The Lucknow Sentinel, 1973-01-03, Page 15• •Luck4Ow. phofie.. SPEC.IALS. 'WALKEIV$': PEANUT BUTTER COOKIES,. 14 oz. . ..„ - • - 52e. KRAFT. CHEEZ. WHIZ .oz, MOM'S PURE .VEGETABLE• OIL; 24 _7 55c CANNED VEGETABLVS AND FRUITS AVAILABLE IN. CASE LOTS, Doctor and can now go without the crutches. They visited with RTsel Ross and found he had.a, !Change of cast and is no' longer in traction. •- 1973 PLYMOUTH Satelite, 4 door, 6'eylinder, automatic 1973 TORINO 2 door hardtop 1973 DART Swinger, 2 door hardtop, 6 cylinder automatic 3 1972 CHEV Impala, a 2 door hardtop and 2 — 4 door hard- tops; V8 automatic, power steering and pOwer brakes 2 — 1970 FORD Custom 500; 4 door V8 automatics 1970 OLDS Cutlass Supreme 4 door hardtop, V8 automatic, power steering, power brakes, vinyl roof 1970 FORD XL, 2 door hardtop .1971LMONTEGO 4p door, 6 cylinder automatic 1969 FORD F100 pickup, 8 cylinder, heavy duty 1968 FORD F100 % ton 1968 DODGE Polaro,500, 2 door hardtop 1967 BUICK WILDCAT ,4 door hardtop; fully equipped 1967 PONTIAC Grand Parisienne, 4 door hardtop FOINII.0•1 Fabrics 20(Y0 off all CRIMPOLENBS, CREPES, COTTONS, KNITS AND WOOLLENS ST !hone 528-321.4 SEP Lucknow 194 THE INCKNOW1ENTINEL,. 1,.UCKNOWe. 'ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, JANUARY:4i 1973 Ladies' Slack Sets- , Polyester' and Double Knit Slacks With Polyester Knit and Jersey Tops - Sizes a 10 - 20 and S. M. L. Priced $7.98 to ;12.98 Set Now $6.39 to $10.39 20% OFF . ALL TAM:. AND SCARF SET < AND •6 FT. KNITTED SCARVES MEN'S COTTON 'KNIT SPORT SHIRTS Zipper front ..- assorted colours S. If. L. -- Reg. $4.99 Now ;2.08 441 Homemakers Brave Storm To Attend Achievement Day Happy New Year to White- church News contributors! On Sunday Mrs. Doris Willis held Christmas dinner in the Hall' for Mr. and Mrs. John' Willis, Hanover, Mr-. and Mrs. Bill Willis and Lyle , Mr. and. Mrs. Gary Willis and family of Newery and other relatives. Guests with Mr. and Mrs. Allan falconer and Tony were .Mr. "and Mrs. Angus Falconer and Kevin of Strathroy, Mr. and Mrs. 4-H Pledge and a concerted hustle for the snow ,laden• cars. WHITECHLKH Despite one of the worst. snow- Were unable •to attend. LOrraine storms of the winter sofar,'•Most Boyle of ,Lucknow No. 2 was the of :the Bruce Cotriity :4-H, home 7 only major Provincial Honors• win: maker Clubi were able :to navi- ner present, and received her cer- , gate to Lucknow Public School ' lificate from Miss Barb De ' Saturday afternoon, December , ' Visscher, -Bruce County home ec- 16 for Achievement Day. Heavy Onornist of Walkerton, 4 • snow and driving winds which ,, The, program closed with the ,were :rapdily blocking sideroadS, prevented the attendance of the Ripley and Purple Grove clubs and • two .winners of County' Honors, •' Carol lvlacKay and Cathy Rock were unable to, attend: Provin- cia„1 liters winners Susan Brooki and Margaret MacKay of Clover' Valley will also be receiving their awards by mail. 7 The Achievement Day theme was "Dressing Up Vhetables". and of course vegetMles were prominent in ail the.skits and demonstrations prepared by the various clubs. After opening with the 4-H Creed, the program proceeded with a skit: '"The Jolly Green Giant's Dinner" the Reid's Cotners club members who have Relisdn Falconer and family of • named themselves after the jolly. Sarnia. On Tuesday Mr. and Mrs.' George Tiffin of Lueknow and Mr. and •Mrs. Hugh McMillan. Greg , Paul• and David of •WatfOrd were guests With MI' .. and MrS. .' Wesley Tiffin: 'y ' ' , Mr; and. Mrs. Carman Whytocl and Jackie' were Sunday ,guests - with Mr. and 'Mrs. Bill:Parker of Formosa arid on Monday •Mr. .and Mrs. Lloyd Whytock and' Mr.. and Mrs. Carman Whytock enter- tained the Whytock relatives at the. former's Log Cabin Restaurant , Lucknow and sperit-the :vening with Mr. and; Mrs. Carman' Whyt=. ock, at the farm. ,„ . . We are pleased to report that Mrs. Hugh.Simpsop was able to :eturn id her Acme on ,Monday , from Wingham and District Him- pita 1. , . Mx. and Mrs. Jim Johnston,:, Paul, Rink'. Ann and Carol Ann of Liqowel were Sunday visitors• with. his parents Mr,; and Mrs; Gershom Johnston. ' "., Mr , Trid Mrs. 'Clark Johnston ofpeigraVe; 'Janette Johnstone 41... big green one. , . . Next was a skit by the. Silver Lake Club9"Let'S,Try TheSe Vegetables" with all members • taking part. The .Whitechurch 4Salad 'Queens" put on a demon- stration on a vgetable.relish plate' or tray 'With Mary, Lou Adams and Wendy England mak- ing the presentation. . The CloVer Valley "Vegetable GalS" had an.exhibit "Five Ways, "vith One Vegetahle"' with..Susan Brooks as commentator. Following the mid .program break, all• members• of the Luck- now No. 2 club, "Vegy,Vestig- . ators" put on their skit: "Let'S Try These Vegetables" followed by Lucknow No. 1.club on the same. theme. The Kairshea . "Canny,Cooks" also gave the same theme. Spoons Were awarded for project completions' and certificates Ydr 'twosucdessful pr. County og..e \ ' cis. HonOrs,„' for complete g sik•pro ,. jects will be Mailed as the Winners ,,, •4 LikknOlkMat* Died In 77th Yedr. Wt:J. PURDQN William John Purdon of Luck- now passed away on Tuesday, . December 19 at Witham and District HOspital fOlowing a heart attack. He was in. his.• 77th year. - • He was-a son of William Pur- don and Isabella Stein and Was born in East Wawanosh ToWnship On July 15, 1896, April 11, 191I, he married Annie Mae' Bolt, They were married at the' Whitechurch Mamie and farmed. in East Wawa nosh' until retiring in 1963. After retiring Mr. and Mrs, Purdon `resided. for 2' 1/2 years in Teeswater and then purChaged a home in. LucknoW on 'Havelock Street South where theyhave ,sinee lived. Besides his wife, -he is survived by three sots and threeanghters 'Clifford of 13elgraVe, Mrs. Ken , deth (Olive) irtn. of R. R. p, Wingham, Mrs .• Verna McClen- aghan of Imcknow ; Russell of , Palmerston, Mrs. Melvin (Iteta) Morrison Of R. R..1 •Lucknow and Kenneth of Thorndale;.One sister, Mrs'. Frank -(Mary) Coulter of ' Whitechurch and one. brother Aldin Of 'Wingham. He was predeceased by two sisters, and ,a brother Nettie, Robert and Mabel,- The funeral service; was held at' MacKenzie Memorial •Chapel, LuckhoW on. Thursday, December 21tt. Rev. R,obert Nicholls of LuCknow United Church was min- ister, Interment was in SOuth Kinloss Mausoleum' with final resting place Greenhill Cemetery. Pallbearers were six grandsons „ Ronald purdon ., Reginald 'Purdon, Larry Zinn, Percy McClenaghan, Bryan Purclon , John ljurdOn. London., Mr. and Mrs. George. Yourig, Heather and Bradley of Langside,, • Bill Brown .of LuCknow, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tiffin ,.Rbssel Ritchie and. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Emerson were dinner guests on Saturday, with.Mrs. Gertrude Tiffin of Wingharii. We are sorry to report that Mrs. Gershom Johnston on the week • end was admitted to Wingharn Hospital. Miss Annie Kennedy reports that her brother Alex of Winnipeg had the misfortune to break his hip. He Made seYerai visits to the family home when they resid- ed ,in Whitechurch and will be remembered by many 'here. Mr. and Mrs: Paul Groskorth and family of Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Jim Moffat 'and family, of London were Saturday holidaT' guests with their parents Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Groskorth. , On MOndaY Mr. and Mts. El 'wood Groskorth were at Thorn- till• fora family celebration with her brother, Ronald Bagg, Mrs. Bagg and fari-iily Mr's Bagg, her mother of Willowdale, Was also present.. . Mr. and Mrs. Don Caesar Christine, Patsy, Randy and Vicki were• Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence C011inson and, family of Teeswater and on Monday all were guests with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Caesar, Dungannon. Christnias guests :with Mr. and' Mrs. Ernest Snowden were Mr and Mrs. Roy RObinsori, Steven and Larry, Mr:' and Mrs. Untie Hum- phrey arid Carolyn of Blair, Dave Rosman, London, Mr. and Mrs. Gedrge Webster and Carol, Mr. and Mrs. Terry Rutledge • of Cliii- ton, Mr. and, Mrs. Leonard Rob- inson, Wingham, Linda Snowden, London; and other ,girls• friends. On Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. Car- nun Whytock and Jackie visited with Mr, and Mrs. Bob Hodder •arid Wendy of Wingham. sam Emerson of Ripley visited on Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. Vic Emerson of Whitechurch on his way home:frorn Stratford where he spent Christmas. Home forthe holidays' with their parents Mr t and Mrs. W. R. Purdon, WeSt WawanOsh were, Miss 'Barbara Puidon, Kitchener and Mr.. and Mrs. Donald GaUnt of Chatham. • , Mr's: Earl Caslick„ Mrs. Russel Ross, Mrs. Lester Falconer and Art Ernewein were in London• on . Wednesday at Victoria Hospital. Mrs. Ross.had a check up with. the BLYTH GENERAL: STORE M. and Mrs. Earl tl3ud)•• Crowston, Jim and David of. ,Lytton, British •Coluiribia coming by plane to be home for. Christ- mas were forced down due'to fog • I at Montreal and had to• come to Toronto b)'7 train and arrived here on Sunday,. They joined the family gathering at' the ,.homeof Mr. and Mrs. Orland Irwin and family, along with his parents, Mr.. and Mrs. John Crowston of • Luclmow, Mr.• and Mrs., Clayton Alton and family of Ashfield, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Laidlawl, Janet and Kimberley'and Jim McGillvray of Lucknow. GOOD ASSORTMENT 1973 POLARIS ,11/01110BUr fN S--' STOCK 04:gminum 000414***Ngto.0 as. 1st- , • '017; lks :21e. • zst 0