The Lucknow Sentinel, 1973-01-10, Page 16YOUR "LOWEST. PRICES" , FOODLAND RED ROSE 90 COUNT SAVE HEREI Economy Tea Bags Pay Only 79c .HERiFpers • sAvE20, Instant Chocolate 2. POund . Tin 79c MALANG 10 OZ: SAVE 13c Sliced Mushrooms 2 Tins 85c DAD'S COOKIES ,ONE /POUND BAG (Wk. Chip & OcOmeal Only 49( CHASE & SANBORN. POUND BAG SAVE 20( Fresh Coffee Pay Only 89( I Headquarters For Ontario Spy Apples 'VALUES EFFECTIVE THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY JAN4ARY 11, 12, 13 PHONE LUCKNOW 528.342 nstoutinents1 ALTON REY,NOL,DS ,t • .PAGE :SIXTEEN THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY TO '1 "' ...00.••••••••:••••••••••••e.••••••••••",,•••••• By The Sentine THAT Lucknow District. Co-op manager Stuart Jamieson and Mrs. JamiesOri; direceors Char- les Wilkins and Mrs. Wilkins, Evan Keith' and Mrs. Keith, Blake, Alton, Tetry Dalton and Murray Henderson attended the ,annual meeting of United Co- operatives of Ontario at the Four Season.s Sheraton Hotel in ,,Toronto from Wednesday to Fri- day of last week. -* • THAT Lucknow Postmaster Carrie I Milne wishes to again adviSe the public that the Red Mail Box situated outside tnePost, Office is to be•used only for • SUNDAY"mail up until 4.39, p.M. or 3.25 p.m; on holidays. Please check time or other.. information listed on the. box before mailing. If mail is depos- ited after these times listed''' 4 abOve, it will not. be cleared until the following Sunday. 20% Off :LI ALL WINTER ems m•im moo 11•404 AS° SleePWear i.SPECIAL RACK OF ROMANIS s'sr Sit Less 20% BLOUSES AND TOPS VESTS, JACKETS, . PULLOVERS 20 to 50% OFF REGULAR PRICES 11/2 Price owwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwiowwwwww OTHER SHIRTS 1/4 OFF SKI POO SUITS ALL 'REDUCED .20% MEN'S WEAR, SOS & Sport Coats. EVERY ONE STOCK Less 20% A FEW AT 1-3 and % OFF BOYS' WEAR Knit Shirts 10 to 50% • 1111111q ALL STREET LENGTH DRESSES 20 to % 0 CHILDREN'S WEAR o • YARD/ GOODS g• Dioses byttliEntbs, Reduce' 8 to 14 20 to 50°/? VISIT' OUR sToRe DURING. OUR STOCK .REDUCi.NO . SALL SAVE YOU MANY DOLLARS LADIES VVEAR. LONG 'DRESSES LESS 20% JACKETS. and .SKI-JACKETS 20%, 33 1-3% and 50% REDUCTIONS SKI, JACKETS. REGULAR JACKETS and TOP COATS 20'TO 50% OFF • • Pants. REDUCED UP TO 1/2 regular price Instructor Jackets Ski Jackets All Winter Jackets AT 20% TO 50% OFF REGULAR PRICES SKIDOO SUITS LESS 20% FLANNELETTE PYJAMAS $3.49 Special Paris Star A RACK OF All reduced 20% Any slims left Itilima GOING AT roir • WINTER JACKETS ... 2 to pt Au) fix - -8' to 14 TO eft $2.00 on each %VP / • LEVI ' CORDUROY AND LEVI. DEN IM FLARES Save ALL BOYS' CARDIGANS % PRICE $2.00 each film pair THAT we wish to once again draw re to ,,the attention Of Sentinel read- '' ers that all letters to the editor Must be signed by 'the writer and the writer's naine must appear in 'the paper, No longer Will we 'accept a "pen name". This pol!-. , , iCy has been in effeci for sever- an' '4•'' " -e Y r al months, R. R. 3.Ridgetawn, are happ) announce the forrhcorr}im; rm. riage of their daughter .Ci-arle THAT Mrs. Don Dare is now writ- Ann (Sherry) to Donald M. B, ing the Iliirple" Grove News fo'r Alton, son of •Mr ."and Mrs. i! the Sentinel, a position she prey, Albert B. Alton. of R. R. 7 Lu iously. capably filled. She suc- on FebrUary,3, 197:3 at ceeds Mrs: Bob Thompson who 6 p.m. in Turin United Cht.tr, provided news from the.Grove during the past year. THAT extensive damage was done to the right side of the car of . Ray Cransron LuCknow on Fri- day'about 4 F.m. He was pro- ceeding west on main street 'with 'passengers , his wife Linda and her, mother Mrs. George Stanley, when in collision with 'a cardriven byPeter carter of Kinloss which was travelling south on Stauffer Streetat the JohnStone Furniture corner. • S Up To 50 ° Slacks THAT Wayne Pritchard, sorhof mi.' and Mrs. Elmo Pritchard, of Lucknow , was recently' hireCi as assistant at 'the Lucknow arena and was quickly prested into full time service due to the ill- ness Of arena manager Rick Pritchard who is in Wingharn, Hospital. • THAT'Rev. Rabert Nicholls of Lucknow United Churth Was moderator of a discussion on the Sing Time TV program, on , Sunday with guests Nancy and Angus Mac Lenparilof Goderich fOrmetly of ‘Lticknow. /The cliS- cuSsion was on Baptism. Comments Abot Pool Project "Very pleased the way t.lie lit are behind your swiriimiN pool project. This will be rt; corivenient than going to a tit bouring town. Much better t the family wash tub out behit 'the hoUse. that we Used in.the mer when I was a bo"Y." , "Received our copy of Dr.: Johnston's book:last weelt. A readinOt I:must admit it one an insight into many of t problems and 'worties tikt)oc( theit minds." "I was sorry you didn:: prir the names of the cadet in a picture a couple weeks, ,a.ck. could still name a lot, of thet but not all." SinCerely; Cecil Johnsto,,, Sat Editor's Note; We would' be I ed if soMeone could w :1:e us a list Of the cadets in ne.old time picture. Howe e: , tt be writtentut when preseritd( atiord time consumim: j14"ca' With many ,.many peop,t'.