The Lucknow Sentinel, 1973-01-10, Page 7On behalf of residents and staff "of flurolview, I would like to say a heartfelt "Thank Yoti" to, all the' people of Huron Comity an surrounding communities who. came to Iluronview during 1972. either in ,groups or individually to entertain, take part in activities with, or visit residents. You can have 'no idea hoW much this giving of Your time and talent means to folks here. Everyone likes 'to hear from' people' "back home" and for some of our residents • you are their only link with the old community, , Again, thank you and a •Happy New Year. C. A. ARCHIBALD, Administrator • x . ,:•••• . -; . fal...W•>'!"-•• we don't. give guns to everyone.. . Not all of us in the Canadian Forces work 'with. machin ' guns ormor1ars or anti-tank weapons,,Those who do are' speCialists in infantry..They receive training in modern weaponry, mobile surveillance radars, radio communica- tions, and Many kinds of combat vehicles. The training is tough, but they get a good, salary, a month's vacation with pay, and a great chance to travel. Find out if you qualify for infantry or for another of our many trades. Talk to 'a counsellor, or see your recruiter today. • • Canadian Forces Recruiting and Selection Unit: Centennial Square,' 520 Wellington Street., London, Ontario phone; 679-5110 .,..110 Canadian mired- Forces You've got to bigood to get in. DRS 72,7 KINLOUGE1. Visitors with Mrs. Marretta Hodgins over the week end were Mrs. Peggy: Elliott of Detroit, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Thompson of North Bay, Mrs. and Mrs'. Ken- neth Hodgins and family 'of Niag- ara ,. Mr, and Mrs. Glen Hodgins and 'family of Huron. • • • Mi. and Mrs. Clare Spading, , Allan of Conestoga College and Douglas of Walkerton visited on' Wednesday evening with her father, Mr. George Haldenby. • • Mr, and Mrs. Kenneth MacDon- ald visited on Friday e'ening with Mr, and Mrs. pert Nicholson and Lo RIPLEY ABATTOIR Custom Butchering -- Cueing and Smoking. Cutting and Wrapping — Sausage Making — Fast' Freezing HOGS AND CATTLE ON MONDAYS CATTLE ONLY ON FRIDAYS , Have cattle in on-Thursday for Friday's kill With two' Big Coolers, We Are Able To. Hang Your Beef From 1 T9 3 Weeks 1. Whatever. Your Requirementi Are For' Home Freezers We Sell Choice Home Killed Beef, Pork and Lamb In Any Quantity At Lowest Marketing Prices ALL MEATS ARE 'GOVERNMENT INSPECTED FOR YOUR PROTECTION • • CHAS, ,'HOOISIV1A, PROP. „ " ABATTOIR 395-2905 . STORE' 395-2961 CRAWFORD MOTORS CHRYSLER - DODGE PLYMOUTH WINVAM ONTARIO PHONE .357-3862 1972. CHRYSLER 2 door hardtop, fully powered' 1969 DODGE Coronet 4 door,. 6' automatic with radio 1968 FORD Custom 2 door, 8 automatic, power steering and brakes - 1968 PLYMOUTH 4 door,. 8 automatic and radio 1%8 VOLKSWAGEN with radio 2 — 1967 DODGES, 8 cylibder automatic with,radio XI t TRUCK' 1971 DODGE 1/2 ton expre.as, 8 automatic 1970 ARIENS snowniobile I. • r .EONEWAT,,. JANUARY 10,. 1173. • -THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, 'ONTARIO. • PAGE SEVEN Mr. and Mrs. Art Haldenby entertained friends at a dinner on Saturday evening. • Lois Nicholson returned to school at Mikan after spending the 'holidays at' her home•here. Mrs. Marretta Hodgins returned to DetrOit with her sister Mrs. • Peggy Elliott. Mr. and' Mrs. Don Haldenby • and girli of Toronto spent'New Years with Mrs. N. E, Haldenby and other members of his family here. Mr. ,and Mrs. Frank Maulden visited with Mr. and Mrs. Clayton EdWard at Gaderich. • Mrs. Art Haldenby will be the' A. C W. hostess on Thursday afternoon. Next Sunday, January 14th the Anglican Service will be held at 9 o'clock •a rn. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Fry and family of Harriston spent• New Years with her parents. 'Mr. and ' • Mrs. William Haldenby.. Mr: and Mrs. Donald Smith, Brenda and Brian of Scarborough visited, with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Smith and Mr. and Mrs.' Harold Smith and family: Holyrood W.I. KINLOUGH NEWS The Holyrood Women's Institute held their first meeting of the! New Year on Thursday afternoon, January 4th in the, Holyrood Hall. Mrs. Morgan Johnston presided and the meeting-opened with the. Ode and the Mary Stewart ,Colleci, This was the meeting for Citizen- ship and World Affairs, with' Mrs. Jack Scott and Mrs. Jack MaxWell ,directors and the hostesses were - Mrs. Lyman Sutton and Mrs. Alex Percy. • . Following thd reading of the financial statement., thank you notes were read from thoSe who • received Christmas boxs. • Mrs.' Frank Maulden gave a summary ,of the_ Country Woman. The, roll call was•.- Name person of this: century who, has most impressed You and give reasons for your Oloice.• Mrs. Jack Scott gave the topic on World Affairs and Good Citizenship assisted by Mrs. Jack Maxwell and also paid tribute ,to the three great leaders who have passed on. A panel on "Citizenship" was taken by Mrs, Maxwell. "A good citizen is personally responsible"; Mrs. P.A, Murray spoke on "socially responsible"; "politically respon- sible%was taken by Mrs. 'Alex Percy; and "a responsible world ' citizen" by Mrs. Frank Maulden. ,(This was prepared by Mrs. Fulton for the• area convention.) After the closing of the meeting deiiciouS refreshments were serv- ed by•the hostesses. The next Meeting will' be farnily night, on February 5th: • WHITEcHURCH, INTENDED FOR LAST WEEK Sunday visitors with Mrs, William Orr and Bob were Mr. and Mrs. Oswald Rudi and family of London. , Holiday guests" with Mr. and Mrs Elmer Sleightholm and family Were Mr.: and Mrs. Elgin Sleight- holrn of Ailsa Craig'and Mr. and Mrs. Ndels of Crediton. Sunday guests Kith Mr.,,and Mrs Ben McClenaghan and Mr. and Mrs. Carl McClenaghan were Mr;. and Mrs. Melvin McClenaghan an&Michael of Waterlosa; Mr. and Mrs. Irwin McClenaghan, ROnnie and friend .and Nancy of St.. Thom- as, Mt. and Mrs. Bill Parker',. Beverley and friend' of Lucan, Mr. and Mrs. John-Parket, tOnd- on .Mr. and Mrs. JIM McIntyre, Allan , Linda , Heather, and MaryBeth of Vol Carron, Mr. and Irs. Harry Moss, Bennie,,'Donnie Susan and. Janie, of Plattsville. • a Charlie, John and Mary Falcon- er of Tiverton were guests on Mon- day of Misses Mary and Annie LaidlaW. .Christmas guests with Mr. and Mrs. `,Ed Smyth were. Mr. and Mrs. Gerhard Bauer, Mr. and Mrs. , Hoist Frehae all 'of Toronto,. Mi. arid Mrs.• Ron Russell and family of Mississauga Mr; and MrS. Bill Smith and Ryan of Hespeler Mr: and Mrs. Albert Smyth,, Andrea and Pam of Waterloo. They visited with her mother Mrs. Leech of Brussels and then all visited at the Smyth home. . • . • Mr. and Mrs. Bill Rintoul and Mr. and 'Mrs. Gordon Campbell of Listowel spent Monday with Mr • and Mrs. Mack Carkliff of Brussels. • • Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mts.. Carl, Weber and laimily were ..I . . t . . . . . t t . . , Mr. and Mrs. Bob Chambers of Harrison and Miss Dov'ean Cham bers of Kitchener. . On Saturday, „guests With Mr. and Mrs., Bill Rintoul were Mr. 'and Mrs. Mack Cardiff Of Brussels, Mr.„ and mrs. Dave Obetholtzer, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Robinson, Wingham•, 'Mr. and Mrs. Gordon 'Campbell, Listowel, Mr. and Mrs. Harry GuroSkie and Michelle ;Kitchener, Mr. and Mrs. Neil Riritoul and SteVen.. Christmas Day guests with Mr. land Mrs, Lorne Durninand Robert ,Diirnin•were Mr. and Mrs. Clay- ton Sclioltz' and family 'of Goder- ich Mr. and 'Mrs. Cameron• Simmons of 'Landon , Wayne Martin, J. D. Durnin, Mr. 'and Mrs. Ross Durnin and farbily of St.-Helens, Mr; and' Mrs. Elroy. Laidlaw, Joanne, Jane and Paul and Mits Annie'Keruwdy. of Wing- ham. .1 N.F.U. Conventio Held In' WinOpeg INTENDED FOR LAST WEEK Dr. Gordon MacEachern, Dir.- . ector of the Canadian Agricultural Economics Research 'Council, in his address•to the National Farm-- en& Union. Convention, held in .,, Winnipeg,, stressed how overser- vicecl we are, helping to cause` inflation. If the trend continues, he said, there 'wou'ld be " few people left.to produce food. ' The population of Canada. is. 22 million, thewrk force is 8.4 million. The ork farce can be' divided into tw groups: those - who produce goods, 3.1 million and those, who produce services, 7 5.3 million. This trend is in- • creasing rapidly 'and the econom- ic council of Canada expects by • 1980, 762/0 of the work force will be service' industries and a dom- inant force will be working 'for .. Government (talk about social- ism, wef almOst have it, now). The decline in the farm pop- ulation, Dr. MacEachern said' was because farm policies were set, up by •outside interests; e.g. industrial food complex. Most • changes were encouraged as a road to a better future, but this ' is not true. Agriculture creates 42% of all activity in the ,econOmy of Canada. 'The farmers purchase 3, billion dollars of inputs, 'their produCe is then sold to food , • ' processors' and manufacturers.' . The• consumer spends l7°70 to l8/0 of their expenditures on, foOd; . our. job is to.find out ,where the. rest of the 42/9 goes. . , . , ,Income .tax returns indicate • that farmers, and pensioners are among the lowest class income. - Farmers, who pay tax - $5 ,.200 many 00 not have enough in- come to pay tax. In comparison a self employed •business man . k•' averages $10 ,000,.001 • Govern- , ment einploYees average $8,000. :It is a. question of priorities.. • Which is the most valuable? , . Di. MacEachern stressed' that . the N.F.U. is one of the few • . organizations which has the struc- ture to pusly for change. He was impressed with the' enthusiasm of the convention and urged •everyone to 'put their shoulder to the wheel. ' The importance of Valuation Day was stressed by Dr. MacEach , em. It should be done or could ruin the' family farm five years, ' from now. Forms are available from 'the Department of Agricul7 , ture. ' •