The Lucknow Sentinel, 1973-01-17, Page 5• B. A. McDonagh . REAL ESTATE BROKER • LUCKNOW. ONTARIO: Bus. 528-2031 — Res.. 528-3821 *•••••••••••••••••••••••i•• WANT MS GET RESULTS CONSIGNMENT. SNOWMOBILE 'ION SALE SATURDAY JANUARY 20_ • 00 P.M... TERMS CASH ' 43;011WS SPORTS & CYCLE BAYFIELD ROAD, OODERICH ONT. OVER3OSNOW MACHINES Inc. 1.972 111140 Boa-Ski, 1972 Nordic 640 Ski-Doo, 292 • Yarnana, 19 H=12 SnoW Jet, 19 H-P Boa-Ski, RTX 300 Skiroule,, 1970 Ski.-Doo, 1971 Snow-Cruiser, 1972 Polaris "340", Puma Arctic-cat, 'Mini Bikes, Motor-- cycles and Accessories. , 1 500 cc ti1 Kawasaki 1970, 1.90' cc G3 Kawasaki 1972, f 100 cc G5 Kawasaki 1972,1 350 cc S2 KaWasaki 1972, 1, 175cc Honda 1967, 1 Fox Mini Sike. New Snowmobile Engines, New Minis- Bikes "SPECIAL" LARGE. SELECTION OF NEW MACHINES • IN THE CRATES • TO . PLACE CONSIGNMENTS CALL BRINDLEY AUCTION SERVICE Phone. Goderich 524-6451 oc 0-0) )RS 7681 acE le d Funeral' Home: All was deeply ap- preeiated. Harvey and Gladys Kilpatrick Ron, MeQuillin wishes to, thanki everyone who remembered, him ( with cards and, visits while he was a patient in Wingham and District Hospital. Special thanks to Doc- poned one week. tors and nurses on second floor. ,4 Preview the entire offering Fri- 'day 1:00 till 5:30. Saturday 9:00 a.m. till sale time. Auctioneer Jack Alexander. For. information 357-1011 Estate Marketing Services GOOD. INVESTMENT J. A. Currie Auction Administrator Apartment building in the village George-Haldenby is spending of Ripley, newly renovated, air his week with Mr. and Mrs. - t conditioned, $450.00 rental income AUCTION S E Of furniture furnish pliances, ''china and glasw resenting contents from Drayton, Kincardine, Grey and Turnberry Twp. residences and being, offered on behalf of the, owners, heirs and executors. through ,the facilities of ESTATE MARKETING SERVICES Auction Ceritre 20 Water St.r.Wingham SATURDAY, JANUARY .20 •- at 11:00 a.m. • NOTE: in the event of a severe weather advisory officially issued by the weather office 'all winter sales will be automatically post- REASONABLE PRICES I Buy ,Direci and Save Bus. Ph. 357-1919 , ' Res. Ph.' 357.1015 INVESTMENT THE.STERLING • • TRUST CORP. Prevailing Interest Rates Retirement Savings Plaft Your RePresentative ALEX MacNAY LUCKNOW WINGHAM MEMORIALS THE INCKNOW.SENT,IN.E.1,., 14.4.KNOW, ONTARIO • : • • a un R E At ESIA~~ us • • es 2 mu : CULROSS TOWNSHIP • is m 100 acres, 75 wor a e,a neen .lak e =rough pasture.. possible 5 acre; site. Bank barn 50' x 60' ins a .solid condition. Two storey,. ;solid brick, ' 3 bedroom home: s - with modern conven iences. n a • : n .__ n,• • si STONE HOME a • Situated on 100 acres, 80 work-U, a able, 20 acres of maple hard-: wood bush. The 19th kenturya ahome contains 4 bedrooms.: :Frame barn.70' x 60' new ad-• e dition 30' x90' steel with con-. :crete floor. Driving shed 28' x: a month. Mortgage can be ar- ranged: n • 11 SENTINEL • •196 acres, 135 workal?tlie, highly; unproductive acres. Bar no. 1 —. 11,128' x 32',/ housing 178 veal a . calves,' barn no, 2 --4 40' x 60',. ▪ lean' 25' x 40' cement- stanchionss MI o for 20 cows, Drive shed 30' x 20'..up Six bedroom' home in good con-ill! e dition; one car garage. Highway; No. 86 location. . ' • a a a su ' — a , a :WINGHAM 'OFFICE • .. • 357-3840 : • , • , • • It REPRESENTATIVES : :, W. ADAMSON 1 c.tuTcLIFFE : ••• au J. BREWER ; om aneelnemessuiallisliassIes11111a n • mimmusirlimmeimmissom 11 FROM :REAL ESTATE • n PAGE FIVE 1190', Located in' Howick‘ Town-e Flowers and Vegetables at the chip. . su , in shows, plus special interest • ., I iems for the school students. a el Mrs: Oliver McCharles is con- GUARANTEED GRANITES 1 a . — — TURNBERRY TOWNSHIP • yener of the 1973 Directors • CE METERY LETTERING. ' • _ . • 11 and Mrs. 'Ewan MacLean for'1974. Mr. and ,Mrs. Eldon Efradley spent a couple of days in Toronto attending, the conVention for Milk Producers. • .. 1911,1 RM eceiv Bru Past ead ght 650 -1 NOTICE. TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE' OF WILLIAM JOHN PURDON I,. PERSONS having claims nst the Estate of the abOve- tionecl, late of the Village of ow, in the County of Bruce, red Farmer, who died on Dec- er. 19th, 1972, are required to proof of same With the under- ed On or before the 3rd day ebruary, 1973. • ter that' date the Executrix Will eed to, distribute the • Estate rig regard only to the claims hich she shall then have had e. TED at • Wingham, Ontario 10th day 'of January, A.D. 1973. AWFORD, MILL SiDAVIES _Winghani Ontario Solicitors for ;he Executrix KINLOUGH ned LROS AN ADMIRAL. TV AND ANTENNA SALES AND SERVICE DON THOMPSON TV. R.R. 3' RIPLEY TELEPHONE 395-2393 ITE J MacKENZIE, O.D. optemori4 OWEL PHONE '291-1511 INSURANCE IRE, WIND, CASUALTY OMOBILE la INVESTMENTS To Protect. Your Jack, insure .With Jack Today. •. J. .4 ...mcpoNAGH Lucknow, Phone 528:142:t tend 10 1. e ,H 1. • obtaii LOCHALSH • Recent visitors with Mr: and Mrs. "Ewan MacLean were Mr. lielss -Calvert and Lynn of Sarnia and Mr. and Mrs. Ed . Williamson of. Wyoming. Ripley and District . Horticultural Society Directors held a meeting on Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Florence Liddle in ,Ripley to,. prepare•the programme 'for 1973: Two flower shows are planned along with Workshdps and ques- tion and answer days, 'to learn more' about the :exhibiting of • ••••••••••••••••••••••••.. FOR SALE DAIRY' FARM,, highway location in the Clinton area, 140 acres on which is situated . 'an excellent 7 room home, every convenience. Barns are 50' x 105' and 50' x 100'. Free stalls for 63 cows. .Silos 20' x 60' and 13' x 40'. This barn has a 4 stall' Surge parlour, 600 bulk tank, silo unloader and auger-feed- ing system. Possession can be 'ar- ranged. 500 ACRES approximately 40 acres of bush, The balance productive• clay loam soil, Two homes, one brick with oil, furnace. 2 and 4 pc. bath, every convenience. The other homeg is stone. Also 3 good barns with a potential for cattle and hog. \ Immediate possession. 21;0 ACRE FARM; all workable, giiod corn and bean land. Above average:4 bedroom brick. home; 3 pc, bath up'and one down, new' kit- then, oil furnace. Large barn used as'afarrowing unit and finishing approximately 300 hogs at a time. 16' x' 50' high moisture, corn slid, with roof. Steel grain storage and implement shed. Asking $53,500. Terms available. 100 ACRE' FARM with. 85 workable and 11 acres of hardwood bu.sh. Four bedroom brick and frame home, 4 pc. bath, combination oil . furnace, drilled well on pressure. Barn 35' x 65' 'with an L. Tie - ups for 19' cows. Additional 100 acre farm availablg. THREE BEDROOM HOME situ- ated on 4' acres of land in the country. Oil furnace, 3 pc. bath and full' basement. Immediate possess- ion and asking $8,,900. WE HAVE A SINCERE CLIENT, who is looking for a' 100 acre farm With good buildings on which he would, like to run' cows and calves. For more particulars give us 'a call. WARREN ZINN , Phone 529-7350 Wilfred IVICIntee & Co., Limited INALKE RTON ...ern.)er Bruce of the Grey and Bce I • Multiple Listings Service tjst --- Over 60 Saletunes Working Fur V011' ••••••••iiees•moires•44100 PREPAY., JANUARY 17 1973 . • • TED COLLYER ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR Specializing In'. ELECTRIC HEATING, ELECTRIC WIRING AND REPAIRS and - ALL ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES Hydro Financing Available LUcknow — Phone 528-5802 R. BRAY • DOCTOR OF CHIROPRACTIC • ' 197 JOSEPHINE •ST,REET WINGHAM, PHONE 357-1224 Harold. Haldenby in Sarnia. Mr. 'and Mrs: Bert Nicholson visited on. Monday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Russell Hewitt at the Royal Apartments in. Kincar- dine. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Hartwick of Kincar- dine on the birth of a son, a first great grandchild for Mrs. Gertrude Walsh. We are sorry to report that Allan 'Rhody was injured on. Sat- urday evening while playing hockey at Lucknow. . •MacKENZI.i MEMORIAL -CHAPEL FUNERAL. SERVICE Services conducted according to your wishes at your Home, your Church, 'or at our Mem- orial Chapel at,, no additional charge. Lucknow, Phone 529-3432 Day or Night CARD OF THANKS We would like to extend Our sin- cere gratitude to our relatives,, friends, and neighbours for the lov- ely floral tributes cards and kind- nesses extended to us in the loss of our beloved son Mark, Also thanks. to Rev. J. E. Hummel, Drs. Corrincand McKim and MacKenzie WANTED "' Have two clients wanting acreage with a large barn — also properties with springs or rivers on them. ted f lbs. f to ord was received .here of the. le of" h of Joseph Charpentier of n da at. er Lake and formerly.of here. btaia, and Mrs.,Charpentier resided e home now, icultf" ed by Reg Powell. . and Mrs. Art Graham of r ow visited on Monday with and May Boyle. . and Mrs. Jack Scott spent !past two weeks at the home of and. Mrs. Bill Scott, conces- 4 while they, had a holiday Nida. eceiv befar 3 at o rep l of e stat av , est p plica JE RK Fors' le fro( neri em RY: LITOgr will I; tier 0 asIG, !er ger ARD '• R. W. ANDREW ,Barrister and Solicitor LIST,OWEL, ONTARIO LUCKNOW Every Wednesday and • Saturday Afternoon Office in the Joynt Block Telephone: Lucknow 528-3116 • R. W. BELL •OMETRIST ,—,GODERICH The 'Square (Phone ;'524-76411) A M. HARPER, ARTERED ACCOUNTANT -57 South Street, Goderich Telephone 524-7562 , KINLOUGH The 'HOlyrood Worrien's Insti- tute card party Was held on' Mon- day evening with 8 tableg in play. High lady was Mrs. Cliff John- ston. High gent was Mr.,•Del Mackie. Lucky prize winner Mrs ; A m elia ,Mac Leod.. ..RUBBE sTA mps LUCKNOW Mr. and Mrs. Paul. Trembley and, family were recent visitors with friends at. Welland. Mr. and Mrs. Finlay MacDon- al•:1 were recent visitors in. Detroit with relatives. ' Mrs. D. A. MacLennan slient a, a'few days in London with her sister Katie and with her daugh- ter Mri. Heffernan. The Annual Meeting of the • congregation of Ashfield Presby- terian Church was held Monday afternoon in the church.