The Lucknow Sentinel, 1973-02-07, Page 17• THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, 1,1)C1010)11i,. ONTARIO SEVENTEEN r7SDAY.,.,OEBRIPARY 7th, 1.973 '1 '11 SUMMER IS DRAWING CLOSER ,— HAVE YOU DONATED T.O. THE POOL FUND? SUPPORT THE ONGSBRIDOE CASH BIN GO IEBRUARY 16th 11 • Whicher, member, of par- It for Bruee Riding,-favours urn of capital punishment ' t degree murder. owing is the speech he del- in the House of Commens S . Speaker, many excellent, les haVe been given on the t that we are' now debating. most controversial bill that )re us, yet a most import, e. Certainly it is import- a convicted murderer „" who )e condemned to death as a of this debate, and .it is tant to all Canadians who to do their very best for is insofar as it affects the of all of its citizens.' A ry 'which is not ruled by ,fair and guarantees justice for in trouble indeed. May I my my compliments to ' us members , particularly , olicitor' General himself, • are, opposed to capital punish- . I respect their views and incerity with which they are rated; but I do not share , Without any twang to my ience whatsoever,. I tell you, under certain circumstances, for capital punishment and )e that the present bill before defeated. My feelings. can imme.d up in one statement„,„ re any country begins to think of the criminal than it does e victim, then that country deed in a horrible state ass Inch er Favours Return Of Capital y concern and where I ask that Lai punishment be re-initiated. anada is where it applies to. • irst degree Murderer. The !idual who kidnaps a little and finally strangles her, the ' who shoots a bank teller, the who over a period of months ms his wife, the iridividtial puts a time-bomb in a plane. 'on.sequentiy kills dozens of - :',ent people; this is the type. ime that I describe as first ee murder. Let us not forget he professional killer, the. • RNOLD'S GENEkAL STORE SHTON'S DEPT. STORE ' ANK OF MONTREAL EDY'S BAKERY INLAY DECORATORS ONTGOMERY MOTORS CDONAGH INS. & REAL ESTATE VILLAGE man who 'kills for a price. Tliese examples are premeditated murd er and a criminal of this nature, many of whorn'have been in and out: of jail many times should be eliminated from society. Are my honourable. friends sug- gesting that law and order have not deteriorated in 'the' past five years? If they are, then they should start reading the paper's'. Let us look at that great country to the south of us for a moment. Last year , there were ten times' as many murders in New Yorf City as there 'were in Canada , twice as many in Detroit as in our country, It is not safe , Mr. Speaker , to walk down, the streets of those 'two cities by oneself be-' cause ,of muggings and other crimes of violence, and the same can' be said of other American cities. Thank Heaven that we have not reached that stage in' Canada as yet , but we would be fools not to admit that it could happen right here if our laws are not enforced much more stringent ly, than at present. The average Canadian crimin- al is now , if he knows his way, through the system, able to all but escape meaningful punish- ment. He can plead psychological unfitness, • economic d'eprivatidn, drug abuse, alcohol use, poor social environment and 'first conviction fer a particular crime as mitigat- ing circumstances. Once sent- enced, he has his day, parole, compassionate leave, holidays, automatic remissions, good be- haviour and the Lord only knows what all else which effectively reduces his time in prison, if such has been the sentence , to' about one-half of the sentence imposed. It is no wonder to-day that people do not understand the courts.and the judicial system. The man in the street is quickly losing faith in justice. The officiali in society seem to be oh' the side of the criminal.'Crime rates rise', not because of social or economic conditions, but be- cause persons, realize 'that little or. nothing happens, to them even • , when convicted, Certainly capital punishment will stop few from committing murder. However, re-establish- ing capital punishment and in. fact more strict punishment in general for social crimes, will, restore greater faith in our. judic- ial system; It will give greater vitality to person' who wish tro lead good' lives. • It will give people a. greater 'sense of security. Soc- iety will benefit. The old con= cept of reward and punishment will not be a relic of the past. It will reverse the too often. criminal trend of our present society.' Our Solicitor General tells us that there is now compensation„, for victims' of crimes. One could ask the solicitor 'general, • through you Mr. Speaker , how one compensates the ViCtim of a murderer. The most that we pduld do is to pray for such a vic- tim, he or 'she has passed all • other compensation. It is. interesting to note that practically all guards, practical- ly all policemen, are for capit- al'punishment. These are the people who really come :into" contact with all criminals includ ing murdereri. Policemen. Mr. • Speaker., are not fools; they are , not pigs.and they, are not fuzz. They are men and women, who' are average Canadians like those of us here, who have accepted - the dangerous job of making life for all, citizens a better and a' safer one. But Mr., Speaker, many criminals are laughing' at the police to-day. They scorn them •and as a matter of fact in many' instances, society takes Visiting with Mr, and Mrs. George Moncrief recently was Iv- an Moncrief of Penticton, British Columbia, Mr. And Mrs. Wayne I-hinter and Jennifer of London . and Russell Moncrief of University of Guelph. / • Mr. and Mrs. Ross MacKenzie and boys spent a week end.in Toropto recently with .Mr. and Mrs.. Bill Barrett and family and Mr. and Mrs. Ray MacKenzie. John Bradley of Toronto spent the week end' with Mr. and Mrs. •Eldon Bradley.. John is enjoying his studies in • medicine at University of Toronto. .Week.end visitors with Mr. and, Mrs. Ross MacKenzie and family • were Charlene and Lynda Barrett of ,Scarboro and Frank and John Zechner of Union- ville. . The David Elphick family were in aidgetown On Saturday at the wedding of Don. Alton. Several in the area have had the flu , 'which has been prevalent in the schools. Mrs. Emile MacLennan, Flor- ence and Sandy, accompanied by Mrs. Bruce Millar of Palmersto spent the week end in Sarnia with Mrs. Ian Morton and Punishment the side of the criminal and not the police. Deny it if you wish, but it its a fact. May I ask you Mr.. Speaker', why,a .policeman should risk his life against an armed criminal Who may possibly kill him and then get out of jail in eight or ten years. Why should' a guard in a penit- entiary face men known as 'Lifers", who have nothing to lose? They .are supposedly in- carcerated for life and if they • kill one guard or ten, they can not be punished more than now.' The cards are stacked against the guards. Mr. Speaker, a dog is supposed to be man's ,best friend, and yet there are some dogs that be- come mad and must be destroyed. Unfortunately, we have some men who become mad also, and, they too.' must be destroyed for the sake of society. In conclusion, may I add that I believe that such murderers should. be eliminated as Painless- ly as possible.. Perhaps a tran- quillizing pill and a shot of gas would- be' the answer to those people who claim that capital punishment is a matter of vengence. . Let us not forget that the vast majority of Canadian citizens conscientiously believe that capital punishment for first degree murder Mould be re-initiated. Let 'us as members of parliament represent the views of those who sent us here in the first place. Capital punishment 'must' come back where the criminal.Beyond' a shadow of a doubt has commit- ted first degree murder;, it will Make Canada a Safer' and a better place in which to live. Play Lions adiO Bingo ON CKNX • STARTING ON FEBRUARY 12 Cards Available at Following Locations MARTIN'S GENERAL.STORE MAYFAIR RESTAURANT C. E. MacTAVISH LTD. MAXWELL'S 'GENERAL STORE JAMIESON'S GENERAL STORE ICINTAIL 'GENERAL STORE SCHMID'S JEWELLRy CHINA issmesnimiumgminnumily Amer LOCHALSH W. J KINGSBRIDGE _You'll Get a Good Deal from Us MOTOR SALES. LTD; St. David St., t oderich 524-9449 Just ask your friends. You can rely on us for fair estimates, reasonable, costs, expert work. After accident damage or just daily wear and tear;' let us restore, your car's like-new look. ' FRONT END ALIGNMENT SPECIALISTS Windshield Replacement at. Competitve Prices MILLS Congratulations to Mr. and ,Mrs., Tony Miltenburg on the 'arrival of their son at the, Wing- ham and District Hospital• last MondaY. Janie Van Schip of Holland is ' visiting her sister, Mrs. Tony Miltenburg, Mr: Miltenburg and family. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Mirsman and family of London'were week -end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Dalton. Mr. and Mrs. Tony Middigael and •family of Blyth were Sunday visitors with Mr.. and Mts. Jack Van Osch.. VISITED FATHER IN HOLLAND Reis Miltenburg returned home last Monday after visiting for two weeks with his father in Holland • and reports that his fattier was in much improved health. INJURED IN HOCKEY GAME ' Michael Courtney, a member of the Lucknow Intermediate - Hockey team was injured during a game with Listowel in the Luck- now Arena on Sunday afternoon. He received deep laceration to his mouth which required about twelve stitches and also chipped ' a front tooth.. LUCKY THURSDAY Last Thursday was 'a lucky' day at the. Peter. Van'Osch home.. In the,morning Betty won an erect- ric hair curler set' on the "One" contest on CKNX Radio and that night Pete was the winner of.a quilt in a draw 'at the N.F. U. meeting.' INMIZED FOOT , Jim Sinnett is wearing a walk- ing cast after breaking a small bone in his foot' during a volley- ball game. at the school last Tuesday evening.' "Winter Sale Sill On