The Lucknow Sentinel, 1973-01-03, Page 5Ewarti McPherson wishes to thank all those , who remembered him with cards, gifts, and visits while he was ,a patient in Wingham and. District Hospital.. 'Your kind- ness will long be remembered. I• would like to say "Thank You" to all my friends who, remembered me with cards, letters and visits, while 'I was a patient in Victoria Hospital, London. Thanks also for' the. Seasonal Gifts and visits since I came home. A Happy New Year to all. Susan McNaughton Christinas guests, his parents Mr. "'and' Mrs.' Fred McQuillin of R. R. 1 Lucknow and Mr. and Mrs. Barry .McQuillin and family 'of. Ancaster, OLIVET Buts. Ph; 357.1410 ',Res. Ph. 357-1015 MacKENZIE MEIVIORIAWCHAPEL FUNERAL 'SERVICE Services conducted according • to .your wishes at' your Home, your Church, or at our Mem- orial Chapel no additional ' charge. • * Lucknow, Plum* S28-3432 Day or Night , ACREAGE ' III 0_▪ 50 acres, large L shaped barrio le • °' drilled well; pond ite. Listed at • w$9,800. •n n WINGHAM OFFICE, " - 357-3840 • REPRESENTATIVES W. ADAMSON C. SIJTCLIFFE.' J. 'BREWER 140000aaaallaillaaaallannii, e 4 • • r . n n III a a • • gr U erngiit Lfsf0V,VEL. PHONE 291-151ti SHIP. INSURANCE FIRE, WIND,•CASPALTY AUTOMOBILE & INVESTMENTS To Protect 'Yonr:Jaek, \%' .h. Today. „, J. k McDONAGH Lucknow;.Phone. 528-3423 • R. W. ANDREW Bariister. arid Solicitor LISTOIAIEL, ONTARIO IN LUCKNOW Every Wednesday and Saturday Afternoon Office iu the Joynt Block. Nelephone: Lucknow 528-3116 R. W; OPTOMETRIST. -•;, GODERICH . , Tho Square (Phone 524-7641) 4111.1111:011111111111M.M. M HARPER , CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT S5. 57 South 'Street, Gode.rich • ltelOphotte 5244562 • . A arid s at those ;Ken' d trYes .day. les' or. 6ad ,.of . )e res• snow has to equip. ;ectiOn ic act or'irk' , ray' in e with )r ' the high. der Of :ouncil en Of . ' WEDNESDAY,. JANUARY.. 3, 1973. THE, LPC.KNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW; ONTARIO • t Ind . PAGI FIVI • CARD OF THANKS , I would like to 'say thank you to those that sent cards and get well wishes and those who me while a patient in. Wingliam and •District. •Hospital: Special thanks to the Doctors and nursing staff; Jilt Wilson, wish to thank all those who were so kind in sending me letters & cards when was in University Hospital, London. Special thanks to 'Dr. W, B. Barton, Landon special- ist and other Doctors. Also special. - thankslo Mr. and Mrs. Ardill Mas- ,on whoa took me down, and brotight me back on December 22nd. , George E. Colwell CARD , OF T H . NKS I would like to 'thank everyone who remembered itie3trith pre- sents and cards at Christmas time: Happy New Year to all, , i Earl Swan The family of 'the late,Mr. John ,Purdon wish to convey their heart-* felt thanks for the kindness , and sympathy • shoWn in many, ways, at the time of the passing •of a dear husband and father. , . Mrs. Annie Purdori and. Family- Ed Blackwell wishes to thank. all 'those who remembered him with cards, gifts and visits while he Was a patient' in Wingham and District Hospital. : , . I wish to thank all 'those who re- membered me with gifts, cards and visits,. while I was a patient in Wingham. and District Hospital. It was deeply appreciated. Mary Murray / ' 4.... • , . , Sincere thanks. to neighbours, friends and relatives for kindness- es and concern. Thank you for treats, gifts, visits and 'telephone enquiries. Best wishes for health arid happiness in 1973. Mary Miller While a patient in Wingham,Hos- pital, •I would like to thahk friends, neighbours and relatives for their well• Wishes, gifU and visits. Spec- CARD ',OF THANKS To all who sent cards, letters, gifts and flowerS. Thanks so much. A bright New Year to all. • . . Daisy NIcCharles ST. HELENS Mrs., fames Barbour and Mrs.' Frieda Gontier of LOndon visited with Mi.. and Mrs. Andrew Gaunt • during the holidays: Visiting' with Mrs. Harvey Webb at the farm for the holidays were Mr. and Mre. Ken drewar Nancy and 'Bradley of Mississauga, and Mr. and Mrs. Dave Gilmour, Jeff and Steven of Winnipeg. Mr. and Mrs. Jinn' Curran and 'faul spent a few 'days with Iva.. and Mrs. R9y Gardner and family at Lucan. Mrs. Andrew Gaunt and Mrs. Earl Sherwood of Cailow spent a few days in, Detroit with Mr. Charles. SherwOod at the time of the death Of his wife. On Thurs,, day Andrew Gaunt and Mr,. and, Mrs. Murray. Gaunt attended the funeral'and Mrs. Gaunt returned home at this time. MOVED TO LUCKNOW Mr. and Mrs. Cliff MUrray and KINGSBRIDGE Mr..Arld Mrs. Earl Drennan have Moved to' Goderich . for the winter months,.. , Mr. and Mrs. John Sheardown" have moved to the'former Gerry Logtenburg house on the farm: now Owned by' Claik.Zirin. 41, Jin'i Sinnett is home from' hit' boat, for the months. onthS. - Visitors during the holidays were Mr. and Mrs. Dan Dalton, of Moose Factory With • Ray Dal- ton and' Terry and other members 'of the Dalton family; Miss"An- 'toinette Dalton of Detroit also with Ray Dalton; Mr. and Mrs. Ed' • Chilton of Kitchener with Mr. and Mrs. Mark Dalton and fam-' ily;,Ad Miltenburg of Guelph' with Mr.. and Mrs. John Miltenburg and family. Nolcia Miltenburg spent the holidays with Mr. and Mrs.: Reis Miltenburg. and »fainily. Kathy Hogan of London spent the holi- day with Mr. ',and Mrs. John,.. -HoWard and family. Rosemary Hogan, Ron Hogan of Sudbury ,Jim Hogan of London all visited • with their Parents Mr. and Mrs Dennis Hogan, during the holidays. Marilyn Maclntyre of.TOronto was a visitor with her parents Mr. and Mrs. foe MaCIntyre for Christinas. ' Christrnas visitors with. Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Dalton were Mr. and Mrs.. Arnold Marsmen and. family'. of London, :Mr. .and MrS. Maurice Dalton and family of POrt Elgin, Mr. and Mrs.' Brian Dalton and funny 'of Guelph and Marie Dal- .ton. Chriitmas visitors with Mr. and mis: Ormond Heffernan. were. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Heffernan and family of.Newrharket, Ray Heffernawcif, Mitchell, Jerry' Heffernan Of Stratford. Nev ;Year's-visitors -with Mr': and Mrs. Ormond Heffernan.were Miss. Blanche Biladean of Wat- erloo and, friend Chris Rondy of :Mr. and Mrs. Ken Heffernan and family. of Preston .visited last Friday with Mr. and Mrs: Antone Van' Osch and family. Annie VanDiepenbeek of 'Lon- don 'spent' the holidays' with het "parents Mr. and Mrs. Frank VanDiepenbeek and .Mrs. Ray Hamilton, Joanne and Wendy visited with Mr. and Mrs. Russell Tout and family. of Kincardine on Sunday evening. Pat and' MarY McCliarles of London'were horrie for the 'holidays with their.parents Mr. and Mrs. Sandy McChailes. Roie of London spent the holiday' week end' with, the MCCItarles. Mr. and Mrs. RObert Osborne ' and family spent Saturday with Mr. and. Mrs; Ralph Scott of Kincardine Township... , 'Miss Sheila Osborne having a. few days holidays with Mr. and Mrs.' Ray Pennington and family': of Teeswatee. . Visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hamilton and family and MrS. W. 13., Hamilton at Christmas 'were ' Mr. -and Mrs. Paul Hamilton of Hanover,.John Creech 'of Kin— cardine and Andy. HamittOn, Celebrating Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Walte,r. Black and family were mr, and Mrs.: Jack McGuire•ancl family ,. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Engel, Marilyn and Robbie of , , Miss Joanne Hamilton was home ; of a Cher, ssed Jan. fall kept,. ever her ILO Tom and Hilda , Andrew would like to thank all their milk cust- omers for the'cards and gifts given _during the holiday season. The thoughtfulness was very much ap- TV • AND ANTENNA SALES AND SERVICE DON. THOMPSON TV R.R. 3 RIPLEY TELEPHONE 395-2193 . J., MacKNZIE Q.D. Optometrist preciated. - ' ial thanks to Doctors. Corrin, Fairview Dairy McKim, Rev. Nicholls arid the nurses on the•second floor for their thoughtfulness. / ,Mary '•McNay Specialiiing 'In ELECTRIC HEATING:ELEC,TIII,c, WIRING AND REPAIRS TED COLLYER ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR INVESTMENT THE STERLING TRUST' CORP:1'''''' trevailiag: Interest RateS RetireMent ,Sayings Plan Your Repres:entative. ALEX MacNAY LUCKNOW .and • DOCTOR OF :CHI ROPRACTIC 197:JOSEPHINE STREET PHONE 3571234: will be served. Mrs. Fred Thompson', Benny and Billy of Mississauga spent a few days with her parents Mr. and Mrs. 'Gordon MacPhersOn. Fred' was stranded in EdmontOn because of the adVerse weather conditions fOr Douglas• Mewhinney of Milton spent a few days at New Irears with his parents Mr. and Mrs.\ ; Frank Mewhinney. Mr. and Mrs.• Ivan McQuillin and family of 'Kitchener had as smommismionsasoilmousimus nn ALL ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES • Hydro Financing Available ,Lucknow — Phone 528,5802 • R. BRAY n • • n • • MiWMary Murray moved to Luck- now this past week. Visitori with Mrs. W .. I. Mil, ler and, liobel during the holidays were. Mr. and Mis. Gordon Mc- Intyre.of RiChrnOnd Hill and Mr.. and Miss • Gordon. Miller" of Lon- don. "t The January meeting of the W:l. will be held on Thursday afternoon at. 2 o'clock. . The next Shoot Party. in. the hall is ThurSday night. ' Lunch • • 48 acres rolling hiM. soine• w wooded, , river flowing through: :property, rail fences„ $12,00011 ▪ , ACREAGE • • home, two bathrooms, two sun: GUARANTEED GRANITES iirooms,•,,Inew oil furnace, attach-11 CEMETERY LETTERING. 1IEASONAI3LE PRICES . Buy Direct and Save INGHAM. NI- EMORIALS this two storey, 4 bedroom• •with terms:: • • • ed double garage. Large lote w • • close to shopping. m • im • ROOM TO GROW • • • A • • for the holidays from Waterloo, Lutheran University with her par"- ems 'Mr. and Mrs. Ray HamiltOn. Bill and David' Black.of London Were' home for. the* holidays' with • their patents, Mr. and Mrs, Wal7 ,ter Black. Spending Chr'istma's with Mr., and Mrs.• Oscar White and May,,,, were Mr.*and Mrs. Doug Moore and family •of Ripley, Mr....and 'Mrs. Gordon. Mauer:and Todd Of • Huron Park and Mr, and, Mrt. Jim McNairn and Karen"Of Seaford'''. and' Mrs. David Rigg and Mon,spent Cluistmas Toro* 'with their parents,. Mr. and Mrs. George Rigg and Mr.. and Mrs., Gorge Whitehead. Mr. Peter:- Searle returned home With them for a feW days holiday. Spending Christmas ,Day with; Mr. and 'Mrs.:Robert ,Osborne and 'family and Mrs. Elmer Os'-. borne were Mr. and Mrs. Ray, ,. :Pennington and family of Tees-, water, Mr.' and Mrs. Duncan Mc- Callum'and fainily of Hanover, Mr.: and Mrs. Bob. Campbell and' family of Lucknow, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Reavie and Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Elston of Wingharn. On Saturday evening' when 9ialrners Presbyterian Church caretaker Mrs. Walter ,Moore cleaned'the church and turned on the heat there was no trace of water. anywhere. On Sunday Aiorning, when she opened the basement docir to the Sunday School room there was Water up to _ the bottom step; Mts. Moore waded in to the furnaCe room and shut off the furnace afthe Kater was up to the bottoin''of the motor.. She, notified the:church officials and they had a buiy time pnmping the. water out, with ' sump pumps. •The heavy rain, on Saturday and. Mild weather creat , ed a lot of water 'which found its, way into' many_honse base- Merits putting the sump pumps to work. Mr; and Mrs, Ted Evans ind family of Georgetown visited CI Wednesday with his parents , Bill Evans (..,e:iebraring New' Years on Sat- urday with, Mr. and Mrs, Victor • u. Emerson were Mr. and. Mrs, Fred Tiffin, 'Russel Ritchie .and 'Mrs. Gertrude Tiffin of .Wingham. Christmas guests with and. Mrs.., Ronald COultes and family were Mr. and 'Mrs, Murray COul- tes of Etobicolie , Mr: and Mrs.. Ray Lewis and Michael. On Saturday evening Mr. and : Mrs: Lorne Durniri, Robert Dirinin and Miss Annie •Kermedy of 'Wing- ham , Mr. and •MrS. ElrOy Laidlaw and fathily were guests at the' ' .borne of .Mr. and Mrs. Clayton •SehOltz along ,with 'other relatives Mrs. Orville-Tiffin on Christma evening was a guest with 'her son Dan Tiffin and Mrs. Tiffin, Joyce of Londonand 'Barry of Kitchener, Mr.. and Mrs.j3ouglas 'Tiffin and Lori of Wingham, Mr. haandmMf W and'Stephe,n • and Mrs. Ethel Stewart ofing 'Mr. and Mrs. 'Eldon Emertori, Darlene, Sharon and Brenda of St. Catharines' spent the holidays With Miss Lila Ernerton, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Emerson spent Christ- mas Day with them'. Henry Wybenga was, at Bowrnan• vine on Saturday and his sister, Rudy Rudy returned with him th siend the holidays with her pareninMr. and Mrt. Victor •Wybenga and farniLy. . Miss Joann Cmisins of Thames,. ,ford volt few days last` week with Mrs Mutless and WilfOrd IN141TECHURCR. fed,, FreSh n kil, lemis• led in Is lie:,