The Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-12-20, Page 20oliday time is aglow, in the hearts of young and old. Add to its warmth our bright "thank you." 0 SEPOY STORE MANAGEMENT AND STAFF PACi"TWE THE' LUCKNOW SIENT1i1111., LUCKNOW, ONTARIO NTY WEDNESDAY, MEMOIR IL 'It Mens' 9 p.m. Donald MacKinnon roiled the high triple with a 742 and Harvey . Culbert was next in line with a 639.. Donald also, rolled the high single 384. another 'new high single for the'season, with Harold Fxringtons's 293 beating Omar Brook's 292 for second posi- tion. •I Other games over 225; Harvey Culbert 272, Fred Young 250, Cam MacDonald 248, Fr. Dent- inger 243, Jack McDonagh 243, Donald MacKinnon 234 and John Rutherford 233. Team standing - Howard Ag- new's Buicks 5, Jack Caesar's Olds 2; Clarence Greeil&Yontiacs 4, Grant Chisholm's Mustangs 3; Bill Button's Dodges 2, Bill Stew; .art's Fords 5. Team points; Buicks 48, Fords 48, Mustangs 46, Pontiacs 46, 'Olds 37, Dodges 27, • Mens p.m. • . • ' e hope that Santa bringing good thing. our way. Thank you for your iovai. patronage.. JIM BOYLE:PISTRIiUMRS LAN and NANCY Mc' PAUL, HELEN AND HEATHER / would like ,,to mdei d= our warmest holiday greetings to our friends. ihonk-yow Merry, Chistmas. George Stanley captured the high single of the evening with a (score of 327. George Humphrey lhad a high triple store of 704. I; Games over 225; George. Stan- pey 3f.rr ; -Kan Statile) 282-i George : Humphrey 255, 245; Paul Hogan 1235 .. Wayne Rhody 227. Teani points; Owls 0,, •Cardin- "tali. 2, Vultures 5, Hawks 5, Spar- f rows 2,. Crows 7. I• Team standings:.Wayne. Rliod's lOwls Evans Helm's Cardin,' lals 41, Ron Stanley's Vultures 1 53, George Stanley's Hawks 47, Art Purney's Sparrows .32, George ' Hdmphrey's Crows 49. • The howling for 19'2 ends at ver. slow, pace. This'w.eek the only lad> score: for the news was Stewa,n's ea; es of 250, 247 soy single _and a triple of high seer es ere also iscarce. Frank Hawthorne had this week's high' single of 242, while Jack Caesar' had the hi :h triple of 661. Tear n standings are: Tigers 7 1Cubs 68; Zek,-as 5.5; Beavers 52; !wolverines 3; Squirrels 43; Tovirn .4& 'Country Anna Dexter took the single and high double with, scores of 197 and 319 for the lathe. For the men it was Harry Lavis 1 at .190 and 375. Team points; Al Irwin's Oran- ges 5, Earl McDonald's Greens 0; Mel King's Yellows 3, Harry Lavis' Reds 2;. Les Purvis' Violets 3, Clarence Bell'i Blues 2. Team standing% Violets 39, Greens 35, Yellows 35, Blues • 34 . Oranges .27, Reds 22. Luckno' Dungannon • A medley of wishes are coming your way . . . to add to your collection on Christmas Day.-Thank yo for your loyal patronage. GQRDON 7A. JOHitSTON-E,,--pRO . PURINA'AND SUPERSWEET FEEDS C, • E: .MotTciVith Bill Hunter We cue tilling the holidays'-up' with high test "thanks" to everyone Cliiptztunks 4 , Coons 39; Gophers 35; Lions 3C; Pole Cats 2.5,. • Turkey Winners were: Bob Mc,- Intos;-. for :r:en.; Beatty Irw•in for ladies; Bill and Marie Stewart for.' coti r-le. Merv, Christas And Happ. New Yea:. STARLINE FARM EQUIPMENT