The Lucknow Sentinel, 1973-01-31, Page 12SNOW PERMITTING THERE WILL. BE WEEKEND SKIING AT THE SKI HILL. a. N.4 PAGE TWELVE THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW ONTARIO WEDNiSDAY, JANUARY 31, 1973 SUPPORT comiAuNITY CARD PARTIES CHECK THE OMING EVENTS 'COLUMN CS2.5208WK Nancy Ritchie Heads 4-H No. 1 ' *9 Lutkoo* Central School DUNGANNON Miss Olive plaice of London spent'a few days thieweek with Mr. and Mrs. Rat,. Jrvin. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Bob Woods (nee Brenda Schultz) on the birth of a baby boy on Wednesday, January 24, 1973, in London. A number of ladies of Dungan- , non •U.C. W. met several times during this' week at the manse to quilt. The' floral appliqued top , Was donated by Mrs. Arthur Elliott, and the completed quilt is lovely. Lucknow Fire. Company respond- ed promptly to 'a call to the home of Miss Beth McConnell on Thurs- day when an oil stove caused alarm. No damage wasslone4hut -firemen waited, until • danger Was over. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Culbert accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Bill Black and children to spend the week end at. Campbellville with Mr. and Mrs. Don Aubin and children. • •• - Sympathy from friends in this community is extended to Mri Jas.' Lewis and family in the'pas- sing of Mrs. Lewis on Monday in Goderich General Hospital. Weather conditions changed from Spring-like days to Winter in full force including sleet prior to the snow. Traffic certainly had to change its pace on Sunday. Friends here are sorry to learn of the illness of Arthur Elliott, id Gdderich, who suffered a stroke on Friday. Irvine Eedy spent several days in Toronto with Mr. and Mrs. Bob Eedy who moved on Saturday to their new home in. Mississauga, Irvine Eedy visited With them for the week end, and, Mrs. Cecil Blake, who accompanied him, visited •with Mr.,. and. Mrs. Grant Sowerby in Thornhill. On Sunday evening when returning they visit- ed Mr. and Mrs. Bob Ott and Matthew in Kitchener. KINGSBRIDGE A large crowd attended the wedding reception at the Legion Hall, Incknow on Saturday even- ing for Mr. and Mrs'.' Max"Rieg- ling (Helen. Courtney). „Mr. end Mrs. Jim .Martin and family visited Mr. and Mrs. Peter Lierman and family of London on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Dalton visited with Mr. and Mrs. 'Maur- ice Dalton and family of. Port • Elgin .last Wednesday. Mrs. Con Hogan underwent surgery at St. Joseph's Hospital, London on Monday, January 22nd. We wish her a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Dennis.Sinnett and family of Detroit were week end visitors with Mr. and. Mrs. Jim Sinnett and. family. Mr. and Mrs. Ron Durnin and family of Drayton spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Austin. ONE HUNDRED YEARS AGO:;‘, • • Whoever thought that anybody would ever want to go back a hundred years, after all the modern things we have to-day? Well, Mrs: McMurray's Grade 6 . class has. been working in the year 1873 for this past week. After collecting old books, lanterns, pictures and other interesting ob- jects, they decided that they had. enough information to go ahead with a week of 1873 school work. All of our exercises Were taken - out of Old Readers, Grammar and Arithmetic books. We have writ- ten items using our 1873 theme and even letters-to our friends sharing our' experiences. The girls wore long dresses; the boys wore plaid shirts and suspend- ers. We have enjoyed our week 1873, but will •be happy to continue February in the year 1973 .. - Bhonda Gibson The Lucknow No. 1 4-,H Club had their first meeting at Mrs Leonard Ritchie's home on Jan- uary 25. We opened with the 4-H pledge. The leader is Mrs. Leonard Ritchie with assistant leader • Elizabeth Ritchie. The officers are; President, Nancy Ritchie; Vice President, Marilyn Sproul;, Treasurer, Audrey Jean Ritchie; 'Secretary, Rhonda Karen Elliott Heads 4-H Club The first .meeting of the Luck now 'No. 2 4-H Club was held 'on Monday evening at the Luckriow Public School. The meeting was opened with the 4-H Pledge. Pamphlets Were given cut and the outline Of the course "Block Printing" was reviewed'. Election of officers was as fol- lows; President, Karen Elliott; Vice Pres Susan Kreutzweiser; Secretary, Diane MacKenzie; Treasurer, Elaine Whitby; Press Reporter , Donna ,Moffat. • There are 1-2 members in the club, Leaders are Mrs. Jim Boyle acrid Mrs. John Kreutzweiiff et. The leaders went over notes. The meeting was closed with the 4-H Creed. OPEN The. Open Area are 'learning" about Canada. They have paint- ed a large map of their country , and now are learning about Can- adian animals. Later on they will :be learning about the prov- inces and jobs involved in each province. BAND: The Band has been practising very hard and on Tuesday the, members,worked On band Uniforms. mRS. WHEELER: • Mrs. Wheeler is teaching the Grade 6's "Life 'in the Tundra" while the Grade I's are doing a project on the Canadian Shield. The Grade 8's have finished their projects on the United States and had a test. They have studied hard. - Barb rLoree Joyce Osborne Heads 4-H Club The Clover Valley 4-H Club held their firit meeting on Wedne day , January 24th at' the, home of Wendy Hainilton., The name of the project in Bruce County for "ring 73". is "Block Printing". The meeting. opened with the 4- H pledge repeated in unison. Officers elected were. President, Joyce Osborne; Vice president, Laurie. Coiling; Treasufer , Debbie McFadden. The name chosen for our club was "The Clover Nalley Artistic 7". The general outline of the, project Was given by*Mrs Ray Hamilton. Mrs. David Elphick discuSsed •"Designing for block- various articles that can be made during the project. We, closed the , meeting with the 4-1-1 Creed. Luck Tops Get Travelling Plaque The regular meeting iuoktioi tops was held.la- the Town Hall with .15 present. The meeting ened•With the Tops Pledge and weigh-in.. The minutes were . read 'and adopted. New song. sheets 'were passed Out and we .sang .A couple of new songs, 12 , lbs. were lost and •4 gained, fletn Emberlin'S team won., Marion, Hummel was crowned Queen of the Week. She then: drew, the, name for -the draw which w4s.won by Suzanne Andrew . lane Treleaven read a letter. from Diane McNeill, area super' visor. A travelling plague which goes monthly 'to the. c b . having the highest average weight loss, Was won by the Lucknow Club for November:. Marg Campbell conducted a.' game and 1v1ayme Wilkins was la charge of exercises. It's enough hot water..enotigh hot water for . all the baths, showers, dish washings, floor washings and laundries that it takes to keep your fathily and your home sparkling clean. Cascade will give you family-siie hot water, because it's designed for the. job. ' The electrical industry put years. of . research into the Canadian family's hot water needs, Cascade was the result—built by qualified manufacturers to rigid specificationg to assure q, 'you of dependability and complete satisfaction. ' Get•the Cascade with the capacity that's right for you and enjoy hot water family-size. Cascade, the clean, safe,.efficient, electric water heater. • '.. , Gibson; Press Reporter, Joanne printing" and, also outlined the Ritchie. There is one more mem ber MariOn Johnstone. The next meeting will be on February 1. Mrs. Ritchie told us'the history of block printing: Elizabeth Ritchie then told us what we need and we are to'bring it to out next meeting. • * The meeting closed with the 4-H Creed.