The Lucknow Sentinel, 1973-01-03, Page 10wgropiEspAy.,:JANUARy
Rev. Robert Nicholls; B.A.
10 a.m, Sunday School
11 a.m. Morning WorOblii •
Sacrament of Holy Communion
'Mime wishing transportation tn
church Contact
Wm., G, Hunter. 528-2741
Let me in season Lord be. grave
In season, gay
Let me 'be faithfUl to thy, grace
Just for to-day.
flUt. 2' Lucknow ,
. Phone' Winghim 35749117
tion td other numbers; "0 Co
0 Come Immanuel, The Wes
minster Carol and My Sheep
Grazing" were sung by the C
fest choir and °Away ,in a Ma
ger" and "Gentle Jesus" by th
Children's Choir. •The audie
joined in the singing of sever
favourites, "Silent Night , W
Shepherds Watched Their Flo
O Little Town Of Bethlehem,
First Noel and It Came Upon
Midnight Clear".
A greatIdeal of credit for
very enjoyable ,evening of C
MIS music must go to the fa
ful hard work of the Organist
Mrs.. Bruce llamilton' and th
Pianist, Mrs. Donalda Scott
addition to the Director.
others have contributed their
and,effort and the cornthunit
must be grateful for their di
Carol Festival
Held At Church
A Christmas 'Carol FeStival
heid 'in St • MarY's Church Litc k-
now Sunday, ‘December 17th was
Miss Laurie Chisholm,, organist
at St. Mary"splayed„an overture,
while the people gathered. dueit
organist was Mr Elmer Umbach
who opened,the serVide:with sfq •
COme All Ye Faithful"- with con-
:gregational singing! The child-
ren of the parish, direated by '
bits. Wm. McKeon' sang several',
carols. , • ;
St. Augustine'sn parish was rep-.
,resented by Cyril Boyle who sang
' "What Child is This" and "Adeste
Fidelis" accompanied by his
Churches Held
Chalmers Presbyterian Sunday •
School anci,the United Church
Sunday school heid a combined •
Christmas conFert„on,Friday ev-
ening in Whitechurchl Community
Memorial Hall. '
The, Chairman Mr. Karl de,
Koeijer opened the, meeting with
prayer and remarks-on the birth
of Christ, a time honored event •
and directed the thouglits'of the
audience to this event. Opening
Chorus was "Rudolph the 'Red •
Nosed Reindeer", folloWed by a ;
Carol "0 Come All Ye Faithful"
.--by the Presbyterian \scholars.
Nancy England gave the wel-‘
come recitation. The audience
sang,carols with,lrene 'de Boer as
pianist. A film. "The Fourth Wise
4 - Man" was shown, with Mr. Victor
, Wybenga operating the projector
and Kathy Wybenga operating
the sound projector telling of the.
story. '
Leland Parker gave musical
:selections on the accordian, fol-
lowed by a recitation by Jackie
`Whytock. Rhonda Gibson gave a
• , Reading "The Little Lamb" using
the flannelgraph and
pictures to tell the story. .
A second film strip "Peter, and
The Hermit" was shown. Linda
• . Moore gave a recitation "Open
Your Hearts" and 'Cindy Moore,
gave a recitation "Hang-Up the
Baby's Stockings'` .. Jane Laid-
laws class and Mrs. Irwin's class
gave "The Story of the,Birth of
Christ which included carol sing-
ing. Wayne and Wray Forster
gave recitations.
The offering was received by '
Earl Thompson and Barry Elliott.,,
Another film was shown dealing
with Share, Praise, Love, Peace,
Freedom and singing of carols.'
Irene de BOer's class with
Barry Elliott as the preacher and
the other 5 members as his and-, •
ience gaVe4 humorous skit: ' The
closing chorus "Frosty The Snow-
man" was given by' the United '
Chnrch Sunday SchOol and the
Carol the "First Noel" with Mrs. '
• ‘ Garnet Farrier pianist.. The clos-
ing recitation wasgiven by
Kenneth Quinn. ' God Save the
Qtfeen Was sung and Mr. Wybenga .
closed with payer.
Santa Claus then arrived to'
pass out *gifts plated under the
beautifully ligted 'Christmas tree
and to give cliilchren .
present, a
,g of candy, and an
orange. lunch was then serVed i
daughter Marie.
Mrs. Raymond Leckly gave a
reading "What is. Christmas" and
recited a poem "Glad Christmas
Morni_ng". Due to w-e-a h er c ond
dont Miss Tat Buckely.o London
was unable-to be presen
• and,.Ray
Dalton was absent due:to illness. ,
Each were to have participated in
the program.
Following an 'organ interhide
with: Mr. Unibach, Brother Carl
Von read "Uncle Skinflint's
Christmas Gift°.
Miss Mary Anne Frayne , organ-
ist at St. Joseph's, Kingsbridge
proVided accompaniment fOr her
father; Eugene Frayne , who sang -
"Whispering 1;14e", "Silver Bells"
and "0 Holy ,Night"._ Rev. Fr..
Edward Dentinger , yarish Priest ,
read the Christmas Story while
the guest singers hummed "Silent
Night":. The entire assernbly
joined' in singing 'a group of
Hymns and Carols.. To close this
"Hour of Joy"' a'stirring rendition
of "The Holy City" was given
with solos by Rev. Pr. Dentinger
and Elmer Unibach, ending
is a, duet. ,,
All present then adjourned to
the Town Hall where a delicious
lunch prepared by the ladies of
the parish was served and a soc-
ial time enjoyed. '
J. W. Van Stempiroort
10:00 a.m. Service
2:30 p.m. Service
Ashfield -VMS
Ashfield• Women's Missionar'y
Society held their„Christmas meet"
ing at the home of Mrs. Henry
Mrs. MacKenzie opened the -
meeting with'a • pOem fdllowed
by. a Christmas hymn. 'Christmas •
Worship Service was read frpiii -
Glad Tidings by.'Mrs. Henry Mac-7
'Kenzie: and Mrs.' Emile MacLen-,
nan. > scripture lessons were read
'by Mrs. jim West.. Mrs. Ewan
MacLean then gave a reading fol-
loAd by a hymir.- Mrs. Henry . •
MacKenzie introduced our pest
speaker Mrs. /Ross Shiells who'
spoke about "What Ls Born at
Christmas". After her interesting
talk MrS., Shiells was
presented with a gift by' Mrs. •
Warren Wylds.. A hymn followed.
after which Mrs. Jack MacKenzie
fav,oured with a solo "O. Holy
Night'. Roll call by 16 Inernbers
and 3 guests was answered with' a
favorite Christmas Carol or hymn
and the name of the author. Oiffer-
ing was taken and Mrs. Jim West ,
gave..the offertory prayer.. ,
13usineA wai'disCussed and the
list of new officeri for 1973 was
read by Mrs. Jim West.
Past President', Mrs. Ewan Mac-
Lean; President , Mrs. Jim West;
1st Vice President, Miss Sadie
Johnston; 2nd Vice President, Mrs.
Warren Wylds; 3rd Vice President ,
Mrs.• Richard West; 4th Vice Pres
ident , 1Virs. Stuart MaeLennan;
Press Reporter,, Mrs. Lloyd Collins;
Treasurer, Mrs: 'Bill Ross; Sec-
retary, Mrs. Donald' Simpson:
Glad Tidings, Mrs. Warren Wylds;
Friendship and. Service, Mrs.
Ewan. MacLean; Supply, Mrs. Hen-
ry Mackenzie; Literature and
Library, Mrs. Bill Ross; Life
Membership, Miss Sadie Johnston;
Pianist, Mrs. Jim West; ExplOrer
Leaders, Mrs. Allan MacDonald
and Mrs. Lloyd Collins; Home
Helper, Mrs. Jack MacKent,e.
'Mrs. Kenneth Rooney gave, the
official installation of the Officers.
A hymn' was sting and IsArs,mac--,
Lean, closed-the meeting! Lunch
was/ served and a social time
Carolfest 72
South :KinlQss
Prior To Christmas
Carolfest-72, 'a special Christ
mas musical was held at South'
•Kinloss Presbyterian Church. on.
Sunday, December 17th at 8 p.m..
A capacity crowd turned out
despite the wee k end weather,
showing.enthustasm both by their
presence and their singing.
Mrs: Lorne Sparks, director' of
the choirs, arranged the evening's
program, She contributed as
well, by her music , "It's Christ-
rnas Time Again", and "Choral-
Benediction" sung by the cardl-
fest choir; "Christ Was Born"
and "Joyous Christmas Day" sung„_
by the Children's chdir and 'the,
arrangement of the wordsth
"March of the Three Kings" sung '
by the male' section of the Carol-
fest Ohoir.
The contilhitipn by local
people and the special, numbers'of
the evening were points of special
interest,. Miss Nornia M:achityre
wrote the words of "Christ:Was
Born°. The audience had the
pleasure 'of joining the choirs in
"Joyful Christmas„Day" written
by DOlOres Nicholls. It's always
a ,treat to hear children Sing: The
solo by Ann Hampton, "0 Come
Little Children" was, a . delight
to hear,, as well a's the triao.."Birth-
day bf a King" by theMaeltityre
sisterS, Margaret, Norma. and
Marilynne, Mrs. Donald Bell,'
surrounded by several children,
told the Christmas sthry in a re•-•
freshing way. Other seripture les-
sons were read by-Denver DicIde, •
Frank MacKenzie and Dolores.
NichollS.' Mr. and Mrs. Garnet:
Farrier on the piano and saxaphorie
played., "Joy to the WOrld" and"
"0. Holy Night". The choir join-
ed in with their second• number,
one Or the highlights oftheieven-
ing. Six of the women `from the
choir fOrmed a Ladies' Enseinble'
to sing-, "Bring a Torch, Jeanette,.
Isabella,." and "Gesu Bambino":
• Lucknow
treibyterian 'Church ,
Rev. Glenn Noble;R.A.0 B.D.
Phone 528-2740'
a OD siuKlay School
11, a.*Oloting ViierShIP'
The: program was begun with
prelude music by members of the
Lucknow band; The Processional ,
Carol, '"Hark,. the Herald Angels
Sing"; A welcbme by Miss
Wendy Forster; and three numbers
by the Carolfest Choir. In addi-
Before The Age of Miracles
COON,* poctor...
6 9:5
Dr. Johnston was born in West Wawanosh Township and.
was aleneral practitioner in Lucknow for thirty years./ His
book reflects his life and practice in this community.
a• • •