The Lucknow Sentinel, 1973-01-03, Page 2• THE LUCKNOW' SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO GE TWO The LUCKNOW SENTINEL? LUCKNOW, ONTARIO uTir Sepoy Twins' — On the .Huron-Bruco Boundary Seend Class Mali Registration. Number 0847 Established 1878 — PubliShed Each sitednesday Afternoon Mombar of tho C.W.N.A. and 0.W.N.A. Subscription Rate, $6.00 a year in advance-- to the U.S.A. $8.00, Donald C. Thompson, Publisher MacDONALD Judy. and Mack are, pleased 'to announce the arriv- al of .Geoffrey Graham on Decem- ber 27 in Sarnia General Hospital,, a brother for.Janet, John a , Elizabeth, a,grandson for M. n Mrs. W. F. MacDonald, Lucknow. IvlacMILLAN - Mr.. and Mrs. , James MacMillan-of-St. Cathar- ines are happy .to announce the birth of.their. daughter Mary.Jo on Saturday, December,,9th, 1972 at the' Hotel Dieu •Hospital, a sister for. David', Joey, James and Greg. WHO SPONSORED FREE SKATING AND TREATSc AT CHRISTI AS FOR THE, YOUNG PEOPLE McDONAGH INSURANCE MacKENZIE'S FUNER 'PARLOR PETTER'S SH ES' ASHTON'S CL THING BROWN'S F or) MARKET H. & & 'DISCOUNT STORE JOHNSTONE'S FURNITURE UMBACH'S DRUG. STORE HALL'S RED. AND. WHITE STORE SEPOY STORE LANTING'S BAKE SHOP SEIGRIST'S MARKET ' STORE GREER RADIO .& T.V. JOHNSTON'S FEED. MILL C. & M. TRANSPORT- ROBERT ANDREW, LAWYER SENTINEL OFFICE MAYFAIR RESTAUliANT-i , • ANDERSON'S' CLOTHING STORE - FINLAYSON GROCERY LUCKNOW COOP JONES VILLAGE SHOP' MONTGOMERY MOTORS BARB'S . BEAUTY SALON G. & E. SALES DRS. CORRIN & McKIM BUD' HAMILTON (FUELS) AGNEW'S CHINA SILVERWOOID'SAMIRY TRELEAVEN'S MILL BUTTON'S MEAT MARKET FISHER'S BARBEit SHOP LOG' CABIN 'RESTAURANT SUNOCO GARAGE . FINLAY 'DECORATORS BANK 'OF MONTREAL FINA. GARAGE HENDERSON'S LUMBER LUCKNOW .DRY Ci.EANERI .MARY LOU BEAUTY SALO ROBT. symgs..(TRucKING BEATTY'S BEAUTY SALON CHISHOLM FUELS: MACHAN'S HARDWARE OLIVER GLENN (ALUMINUM SALES) BOB, NIcINTOSH (SALES BARN) ART' HELM (WELDING) RON FORSTER • (SEPTIC TANKS). AB PORTER . ',(SEPTIC TANKS) ANDERSON'S FLAX THOS. HACKETT .(MACHINERY): , SUPERTEST 'GARAGE MaeDONALD'S GARAGE LUCKNOW MACHINE SHO LUCKNOW BUSINESS E .FOLLOWING IS.A, LISVOF _ 'LA CES "The Classy Cooker:" otherwise known as Lucknow No. 1 Horne-, 'makers' Club', gathered for this group photo at the conclusion of AdhieVenierit Day ,at Lucknow ?Ublic School. Rant row t left to right: Marilyn Sproule,. Theresa. Huber, loahne Ritchie, Nancy. Ritchie, Nancy Alton; 'Second row, left to right: Mrs. Glen, Walden, Eliabeth Ritchie, Ruth Alton,, Elaine/Whitby, Sus:: WEDNESDAY, JANUARY' 3, ' William Lawrence. Papernick, son of Mrs. Ivan Papernick and the .late Ivan Papernick, recently • .received his designation.as Charter ed 'Accountant:, Mr.. Papernick is a 'graduate of Goderich C011egiate and of the University of Western Ontario. Be and his wife ar-e-present- ly'residing in Toronto Where Mr. Papernick is on the staff of the Touche , 'Ross 'and Company. His mother, Mrs. Ivan. Paper-' • . nick, is the former Jean Ritchie of Ashfield. • :A • REDISTRIBUTION CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 ings and the'Commission will sub-. mitits proposals' to the Commons • where M.P's may request changes. Final decision„'however on 'where the boundaries lie, rests with ;he Commission.: , Redistribution does not become effective, at the earliest until late this: year. Under the proposal the riding' of Huron: is enlarged to, include three, added municipaliiies from Middlesex and six from Perth. These are the townships of EaSt and' West Williams and the towns.. of Parkhill from Middlesex. From Perth, will be added the towns ships, of Blanshard, Fullarton and Hibbert and the towns' of St. Marys and Mitchell. Perth riding is shown with a pOpulation of 17 ,907.'- • While losing fivemunicipalities to 'Huron', the riding has been en- larged 'by the•addition of ,several municipalites from Waterloo cou/nty. • ,As far as certain of the 'Perth municipalities are concerned the proposals are ,a return to the arrangment that existed for sev 621 yearS. At that 'time the'then • riding of Huron Perth included 'Mitchell, Fullarton, Logan and .Hibbert. After 1952 only Hib- bert remained and it too reverted to Perth-riding follOwing the re.- ' distribution of 1966. Until recent years redistribu- tl)on was the responsiblity of par-, liament' but since November 1964 the responsibility has"been vested by parliament in an inde- pendent commission. The corn- mission must arrange ridings,.with populations of'841,.649,. This total ,may be increased Or decreased 25/0 to maxiniums'and minimums. Of 105,6 811, and 6.8,487 subject , to the presence. of special factors such as area , shape or accessibil- ity, SHOULDICE - Mr. and Mrs. 'Rob Shouklice (June Ackeit) are' happy to' announce the arrival of their son., Steven Robert, on Thursday, December 28', 1972,,. at Wiarton and District Hoipital. JOHN LONEY CONTINUED FROM PAGE .1. certain of an , early federal vote. '• He said he Would not vote against the minority Liberal gov- ernment.if 'it presents legislation advantageous to, the country"and in line with the IDC platform. "People are fed up with elec- dons , but everything 'hinges on the contents of the throne speech " he said.. , Dr. Mitges was pinchltitting as speaker for 'Harold Danforth, PC . caucus chairman and MP fix, Kent-Essex. Mr. Danforth and his wife were in an accident near London as' they were driving to • the, Walkerton meeting. Mrs. • Danforth received minor injuries. • 'No HOLIDAY CONTINUED FROM PAGE i where the main was broken and in order to make the repair, the log had to be rernoVed% This proved difficult and in rernovinethe a second break ocCurred in the main a, few feet up the, line. • In order to patch the main, the accumulated water had 'to be removed from the large hOle and this also had its' problem with chips from 'the old log plugging the water pump. After a long and tedious Sun- day morning, and with the assist- ance of the Wingham PUC , the necessary repairs were made. The large hole created:in digging required 40 'tons of gravel to. fill. Water was restored Shortly after noon. By being on the spot throughout the night, , Ron Madhan kept water , damage in his .basernent ,•recently fitted up as a toy departthent•at Christmas with rug on the floor ,, to a minimum. Other adjacent buildings did not eXperience any! damage from the water.. Luckily Ron had checked his store late Saturday evening or the damage in'his place would have been more severe. It was a tough way for the local works department and those others who assisted to start their New Years holiday week end. • Former lucknovi Teacher Passes fiEDLEY B. BURDEN Hedley B.. Burden paised a suddenly at his home in Hall ton, Ontario on Friday, Dec€ 22nd. He was 64. Mr. Burden resided in Lucl for a 'time 'when he Was on th •Lucknow Teaching Staff. ER also taught school in Chatha Haliburton, Beamsville, and Sault Ste'. Marie. In 1957 he was predecease his firSt wife. Mr. Burden is survived by wife-Frances of Halibuiton; three daughters Mrs Murray (Shirley)NcDonagh and Mrs Larry (./\.4yrnia:). Eddy of Sault Marie and Mrs. •Wayne (K4r: Echart. of 13eamsville; .two sod lester'and Bill, both of Bean vale; and nine grandchildrer Th „funeral service was 1-.€ in B msville on Tuesday, em er 26th .with interinent i :Maple Leaf Cemetery , Chat an kreutzweiier*, Mrs. Leona Tonita Ritchie., - Advance l'inlk..s\ f W.ci(NOW, SENT,NEL •