The Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-12-20, Page 10JOHNSTONE .and SON. FORNITORE. "hanks to the support of .friends old and new, everyday business is a special pleasure, Besi_wishes jai the holiday season. FINLAY DECORATORS NIARG AND BOB FINLAY WITH WARMEST WISHES FOR A ,•1.16,1...1,41,:,. A PAGE TEN THE 41,1C14.1014•SENTINEk, kUCKNOIN, ONTARIO woNgspAy, IEc MEIER 20 1972 A Sentinel lift SubscriptiOn. For that last minute gift, one which will be appreciated all year long, give a new or renew- al subscription to The Lucknow Sentinel. $6 per year in Canada, $8 for foreign. An attractive gift Card will be sent. We're delighted to have this opportunity. to send the season's best .wishes to you.. Have a Merry Christmas. `CONTRACTOR Santa's ringing out - jolliest good wishes to oll! GREETINGS -frees all a-glimmer, surprises iii store! To the holiday shimmer, add Trinity U.C.W. Elep 1973 Executive I A Candle Lighting,Service was held, with, everyone participating for the month of their birthday and Christmas Carols were sung at different intervals through- out. Mrs. Jack 'Irwin sang a solo "S fen in the German language. I ' The two units divided for 'their :..emirs. Dont. laid Hackett reminded the mem- hers to save stamps and bring -I them to the January meeting, alsooDld Christmas cards. Following the business Mrs,,, I Frank Alton read,,the new slate of officers nomiated for 19'13 and Mr. Humtriel installed the , (following executive. 1 President, Mrs. Jim Hunter; I 1st Vice President , Mrs. RuSsel • Altbn; 2nd Vice President, Mrs. !Chester Hackett; secretary, Mrs. !Blake Alton; Assistant I Secretary, Mrs. Allan Ritchie; I Treasurer, Mrs. ,Warren Zinn; 1 Assistant Treasurer, Mrs. Russel 1-fr—virifjcianilr,----Mrs-:-KerrAitonl— Assistant Pianist, Mrs. Blake Alton, Mrs. Doug Raynard: Fin ance, Mrs. Alex Hackett ,..Mrs. Warren Zinn, Mrs. Jim Hunter, Mrs. Russel Alton; Programme, Mrs. Charles Wilkins, Mrs. Ken Alton, Mrs.' Wilfred Hackett, -Mrs. Alex Hackett; Social, Mrs. Harvey Ritchie, Mrs. D,A. Hackett, Mrs: Ralph Cameron, Mrs'. George Henry, Mrs. Marvin .Scott, Mrs. Chester Hackett; -- Supply and Welfare, Mrs. Reg Broome, Mrs. Donald Hacett, Mrs. Tim Reurink, Mrs... Allan The. Decetriber U,C.W. meet- ing held at Trinity. Church, on , Thursday , December 14, was a joint meeting of Blake's and Trin- ity. Mrs. Ken Alton' played, /Christmas music while the ladies gathered. The meeting was called to order by Mrs. Charles Wilkins. Carol, Joy to. the World, was sung. Mrs..Russell Phillips read the Scripture and the Study. of Christ- mas was taken by Mrs. John Hunter, Mrs, ClitrKflpatrick, Mrs. Hummel and Mrs. Wilkins. An .intefesting discussion on the meaning of Christmas followed. Mrs. Russell Alton and Mrs. Jack Irwin sang a lovely duet, ?'Angels W-e-Have Heard-On-High" Est' ilt*: Arai** CHRISTMAS SEASON FOR CHRISTMAS We've been steering our . thoughts in the direction of the season, and have come up with the wish that you and yours have a very Merry Christmas. Our thanks for-*ter—patronagel HAMM'S CAR SALES LTD. Barger; Press, and Publicity, Mrs. •Blake Alton, Mrs. Allan Ritchie; Stewardship and Rettuiting, ,N1rs, Frank .Alton, Mrs. Jim Arnold; Nominating Cornmitee, Mrs. Douglas Raynard, Mrs. Allan Hackett,' Mrs. Andrew Ritchie; Community Friendship, Mis. Clirf ' lenary; Flower Committee, Mrs. Wm. Anzrew Sr. , Mrs. War• ren Zinn ,'Mj.s. Frank i-.i`chie; Mame Cc;rnn3ittee, Mrs. DOnald Hackett, Mrs. Ale.x Hackett, Mrs. Warreq Zinn, Mrs. Frank Alton; ' y , „Mn . ,A,-1Ian -Hac-14.., I Followin the installation O If officers the ladies all pined to- gether far a delicious lunch serv- ed by, the committee in charge. The hostess for the January meet- ling will be Mrs. Doug Rayna.td. ett, Mrs. John.Htfnter. The season that generates great warmth, and Joy on Earth is here! May It bring gladness . to soon and' yours Thanks lox your putronagei, „ CHISHOLM FUELS Blyth Phone 5234342