wdll WHITECHURCH NEWS, On Thursday , February 15 Chalmers Presbyterian Women's Missionary Society held their meeting at, the home of Mrs. Earl Caslick. The president Mrs. Wm. Rintoul presided and gave the call to worship. 'Mrs. John- ston Conn was organist. Mrs. Rintoul extended a warm welcome to all and gave a poem Law of Love. The scripture was read by Mrs. WM. Evans. The meditation One Day at a Time was given by. Mrs., Wallace Conn and Mrs. Robert Mowbray led in prayer. A reading "It Matters Not" was given by Mrs. Robert Ross. .Plans were made for the Worlds Day of Prayer,, which is to beheld in, the Unitedf Church on March, 2nd at 2 p.m. Mrs. Wallace Conn was to arrange for a speaker. The March meeting of the group will be held at the home of Mrs. Vic- , The roll call was answered by an attendance of 15 telling which of the 10 commandments they found hardest to keep. • The fourth commandment keeping the Sabbath Day was the one hardest .to keep, The offering was ded- icated by Mrs. 'Victor Emerson. A. poem "He knows the Way' was given bye. Mrs. Gordon Rintoul. The treasurer Mrs. Johnston Conn gave her report. A i0¢ .fee per member was collected for Plesby- terial Expenses. All sang' Blest are the pure in heart and MrS. John de Boer gave the closing prayer. Tlie grace was sung and Mrs. Caslick served lunch: Mrs. Victor Emerson thanked the hostess for her hospitality. The topic "Times That Try the Soul" was given , by Mrs: - Wesley Tiffin. We know we are living in days' that try the souls of folks. Orders of the day are spirit of laWlessness i mobS, protests, disregard for laws, vio- lence; hatred, bloO'dshed, con- tempt for God arid man. God tells us that to those who are' faithful, I will keep you:. The lesson we need •to learn is that all our hope rests in what Christ has done for us. FeW Christians • to day live as 'Christians should. Ali Christians should have a hum- ble heart, a willing mind and an obedient mind, so he can rest in the sure prornise of God, given . to all who put their trust in Him.. GIVE... so more will live HEART FUND • rendered by Mrs.. Eunice Duns- rnuir accompanied by Mrs: Wes Fitchiec Mrs. MacDonald made further cornment\on the importance of visiting, a great opportunity to bring cheer to the lonely and shut-ins. Hymn 876 and. prayer !,lathers closed the meet. LUCKNOW UNITED CHURCH Rev. Robert. Nicbolla, B.A. Minister, FEBRUARY 25th 10 am. Sunday School 11 a.m. Morning Worship Youth Service (dress casual) Those wishing transportation to church contact Win. G. Minter 528-2741 POINT TO PONDER Christianity has not failed, it has never been tried. Dean Inge Lucknow Presbyterjan Church Rev. Glenn Noble, B.A., B.D. Minister Phone 528-2740 FEBRUARY 25th 16:00 a.m. Sunday School 11 a.m. Morning Worship .i....1•0%•••••••".".^~,•0%^^^-^"7"-^"....- Noftel...W.:".•••••••••••M06"."00..0 0040,60% LUckNOW CHRISTIAN REFORME.D CHURCH • J. W. Van Stempvoort• Pastor Services: 10:00 a.m. Service 2:30 p.m. Service VISITORS WELCOME. New Young' Women's Chqrch. Group Formed On Tuesday, February 13th the younger women of the Presby . terian congregation 'met in the Church basement. The group got off to a very lively beginning with yoga exer- cises led by; Linda Johnston. Linda plans to do some research- and continue these' exercises at future' meetings. The Worship Service was led, .by Nancy Brown. "He's Got the Whole Wor.10" was sung' by every - one..' Scripture passages were read by Marg Wilson, Lorerie Conley , Donna, Moffat and Jessie Johnston. The closing' prayer was read by June Gilchrist. A very amusing game called "Inflation" was then played. It was led by Donna Johnston and Lloya iNlicholsOn. Assignments were given out and each group, had to bargain with each other to, get the required, articles to corn , plete these assignments. This game caused irritation and ten- sion but everyone hated to see it A very lovely .lunch was then served. Over coffee, plans were disettssed for future meetings. The next meeting will be held' on March 13th,. Roll call for this' meeting is to bring a friend. 4,..r° BROWNIE NEWS On Tuesday, February 13th the LuCknow Guides and Browniesjoin- ed. together for a 'skating party at the arena. We were happy to' . have Mrs. A. E. McKim join us and skate along with the Guides and Brownies. • After an hour of skating every- one enjoyed a lunch of sandwich- es, chocolate milk and valentine cookies, before going home. Kairshea WI The Kairshea W.I.. met at the homo of Mrs. Harry day, February '14th, Citizenship was the theme.. The sung and . The Mary Stewart lest repeated,': Thei President, Mrs.130b Gilchrist, welcomed members and visitors. The .scripture "Qod. is Love" was read by, Mts. 'Lloyd. MacDougall, . Members were asked to keep the following dates in mind - District Directots meeting, with Kairshea as hostess, will be held' March 20th in the Lucknow Town Hall. 'The Officers:cooference, May ,2 at Waterloo, Mrs. Lloyd MaOl5ougall a delegate is to attend. Achievement Day for .the Short 'Course "Workifig with, Knits" will•be held in •FOrmosa Community Hall the evening of April 3rd .at 7.30 p.m. ....The roll call was answered by .Citizenship 'is. a lot of little , things ''-na me one..A . convener was needed to fill. theoffice of Citizenship and' World Affairs fa the' District. . • Frank MacJ( ,zje was appointed 'to fill, this 'Office. Mrs. Ira Dickiegave2 Valentine readings 7 "To My Val entine" and "A 'Valentine .for the Rural'Honsewife".. Mrs. Roy'. Finlayson told points of interest of a trip. she 'had to 'the Ccirrilitaa a few. years back: •• • A Commentary What about Canada attracted you? - Mrs.. Tom Day , . Mrs .. Philip Steer.from 'Eriglandand Ivies. Hank Harte- mink from Holland. .Tactilold of their planS to come to danada and experiences and. impressions since coming. .Each cornmen- tary was made very interesting. • ' CUrrent. 'Events were Mrs.. Parrish Moffa t.. . cOntest.was conducted by Mrs. Allan .Mae-.- Donsall.' O. Canada was sung . followed by The' Institute Grace. Lamb was served by the hOstess and directors Mrs . Frank MacKei tie and Mrs. 'Lloyd; MacDougall, The Match' meeting is at the bOme of. Mrs. Hank Harternink on. TbursdaY ,, March 15th.. Come for dessert at I p, m. , the rneot. ing to. f011ow • • LUOCnOW 1KW General Meeting The new president, Mrs. Ra nerd Ackert preiided for the first general meetingvf Lucknow Unit- ed-Church Women for 1973. She • opened the meeting with a chal- lenging reading for the coming year. The minutes of the last general meeting were read by Mrs.: Harvey Houston and approved, as • well' as reCoMmendations from the. executive. The follov‘ing appointments were made, Mis. Raynard Ackert to the official board, Mrs. George Newbold to the Board of Stewards, Mrs. Jack:Treleaven to the manse committee, and Mrs. Robert Nicholls and Mrs. Ken Cameron • to the Christian Education corn- • mittee. All Standing motions. were renewed for a two year period. The U. C. W. will give support to another family nite as they did in 1972... Mardi 10th ,was announ- ced as Presbyterial Day in Walk- erton and March:2 as World Day 'of Prayer in' the Christian Reform- ed Church. The corresponding secretary Mrs. K. Cameron reid many notes of appreciation from chose reinembered at Christmas time and at time of bereavement. A letter of thanks was alsso read from the Bank of Montreal ack- nowtledging the catering service for their opening. , Rev. Nich011S presented by map, suggestions of changing boundary lines in our Presbytery. Discussion follovied and opinions on this matter are, to, be forward- ed .to Mrs. G. Murray, of Harris- ton. Mrs..Gordon Morrison of the'Program planning committee announced Mrs. Marion Harrison of Atwood, who recently travel- led India , would be speaker for the Spring Thankoffering, April 4h. We anticipate her message , as. w.e continue Our study On,_ India in 1973.. ' Mrs. Vernon Hunter presented the suggested budget for this year in the absence of Mrs. G. New- bOld financetchairman, due to illness. $3,355 will be the ob- jective , .$1500 of this amount will, be allocated to the Mission • and:Service Fund of the United Church of Canada: The treasur- er's report showed 102 fees paid and $268.51 raised to date. Re ports on Supply and Welfare were given by Mrs. Alex Andrew literature by Mrs. Bryce Elliott. tor Wybenga. 4.INVITATIONS tg) ANNOUNCEMENTS it INFORMALS 0 ACCESSORIES LET . US ASSIST YOU WITH YOUR . WEDDING PLANS COME IN AND ASK FOR YOUR FREE' .BRIDAL GIFT l'EpIsfER.