The Lucknow Sentinel, 1973-01-31, Page 3THE WEDNESDAY. „ JANUARY 31y, 1973, • • . 41. 14UCKtiow sEwriNgt, ku.CKNOVt,ppiTARio... PAGE Wan .'ST KM — PLAIN OR POLISH GARLIC ROSE Brand DILLS BEST, 'MVP -7 WITH PORK IN TOMATO SAUCE 14 FL Oz. line MP BEANS 2i REST BUY! -- FANCY QUALITY CREAM STYLE 14 FL Or.. Thu SEAT GREEN GIANT CORN 2.i AXINELL.HOUSE TASTY RED a WRITE A 'to Pkg.' FEATURE! — BEEF OR IRISH 24 Fl. Oz.• Tins SWIFT'S STEWS 55c BY THE BASKET AND BUSHEL, 11 PLEASE, BRING EMPTY BUSHEL. Law it PHONE 5283001 Dorothy and Glenn Atkinson of Lucknow 'are presently on a two week motor trip 'to Florida. ' " Mts. William Hogan of Lucknow received word of the . death of her sister Angeline in St. Joseph's Hospital in Chatham . early Tuesday morning. .Mr. and Mrs: Lloyd Ashton, Lucknow, spent the week end . with Mr. 'and Mrs. Fraser Ashton Antoine and Stefanie, in HUH, Quebec. Mrs . J.. W. Jcynt of: Lucknow was Moved by ambulance, to. Wingham and District Hospital last Friday. ,She had been pat-. lent at Viatoria Hospital, ndon since suffering .a fraCtured hip at her home on Janua rry 14th. Mrs..Ross Cirmming of Lick-, now is now a patient in Wingham and District Hospital. She was moved by ambulance from' Toronto General Hospital on Mon , day of last week, where she ha,d been hospitalized since Deceit h- Cet after she became suddenly ilrwhile in Toronto.,.. Mrs. Henry. Carter of Lucknow was admitted to Wingharn and Districtflospital on January 18th'., Henry.'Carter is now home from University Hospital, London, where he had been receiving treatment for one week. Mrs. Con Hogan underwent surgery in St. Joseph's Hospital ita London On Monday of last week. Mrs. George Lockhart Of Lucknow returned home from Wingham and District Hospital on Monday of last week.' Mrs. Lockhart had been hospitalized over six months and had under- gone surgery. She can now than- age.with her walker and a wheel- 'chair. • • Mrs. Larry Salkeld returned ti home from St. Joseph's Hospital, London last Thursday, Where she had been a•_patient for ten days. Mrs. Harvey Mole of Lucknow won a ladies gold wrist watch T. from To Chem liquid embroid- ery for the highest sales in the first two'flionths as a demonstrat- , District Officers Meet At Hanover A lunchecin meeting Was held on January 23.rd. 'at the home of Mrs. Emerson Irnke, Hanover When fourteen Women's.Institute District Officers of Subdivision 17 were present'. - Plans, for District Annuals. were. discussed.. Bruce South Distriat Annual is to be at Belmore on ,May i5th. Eighty-five Institute . branches reached their 2'O% increase this year. Other subjeCts discussed' were subscriptions to Federated News; Pennies for Friendship; and the ' &land Lee Homestead, which is a F. W.I.O. project and needs ,the support of every branch. Any. Mr. and Mrs. Don ThompsOn of Lucknow attended the wedding of Frank McDevitt of Hanover and Debbie Kennedy of Duiham at HanoVer on Friday evening and the reception which followed at the Durham. Legion Hall. Mr.- arid Mrs- Oliver McChar , les of Lochalth were involved in' a car accident in Kitchener on Friday opt` last week, but suffered only minor injuries. donations should be sent to the Erland Lee fund and not the found. :ation fund. , The officers conference is to be held May lst, 2nd and 3rd at the University of Waterloo this - year for Branch Secretary-Treas- urers;. or Conveners of Citizen- ship and World. Affairs 'or a meth- ber at large. ,A new Branch was organized in Arthiir. with 19 members to, start With: District Directors are asked to attend the District bik- . e2cotth.ors meeting' at' Kairshea March Mrs. Teasc1ale thanked our Provincial,Board member Mrs. -Emke for her hospitality and tasty 1 cheon also for her wonderful 1 adership d ring her term of fice. T members showed their appreciation by a hearty applaUse.. RED. CROSS IS ALWAYS THERE VITH YOUR HELP • s a '