The Lucknow Sentinel, 1973-01-31, Page 15ALL SIZES AVAILABLE AND THE PERFECT SLEEPER PHONE' 5284013 A special meeti of Kinloss Council was held 8 p.m. on January 22nd to tare the road program for they r 1973. The Reeve and all Council were pres- ent. It was , felt that more money was needed for constniction so a motion was made to apply to the Ministry of Transportation and Communications for $15,000 sub- sidy payable for consultation. Licenses were issued to: Holy- rood Hall and 'Whitechurch Com- munity Hall for the years 1973-74. • • r ome, Wayne's brother is' a charter member of this club. Flu is prevalent in'this With the smallest amount of snow around for many years for - this time of the winter , farmeri have no difficulty with blocked. • lanes at the present. forimo asincorsams "WELL WORTH LOOKING FOR" EFFECTIVE MON., JAI‘4L 29:TO SAT., FEB. " WATCH FOR THESE *ADS THEY'LL SAVE VDU MONEY KICSATILO SPRAY SPRAY 14 ounce . SUGG. LIST $1.79 BAYER ASPIRIN TABLETS 10C1 CEPACOL Anti-Bacterial MOUTHWASH & GARGLE 14 Ounce SUGG. LIST $1.49 Colgate, DENTAL CREAM WITH MFP Super Size Winterfresh Or Regular o4 7.. 'LYSOL DEOPORIZER/DISINFECTANi CONFIDETS FEMININE NAPKINS 12's SUGG.. LIST 74c BAN ULTRA DRY . ANTI-PERSPIRANT SPRAY 0 ounce SUGG. LIST $1.69 WE. RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES I.D LUt KNOVV ELMER NOM, • A DISCOUNT . -PHARMACY. ...rfjONE. 5283004. MESDAY JANUARY 31, 1973 THE. LUCKNOW SENTINEL, 14/CKNOW.,.ONTARIO PAGE FIFTEEN Car Damaged In Friday Accident . ZION NEWS • Brenda Ritthie and. Barbara Wilkins "escaped possible serious injury on Friday evening when Brenda , driver of her car, was proceeding east on highway 86 in, Aont of Alfie Paterson's farm whiCh is at the Langside corner. With fog hindering visibility, Brenda was almost in contact with a car before seeing the vehicle, which was facing east and parked without lights,,direct- ly in the• line of traffic on the highway.. Extensive damage to the Ritchie car was done when the right front door was ripped off and damage to the other rear door, as well as other damage to the car. • Mr. and Mrs. Roy Culbert, Duane, Glen and Nancy of Galt visited Mr. and Mrs. Allan Rit- chie and family a week ago on. Sunday. ° Mr. and Mrs. Frank-Ritchie, Mrs. Frank Riegling and Lisa vis- ited Mrs. Mary McAuley of Mil- ton a week ago. Mrs. McAuley was able to go out 'with them for dinner while -they, visited her. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Jerome attended an enjoyable dinner and dance on Saturday evening in the former Officers' Mess Hall at Van • astra, Clinton, formerly the Canadian Forces Base. The•occa- sion was the Presentation of a Charter to the Optimist Club, where installation of officers took place. The International organization is similar ,to the Lions and .Kinsmen. There were 200 present including persons liv- ing 'a Vanastra .and clubs from Stratford, Listdwel etc. Lynn Jer- • ENERAL G ARNO LD 'Sv STORE R.R. 7 Luckliow Lanes' Phone 529-7218 SPECIALS SURF KETA,SALMON HALVES 47c a tin LEE'S PINEAPPLE, SLICED, CRUSHED' OR TID-BITS, 19-oz: k _ for 47c_ KRAFT MACARONI AND CHEESE, 71/2 oz. pkg. 2 for 3k Kinloss Seek More Money For Construction, To Paint Three Halls It was decided to have the first meeting 'of the month on the first Monday at 7.30 p.m. and, a spec- ial meeting if necessary on the third Monday at 8 p.m.. The road superintendent was en- gaged at $3.15 per hour plus Town- ship truck for transportation. This Was omitted from the minutes of January .3rd, 1973.. Approval has been received from the Ministry of the Treasury and Economics for the painting of the Township Hall, White- church Community Hall and Scout Hall at Holyrood and the Town- ship Garage. This grant covers the labour on these jobs, through the Incentive Program and John Emberlin is to begin on Monday, January 29. The meeting adjourned to meet on February 5 at 7.30 p.m.. CLERK, FRASER MacKINNON. 0100 Agricultural Soc. Hold Annual Mrs. SOO. Sec4 mot Directors.Subniit •..Resigilliti•ons he annual meeting of the swater Agricultural Society . held at the Teeswater Town 1 on Saturday, January 20 with it crowd in attendance. efit Alan Whytock presid- and rear iewed the 1972 fair ' r. Minutes and business were it with. was agreed to send the. Pres- t , 1st and second vice and the etary-treasurer, , as well as ladies division including Mrs. Christie, Mrs. ,Mery Mc"-, • re and Mrs Elmer Wall to the ario Agricultural Saciety Can- non in Toronto in February. ate for the 1973 fair was ed to be October 5 and 6. e President reported that the lem pertaining to the relOci- of the hog barns had been cally resolved with the age and supposedly so with, Ontario Housing oration. • n Ireland expressed his Wish the Fair continue in spite of • g conditions at the present . It was decided to publish marited fVlancial report a report of icontribtitions e by'the Societ to the rnunify over the years. signations ofrPresident•Alan tock, Watson Armstrong;, rt Mckague, Mery McAllis, Jim Whytock, Bruce Keith, Smyth, Don Ireland, Don Stobo,'David Keith as directors were regretfully accepted. Resignations of Alan Benninger, Mrs. Currie Moffat, Mrs. 'Weir McDonald and Mrs. Dan Donald- ,son as associate directors were accepted,with regret. Nominated for new directors were: Lloyd Lamont, Alan Mc , " Donald, Francis Schiestel, Robert Thompson, Gerald Baptist, Ron Lamont, Dr. John Fischer, Roy Pennington, Lorne 'Fischer, Ron Hill, Michael Keiffer , Frank - Renwick', Doug gutton,' Don Green, Brian Ireland, Jahn Moffat Lloyd McPherson and Jim. McKee. Nominations for associate' directors included' Don Ireland, Evan Sthyth, Dave. Keith; Don Stobo, Watson Armstrong, John Tilson, •Jim Grant, Joe King, Doug McDonald, Julian Smith, Hugh Thacker, Map McRae, Doug McGlynn, Mery McIntyre, Byron Ballagh, Tom Christie , Art McKague, George Kieffer, Keith Ireland with Bob Wall and Harold ,MeCormick as alternates if any of these would not act. Gerald Baptist, 1st Vice Presid- ent , was nominated to fill the presidency which as yet ' has riot been accepted but no nominations for 1st and .2nd vice were put forth. ' • Mis. Evan Smyth was hired as the Secretary-Treasurer at the ' suggested salary. ' 'After much discussion on.many subjects pertaining to the Fall Pair, the trfeeting was adjourned. CANNED VEGETABLES AND FRUITS. AVAILABLE IN CASE 'LOTS