The Lucknow Sentinel, 1973-01-17, Page 12Lt/CKNOW UNITED CHURCH. Rev. Robert Nicholls, B. A. Minister JANUARY •21st 10 am., Sunday School 11 a.m. Morning Worship Those wishing trandportation to - church-contact Wm. G. Hunter 5284741 POINT TO PONDER dod is not so much concerned about our accomplishments he is about our faithfulaess, 041.040,6AStat/Wita$460!".0:40 t 0PWW1‘."0%,04,* St. Marys C.W.L.. The first meeting of the New Year 1973 of St, Mary's C. W; L, was held at the home..of the Fres. ident, Mrs, jim O'Donnell. Fr. Dentinger opened the meet ing with the League Prayers in ur Son. Mrs. O'Donnell read an article from League Lingo entitled "New Years Resolutions". Austin 0' Do. nell thanked the ladies. for the Christmas gift he received. The ladies were asked to save and collect Christmas ocards to be forWarded to an. Institution at a. later, date. Any ResOlutions that :are to be sent to the Diecesian Secretary , have to be submitted by February 1, in order to be compiled for the May convention. Final plans we Made for the draw.' Mrs. Hogan also read a poem "Resolutions". Fr. Dentinger in a, short talk . requested all League niernbers to please answer loud and clear the responses during the Holy Sacrifice 'of the Mass. The meet ing was closed with Prayers. led b Father Dentinger. • Cards Completed the meeting with four tables playing euchre. Lunch was served, by hostess. :The February Meeting will be' held at Mr. and Mrs. N. Siegrist home.' Mrs. Ross Shiells Was Unit Speaker a THE 1.UCKNO* SENTINEL, 14/cKNOW,'QNTA.R10 .' • WEDNESDAY,' JANUARY 17 197 • Lucknow Presbyterian Church Rev. Glenn, Noble, B.A. B.D. Minister Phone 528-2740/ JANUARY 21st • 10:00 am. Sunday School 11 a.m. Morning Worship .4 Lucknow Unit 1 Unit 1 of the United-Church WOrnen met in the church parlour for their first meeting in 1973 on 'January'9, with 12 Present. The,assistant leade4 Mrs. Vernon' Hunter preside.d in the absence of Mrs. E. W. Rice, opening with a short poeni and: hymn, followed by prayer. Mrs. Hunter then gave a' few good hints, of advice for, the New Year. • Mrs. Grace Campbell acted as sedretary in the absence of Mrs: Wilbur. Brown. Mrs'. Ewart Taylor gave the treasurer's report for '1972, stating :that Unit .1 had rais- ed .$505.01. It was decided to use the stocking plan again in 1973, 'and to have a' miscellaneous auction sale at 'the May meeting, Mrs. Al Irwiri-for Stewardcliip gayea New Years ResOlution reading entitled. "Lest We •Forget". Christian Education was given" by Mrs. Grace Camp- bell in a pOem "Child's Prayer". Mrs. S. B. Stothers consented to act as supply and welfare con- vener •fOr 1973. The February meeting will be held.in the Church Parlour with Mrs. .Rill Solt and Mrs. Ewart :Taylor the committee, Mrs. Wesley Ritchie conducted I the devotional part'pf the meet- ing, commencing with a hymn, Mrs. Bolt read the scripture froth Luke and-alsO concluded the de-' votional with a short prayer_ A, vocal.solo, was given by:Mrs. • Spence Irwin and Mrs. Howard Barger gave a reading a 4 islew Year's Resolution" by a housewife. Mrs. Vernon Hunter gave a very interesting and informative talk,' On Chapter 3 of the study book' ."The green Revolution" telling, of 1 the industries and crops of India. Thep are unable to , feed their Vast pOpularion but. show a marked improvement. A piano solo, "Star of he Eaef was enloyed. ne reeling cloy- ed with a hymn and the Mizpa.'n Benediction. Mrs, tqunte.r thanked all who had'taken'part , and lunch was served *A. La Carte" by t ,,,CW.urtiittee it charge. SHUR-GAIN LucknoW. Unit 2 The january Meeting of Unit 2 of,Luclmow United Church Women was held. at the home of , Mrs. Walter Dexter. Mrs. Eldon Henderson opened the meeting with , a hymn and read a poem "A:New Year'S Wish" and prayer. Nine- teen ladies answered the roll call with a new year's thought .or resolution. The new programs were given to the members. Mrs. Marshall Gibson and Mrs. Walter Dexter offered to visit the shut-ins be- -- fore the February meeting. MIS. Dexter read the scripture and gave the meditation. A ' reading "Thoughts For -A' new Year" was given by Mrs. Hender- Mrs. Marshall Gibson had the study on'Indi.a. She gave an , informative talk on Indian gov- ernment. "Abide With Me" was sung and the members enjoyed.two lovely recordings by Tennessee Ernie 'Ford. Mrs. Henderson closed the • meeting with prayer and a deli- cious lunch was served. Trinity UCW Trinity United Church .Women held their first meeting ofthe New Year. on January .11, in the. Church, with an attendance of • 25 ladies and one child. The meeting opened with a New Years poem, by the president, Mrs: Jim Hunter „. followed by all repeating the Lord's Prayer in unison. The scripture was •read by. Mrs. Ralph Cameron, and Mrs. Cliff Menary took the Bible,StUdy, which was about Dorcas. The.. devotional peribd was closed with a prayer by. Mrs. Menary. The roll call was answered with the payment of fees. Thank-you notes Were read from some who -had 'received Christmas' boxes. Mrs. Ken Alton introduced the' new Study Book on India. Mrs. Warren Zinn gaVe the fin ancial report and presented the Budget planned for 1973. A general discussion, followed on fund raising projectt. Mrs. Don- ald Hackett explained that the ladies had been divided into sev- eral quilting groups, -each group. planning to do a quilt in the near. future. Mrs. Hummel explained what it would cost a, month to 'sponsor a child in Hong Kong. ' Mrs. Charles Wilkins read four short poems, two of which. were very suitable for the New Year. Hymn 313 was sung,: followed by, a closing prayer by Mrs. Hummel. The hostess for the. February meeting will be Mrs. Alex Hack- ett. A dainty lunch was served by the ladies in charge. Kinlough A.C.W. KINLOUGH NEWS Mrs.. Art Haldenby was hostess for the January meeting of the Anglican Church ,Women at her home 'on Thinsday afternoon. Mis. Howard Thompson presided and welcomed everyone and Opened the meeting with the prayers fOr the New Year'taken from the Living Message. t • Nits. George. Graham read, the scripture. Prayers were repeated in unison.: Mrs. ,,Roy Schneller gave a suitable meditation, which ended with a, poem "The Old Quilting Frames". Mrs. Midford Wall read from the bulletin about the bale which Lucknow Unit 4 The 1st meeting of Unit 4' of Lucluiow United' Church Women for "73" was held at the home of Mrs. cordon Caylefon.Tuesday. January 9. Mri. Ernest Ackert. Jr. welcomed everyone and thanked Mrs. Cayley for the use of her home. 'She read•a, poem "A . New Lear. There .were twenty answered the roll,call with one guest. Mrs. Cliff Crawford gave the treasurer's report.' Mrs'. Doug McEwan has taken over Stew ardship from Mrs. Ackert.. Mrs. Ackert read "A •Recipe for a Happy 'Year". The committee started the stndy of India. There was a game plus a quiz on. Statistics about India. A dOtogue of India was read by; Mrs. Cliff Crawford and Mrs. Doug ,McEwan. 'We were divided into groups and° answered and discussed questions concerning India. • . The worship began by singing "Father whose will is life and good". The scripture Was read by Mrs. Gordon 'Cayley. Mrs. Ackert had the meditation, Mrs. Doug McEwan read a poem "Lord's Compassion". Mrs. Cliff Caawford gave a prayer. The meeting closed with the benedic- tion. The committee passed two' dishei -of India before the lunch. While lunch was being served. Mrs. Ackert showed the members a few articles from India. was sent to Keewatin. Miss May BoYle read a letter of apprecia- tion from St. Monica Hoiise, Waterino, for a bale which was sent earlier. A further cash dona- tion was voted for this work. The word for the roll call was uustand was answered by. .12 ' mei-fiber's. Mrs. Thompson ex- pressed pleasure in having Rev. and Mrs- George Gaunt present at the rrreeting. The hyrrin,"Jesus shall reign" was sung and Rev. Garratt Closed the meeting with prayer and grace The afternoOn was spent in quilt ing a Refreshments were served and Mrs; David HaldePby gave' the closing remarks. k Edna and May Boyle will be the February hostesses. Unit 3 of Lucknow United Church Wornemsrnet in the' Fello ship room of the church.on „Tan.- uary 9 with 16 members and two visitors present. s., Gordon Kirkland opened the meeting with a New Year prayer. 'HyMn 500 was sun,: witl Mrs. Pharis Mathers at the piano in the absence of Mrs. Cummin .i The Lord's prayer was repeated !unison, t Mrs. W. G. Hunter 'read sever al thank you notes and Mrs. Law rence mCLeod gave the treasurer report. Mrs.' Mathers presided for the ',program and led the worship per iod , with Repentance as, the CONTINUED ON PACE 13." LUCKNOW CHRISTIAN' REFORMED CHURCH J. W. Van , Stempvoort 'Pastor Services: 10:00 a.m. Service 2:30 pm. Service VISITORS WELCOME Shur•Gain Feedlot Starter Ritiont Help Overcome Stress:-caused Dieases and get Cattle onto Full Feed Fast Steers and heifers Coming into your feedlot can Cause you a peck.of trOuble, unless they are properly brought onto full feed. From range or pasture into confinement involves many kinds 'of stress. 'But the stress problem—and the diseases triggered—can be minimized when, You take your feeders to full feed., in only 10----.15 days, with SHUR • GAIN 13% FEEDLOT. STARTER M EDICATED: The "onto fullfeed" problem is further magnified when it's calVeS• you're • bringing in. Streses suffered are even greater .. and so the levels ofmedication 4iould be raised..That's been done with NEW SHUR • GAIN .36% FEEDLOT STARTER SUPPLEMENT MEDICATED. ° Both the SHUR • GAIN FEEDLOT STARTERS a reiVallaOle from your local SHUR • GAIN Dealer. PAGE TWELVE,