The Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-12-20, Page 9WEDNESDAY • DECEMBER p), rpn. THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••*••••••••••••• PAGE NINO LOOKING BACKWARDS THROUGH THE SENTINEL FILES WITH MARGARET THOMPSON ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.•••••••••••••••••• 10 YEARS AGO JULY 1962 Dr. Jack 11c Kin] moved to Lucknow as an associate of Dr. M. Ii. Corrin. lie had been with Dr., Crawford , Wingliani for the previous one and a half years'. Over G00 received oral polio vaccine at a clinic in Lucknow as protection against poliomyelitis. , Mrs.. Phillip MacMillan and Mrs. Robert Hamilton purchased a unit for producing soft frozen. ice- cream and were located in the former Lyons home ,-Campbell' St. E. , where Allan ,Reed previously had an auto supply shop. They ha rued -The , new enterprise the • Sepdy Double 'S. Drive-In. •The Courtney stare at Amber- ley, a familiar landmark Over the years, was moved from its site on the northwest corner of Highway 21. and 86. The building,• which was a dual.reSidence and store, was moved about three miles east on Highway 86 to the farm of Eldon MacLennan. A part of the building was purchased by Mrs. Herb Farrell and moved to Bruce . BeaCh. •. • ..J: R. Lane', Kinloss Township Clerk for 33 years „tendered his resignation. Gordon Wall was named a rs his successor., 30 YEARS AGO , Our greetings ...heart- • felt happiness through the season. JULY 1942 Sugar ration_cards,.distributed to consumers throughout Canada before July 1st, had attached five coupons, each goad for' the purchase of one pound of sugar. We want to add our finishing touch to the Christmas season with fond wishes and "thanks." JOt_ALDIY__CLEANERS PHONE 528-2941' / WILLIAM R.' NELSON double residence on Campbell Street , which had been occupied by Cecil Allin and F. F. Phillips. The flaxmill, operated locally in 1920 by_J-JR., Curt, was sold at an auction sale of the property to John Joynt. The 'freshness of new fallen snow awakens deep reflections of holiday sentiments. • We express the hope that grad will and brotherhood "prevail to ben* lasting peace among us. The best of the season ta_yokancl_sktpere thanks for yo,ur loyalty. WILFRED McINTEE and CO. LTD. WARREN ZINN, SALESMAN • The coupons were dated and. provided 10 week's.supply, up to SerreTberacia when 'ration books good for six ,inonths , 'would be issued. A ration Card was_re-' quired_for ,each individual person,, regardless :of age. , Mrs. Iris Morrey Of London was named superintendent 'of Wing- ham General. Hospital to succeed Miss Winnifred Douglas, who had rec ently-resi gned . Mrs-. lviorrey•-- a graduate of a Cleveland Hos- pital', assumed her new duties on July 13. For the previous year she had been teaching and in; structin' for the Red Cross. The 12th of July was celebrated in Lucknow , when a crowd estim- ated at 6000 flocked into the Sepoy Town to observe the 252 rid anniversary of the Battle Of the, Boyne. The weather was ideal and-ov-er-thirt-rlodges.-w e r e-in—:— attendance. 50 'YEARS AGO JULY 1922 The Variety Store,, a, 'new, busi- ness in Lucknow,,Was opened with -Fred-Stanley in charge.-'The,--- - store was a branch of W. J. Fill- yard's business in Wingham and had previously been located in Teeswater.. W. J. Spindler bought the Card Par-ties At the Dungannon L.O.L. card' party held in Dungannon Hall' on December 14th, prizes, were won, by the following; high lady ,Mary Stewart, 2nd high Bessie Alton; high man Elmer Black, 2nd high John Andrew. The. next 'card party is .on December 28th. The Holyrood Women's Insti- tute held their third card party in the hall with six tables in play. High lady 'was Mrs. Alex PerCy', high gent , Jack Scott; birthdays closest to,Christrnas, Frank Maul- den and Mrs. P. A. Murray. There's a jingle in _the air as holiday cheer rings cyAywhere.