The Lucknow Sentinel, 1973-01-10, Page 9BOWLING CONTINUED FROM PACE 8 Jelly Bean! 5; Dean Agnew's Gumdrops Barb Sanderson's Ju Jubes 5 ; ' Team Standing; ChocOlates 69,' Jelly eans'65, Gumdrops 60, Ju Jub 55, Peppermints 49, 1. 'pops 38. WHITECHURCH •••••••••••• FRANK' JOHN ' ViCTOR RITA HAYWORTH LANQEL.L.A„ COLICOS, BUONO... as Senora De La Plata ma ea Upon the Novel by JAMES PRAliAMANNben for Ma cseen and DOecl•O by RALPHNELSON § lekenocOcen PV4AVISION" t.0 PARK GODERICH, ON T. 524 -7 11 su:1147 .15 ri..16 I omplamt "Worni nr; Some may ,find the dialogue iri this picture offensive JOHN H. LYNDoN Theatre. tianager. / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / • ••••••••••••••••••• / 100004" ••••••••••••••••• %%N. N*" 14.1.4"\V ,•••••••••• / / / / / / / / / 1 / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / ....•••••••••• Th;.11•Fa,12 $01 ,!•1 3 mpkipre.§Ontq A Fl.M BY HAVH NELSON ROBERT mromum,,.. TheWRATH of GOD Setup* Moine,' grOteSt taughmaiee THE WORLD o4 ABBOTTa nd COSTELL O ' ********** from Forster; Courtney, from Mac- Kinnon, MacKinnon from Court- ney; Fludder from Forster. • 1- :S,EATING REQUIRED , The LuCknow Intermediate team at this time have' moulded together a good competitive team in a league which, are all of much larger' population than Lucknow. Milverton is B; Listow el B; Clinton is C and Lucknow, is Minor C. We did not expect to finish too high in'this .league., but the 'team will. put forth the best effort they can to give the fans some good hockey this v./inter.' . We apologize to the fans for lack of the comfort of a seat at the Arena, through no fault of ours. , We think the Arena Committee have had ample opportunity to afford, at least a few seats. Or is- there a working Arena Committee' ' We wonder-how' the Arena carrafford.to continue without the-increased revenue seating would bring them'. • We know the Intermediates; with the high. , . prices and poor quality of, sticks,' are having problems financially. Lucknow is hosting the 'W.O. 1 A . A..tournaments for Juvenile,' - 'Midget and Pee Wee playoffs for the right to enter the.0.1v1.11„A. How do they expect to acCom- I modate. the hockey fans with no seats? , / . , I - Lucknow Interrhediate Hockey Club.4 CASE jAINII*RY. TI SAVE $200 3 YAMAHA L E5 S m THANILE ,S 30 HP: ELECTRIC sdrawi •DEMONSTRATOR TACH, SPEEDOMETER, QUICK CHANGE GEAR OfF ALL NEW 1970 SNO-JET, 24 :972 6:0:4 SKII. -$ ALL MENS & LLADIES: SUITS $ Z 5.95 YANIA1171.44. MOO 65 S •T • • HIGH PERFORMANCE ONLY 581 /2c in SNOWMOBILE' Ca sewhileSupLpoltysLasts • . PAGE NINE 'THE LUOKNOI SENTINEL, LUCKNOW.. ONTARIO EDNEWAY; JANUARY 1973: • e ntermidiates Lose nd Tie Games- LuOnow'Interrnediate hockey am continue to reside in the asethent position in their four am schedule with Listowei, • "1;ierton ;`4Cdinton Lucknow ; - The team seernsp to be finally etting rolling with games that ouid be quite easily won with a w breaks. On Friday night , they went own to defeat 9-6 to Clinton, eing short 3 regiilar defencernen, fter spotting them a• 4-0 lead in e first period. Scoring for Lucknow were; Don ann from Barry McDonagh; Paul ilayne unassisted; Mike Courtney rom MacKinnon and Chisholm; ave. MacKinnon from Russ Mon- rief; Dolt Stevenson froM Paul rayne; Russ MOncrief from Dou'g tevenson. LUCKNOW 9 - LIST,OWM 9 Sunday afternoon in Lucknow he local boys tied the game in e last. 5 seconds after pulling heir goalkeeper. - „ The game, was a fast one with ome sloppy defensive play in oih ends. Once again LucknOw spotted he opposition. a 3 goal lead nd had to play catch up hockey 11•the Way, LuCknow's line of Dave.Mad-h ihnon, • John' Ernberlih; Mike" ourtney accounted for 6 Of the ine .goalS. I ' Scoring summary: Mike Court- ey unassisted; Paul Frayne` from ohn Emberlin and Dave MacKin- on; JOhn Fludder from Ross orster and Art Stanley; Courtney rorn Frayne and MacKinrion;' ourtney from Emberlin, Fludder DUNGANNON Bill• INndis and two nephews from Midland , called on a few friends. Sunday and Monday.' His sailing season on the Great Lakes. Closed just before Christmas. • Mr. and Mrs. Dynes Campbell returned home ;on Thiirsday after a three and a half week holiday with their son Harold at Kamloops, They,inade the trip 13y plane, and enjoyed, the several drives around Kamloops while ,there, 52 degree weather favoured them.. Mr. and. Mrs. R. T. Kilpatrick and Mrs. A. N. Aitchison spent Sunday with Mrs. Cecil Blake. • Mrs. Melinda Nivinivisited fOr several' days' recently'with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Erringte.n. 'Flu has been preValept this community.. Perhaps this. bright , frosty weather will prov- ide the remedy. • Mr. and Mrs. John Lodge of London visited A New Years with Mr. and Mrs. John Spivlak. Mr.-and Mrs. John Bere and Kaien Hernandez:returned from a holiday in Trinidad, and visited Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Aldham and family at Carlow, and' Mrs. Mary Bere and family in Dungan- non before returning to Sault Ste. Marie; Saturday. • Mr. and Mrs. Gerrie Glenn, Angela •and Arletta, left, Tues., day morning and motored to Brownsville , Texas, where they will join Mr. and Mrs. Frank Glenn and Harold (BUd) Glenn ° for, an extended holiday. Mr. and Mrs. Orville Stanley and Mr. and Mrs. Berl Straughan of •Clinton visited Mr. and Mrs. K. K. Dawson on Friday. Sympathy of this community is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Kilpatrick, family and friends , due to the death of their son, Mark; on Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. George Kerinecly of Whitechurch were guests of Mr. and Mrs. 'Robt. Irvin on Sunday. • Wm. Wiggins has improved in health and is now convalescing at home. Mrs. Roderick MacDonald has been'a patient in Wingham and District Hospital, and Mrs. Derk Logtenberg in University Hospital, London. Both are hoping to re-- turn home this week./ • Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Emerson, Darlene and Sharon were Sunday evening visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Angus MacDonald 'of St. Helens. Miss Winnifred Farrier of Toron• to visited from Wednesday to Sunday ."with Mr.' and,Mrs. Garnet Farrier, Mr. and' Mrs. Russel Farrier of Wingham and Mrs. Jack Campbell, Lucknow. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Farrier and Kimberley of Hanover who -spent the holidays in England, visited on Sunday-with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Farrier. . We are pleased to repbrt that Mrs. Amos Martin who underwent surgery in Wingham Hospital was able to return home on' Wednes- d4y i. .. Mrs. Walter James of Wood- stock was a,caller onc.Saturday on Mrs. Earl Cailick. Mrs. Russel Ross, Mr. and Mrs. Jilt Taylor were Sunday visitors with 'Russel Ross at Victorfa HOs- pital, London. Mr. and' Mrs. Irvine Storey and ********** Town & Country High single and double was again bowled .by Anna Dexie .with a score of 196 and 305' r . Harry Lavin took the highest single at 188 for, the men. Henry Carter rolled the.high double at 324' for ,the Men. T'earti points, Al lrwin's Oranges 5., Clarence Bell's 13lues 0; Les PurviS' Violets 3,. Mel King's Yellows 2; Harry Lavi' Reds 8 0 Earl McDonaldei Greens p Standings, Viole1ts 45, Yellows 42, CreenS 40, Blues 34, Oranges 34, Reds 30. Heather of Goderix:.h were. Sunday visitors with Mr.,, and Mrs. Alex Craig. Jim Orr of London was a Sunday caller on Mr. •and Mrs. J. L. Cur- rie, East Wawanosh and , on Mr. and Mrs. Bill. Lapp of Wingham. Mrs. Wallace Conn accompan- ied Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Conley to London on §aturday. Mr. and Mrs. George Conn - and baby Pascal returned by train on Thursday to Sherbrooke, Quebec. Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Emerson, Darlene and Sharon returned home to. St.. Catharines on Monday. CEU THEATRF WINGHAlVi PHONE 357-1630 A., SHOW TIMES Fridays and Saturdays at 7:15 and 9:15. All other 'days, or show at 8:00, except where noted on the program. tvaime eanue Aline Egli 'THURS., FRI., SAT., JAN. 11, 12, 13 'Adult Entertainment "The Wrath Of God" Colour - Starring Robert Mitchum, Rita Hayworth This film is set -south of the border, at a time when execu- lions in the' square are an hourly ritual. • • SATURDAY MAT. • • JAN. 13 • Wooko.. The'''(hotolate Factory" d rt SILVERSTONE ENTERPRISES 5-2300 •.TO AIVIBEFILE, 21 TO KINCARDINE SILVERSTONk