The Lucknow Sentinel, 1973-01-17, Page 6PAGE `SIX WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 17, 19/ TENDERS WANTED FOR .MANAGER, ARENA. - WRITTEN TENDERS WILL 'RECEIVED BY A. E. HEittERT, SECRETARY TREASURER' OF THE ARENA COMMITTEE AT LUCKNOW MUNICIPAL OFFICE UP TO 5 P.M. ON MONDAY, :JANUARY 22nd LOWEST OR ANY.TENDEA NOTNECESSAAILY ACCEPTED As of January ,29,1973, Lucknow Pro Hardware Will Be Closed Until Further Notice, For Renovations PAINT, NUTS; BOLTS, ODDS & ENDS.). COME ON IN FOR THE LAST OF THE BARGAINS TO SNOWMOBILE OWNERS t", RIPLEY ABATTOIR Custom P Ekotchering — Curing and Smoking Cutting Ind VP 171cIping •1.•. Szusage Making — Fast Freezing HAS AND CATTLE ON MONDAYS CATTLE ONLY ON FRIDAYS 'Hav4 (-ttu. in on Thursday for Friday's kill • ',THE .14UCKNOW•spiliNg1„- liNcKNOW, ONTARIO,. KINGSBRIDGE A euchreparty was held in the church hall on. Friday evening ,with the proceeds going to the 1 Girl Guides; There ssiere eleven tables, High.lady and.gent were: Mrs. • Walter Clare and. Stephen Howard i: low lady 'and gent were Mrs .. ,Mark Dalton .ancl,jim Fitr, kon. • Congratulations 'to Mr ."and . Mrs. Herman Riegling of Luck- now on the arrival of their first child, a son, born Thursday, January 11th at the Wingham .and ,District Hospital. . . I would' dike to make a correc- don from last week's column: I Frank Moran has not moved to his own home in Lucknow', He is still living with his son Alvin, . Mrs. Moran and family on the farm. MAN AND SUPERMAN "Man and Superman" was .being staged. The yoUng ladies were , all members of Mr. Esch's Eng- lish 62 obis that intends to study Berna.rd Shaw's philosophical 'comedy this year. Bexriard Shaw , in Man and Superrnari„,earplairt.s his views 'on religion, marriage and life in, a witty and clever intertwining of ideals. The dream sequence, "Don Juan in Hell" is the more serious part of the•work in which Shaw lap down his ideas more plainly in a confrontation of Don Juan with the DeVil , hiS "sweet- heart" DonkAria, and her father in the 'shadier regions of. the after The students were fortunate' ,enough to see,.:the veisThrile Mex- ican actor Recatdo /viorrtalban in The Brownies. held their 1,1 first meeting for 1973 on Tuesday, Ladders was splayed,. • anuary 9th. A game Of Human We then had Brownie Ring with' Anita Guay as Fairy. Queen. Brown Owl presented ICirnberley Cooke with her Golden Ladder, second year 'Service Star and Toymaker Badge. Liia peterson got her first' year Service Star. A Brownie book mark was .given to Anne Alton„, Debra Arnold and Barbara Hackett for the best attendance And inspection records since September. Barbara 'Hack-: ten received her Sixer /Stripe fro TawnY•Owl,. i At Pow Wow we sang, Happy Birthday to Shirley' LOree • Darlene Howald showed a-picture. e had Made from yarn. The : req • the Cook Badge wef e, gone f. h Brownies were interested in: work f miring work period Brown Owl had the.Golden Hard and Golden Ladder Brownies learning how to do first aid Tawny Owl talked with the Golden'Bat Brown - ies about oar flag of Canada. Shirley Loree , Lana Sanderson and I•iticly Hunter passed their test fear singing God Save The Queen. Marion Raynaid passed her test for serving soup and sandwiches to the Golden Bar, Brownies. The Meer; rig was brought to a: close with the Squeeze and Taps. PURPLE GROVE The flu bug has caught up with many in this area, causing students to •miss school and adults to take' to their beds. Visiting with Mr: and Mrs. Ed McGillvray in their new apart- ment in Goderich on Saturday • were Mr. and Mrs..litirion Margie and Cathy Dore. Mr. and Mrs. Scott Walsh and family of lvlillarton spent Friday evening with Mr., and Mrs. Stuart lane and , family Miss Julie Myatt of Barrie, due to ..the passing of her mother is making her home with her aunt and.tincle, Mr. and ',Ars. Cecil_ Sutton. : She is attending Ripley . '.'High School. ;Folks in this area rn welcoe,..Julie to the community'. and it is .hoped she will enjoy being a purple Grover. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. CeCil Sutton and family recently were Chris Stark of Kincardine • and Bob Ernerson. ' Miss Joan Hendemon of Ripley visited last weekend.with Vicki Dore. 1V4. and Mrs. Don Dore, Jinn and Frankie were dinner guests on Saturday of Mr. and Mrs. William '•Wood.and David of Durham. Mr. and Mrs.. Ed Gilkes of Oshawa also visited• the WoodS that day. Reports are that Hank Parker of Burlington paid a visit to his farm here one day last week.' SOme from this area attended the Juvenile Hockey game in Kin- cardine Sunday avening, between ,I lci..ncardine and kpley'. Mr. and Mrs. DOn 'Mr. and Mrs. William Arno:: of Ripley and Mrs. Jim of Kinloss attended the fune:al in Arthur of their aunt Olive 0:7 last.week: • "Aunt Olive". ha: many friends in this area. pathy extended to the Mr. add Mrs. Mc.Cosh also visited recently with' Mr. an.: Mrs. Lynn Geddes of Kinloss, The O'Keefe Centre in Toronto was the destination of a van of level five RDI-IS ladies on,Januarykt, 10. What the occasion? The production of "Don Juan in Hell", from Bernard Shaw's four-act play action as he portrayed Don Juan. Morkrlban has appeared in a wide variety of roles in motion pictures. Edw-ard baz!, a1i the Devil in "Don in Heir is perhaps best .wn this area in his' tole as e ghost in the, television series e Ghost and Mrs'. Muir" bat the highlight °Ibis profession' was a ;long-running Broadway career 'during which he appeared in Shaw'S work My 'Fair Lady". Agnes Moorehead, who' played Dora Ana , forMerlYlad receit ed Oscar nornirAtions for several mavieS, :One of which 'was "Bush, Hush, Sweet Charlotte. Flay - insz, the comirriander, Dona'Anei RIPLEY HI-L1TES BROWNIE NEWS father, was the experienced Anatiian • and Amerk an.' Star Paul Henreid , •who has played in such movies , blahca" and "Of Human Bondage". The. stage setting fdt 'Don juanyin Hell" was simple, as pr.Ops were virtually non-exisr.ant,.1. but .the actress and actors display 21 ed their skili in rrialdng the production come ° With Two Big,Coolers, Are Able. To Ham.Your Beef From I To '3 IN eekt — Whatever Your Reouiremrts Are. For some Freezers We Sell Choice Home Killed Beet 'Port and Lamb In AnyQuantt4 At Lowest Mark•eting Prices ALL MEATS iRE GOVERNt4,41ENT tENSPECTED FOR YOUR. PROTECTION cam. aobtgo., F,ROF. • .) rrOm. z6-29es std Rg ms-2962 KINLOSS Mrs. Leo Murray and Mrs: Cliff Roulston attended the 4-H Leaders' Course on Block'Print ing held in Kincardine on Thirs- day and Friday. Mrs. Leonard MacirmeS was a pationr in •UniVersity Hospital, London fOr a. feW days last week. Mrs. Lorne Sparks is in St. Jos- eph's Hospital, where she under- went surgery On Friday. Sympathy is extend'ed to the xplatives of the late Harold (Doc) SteWart C.-oderich. Both Mr. and Mrs. Stewart (Margaret . rhornSon) spent their early years dust north of Lucknow. beaver Dicide attended an Automotive Exposition held in Cobo Hall, DetroitDetr-oi oil W,-dnes- Brian Keith returned to classes Monda‘. atj..-Inr.r...ber, (.".:O.,lese after spending 1. weer qacation at , the home cfras' parenti,'2,kir. anc Mrs. Evan Keth: ; Mrs'. .Evaz 'Keith , Mrs. Dcualas Graham Lorne Sparks Mrs. Bruce Ala-ArAla-Ala-Aron °and' Mrs. fra ick W. 2tc;:.-:-. Scutt KirLIOSE 16/ alnenCea the „kvvitl Mee" Presi-.,vttial held ix at 7ces.da,y. W days .ast weeiz Mrs. idOod Macbtrag;ala. LEMON .VILLOf. COUNCIL Luclmow Village Council has received num- erous complaints regarding the operation of snow- mobiles within the village. ComPlaints are concerning noise, excessive speed, trespassing and operation at hours when most people are attempting to sleep. • Unless improvements are noted; council may be forced 'to ban the Operation of snowmobiles, within the village.. The co-operation of all snowmobile owners is requested. 4 ,