The Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-12-13, Page 6• , TO THE RATEPAYERS OF THE CORPORATION'OF • • a VILLAGE OF ttl.CKNOW• • . UNDER THE NEW ONTARIO .PROPERTY TAX CREDIT PLAN, RESIDENTIAL . AND . FARM PROPERTY TAXES • LEVIED AND DUE IN 1972 MUST. BE PAID BY DECEMBER ' THE PAYMENT OF THESE MUNICIPAL TAXES WILL ENABLE YOU • TO RECEIVE FULL. CREDIT UNDER THE ONTARIO PLAN ON YOUR 1972 INCOME TAX RETURN. A. E. HERBERT', Clerk-Treisurer FERTILIZER PRICES GOD_UNTIL-DECEMBER,15 6-24-24 $68.50 a ton 8-32-16' $74.50' a 'ton 6-26-26 871.00 a ton 0-26-26 $67.00 a ton 16-16.16 $68.50 a ton 45% Urea $70.50 a ton FREE 'DELIVERY PLUS, DISCOUNT ON TRUCK LOAD LOTS REPAIRS AND SERVICING OF SNOWMOBILES HAS BEEN DISCONTINUED BY HACKETT BROS: FARM-EQUIPMENT IN THE FUTURE ALL SERVICE WORK WILL BE HANDLED BY cknow Machine. Shop — — — • (LOCATED NEXT DOOR TO HACKETT'S) PHONE 528-3835 - FOR A COMPLETE. REPAIR SERVICE Av:•••••.i......m...N••••••iim••••••igmi••.•i....gNm..u.vg••••PwuiN'"••t THE. LUCKNOWIENT.INE.L, LUCKNOW; ONTARIO _ _ , _ 'WEDNESDAY DECEMBER. 1972. „ CARD OF THANKS I would like to thank my friends and relatives for cards, tfts and flowers I received while in hospital. Special thanks to Doctors Corrin and McKim and to all who helped in many ways. Ruby 13urrows THANK YOU Thank you for the wonderful support I election as councillor in Ripley. In the' next two•years I shall try to be confidence shown in me, ' • .Best wishes forthe Holiday Season. - / MARG ROUSE NOMINATION MEETING BRUCE FEDERAL PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE ASSOCIATION WALKERTON COMMUNITY CENTRE FRIDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1972 AT 8 P.M. TO SELECT A CANDIDATE FOR THE NEXT FEDERAL ELECTION EVERYONE WELCOME received in the deserving of the NOTICE TO dm. ear. An. 4sre eve.' 40m. .Romie •gair 40.10. 1111W 41111.0%,.. ANY . NEW SNOWMOBILE OWNERS ARE • WELCOME TO JOIN THE CLUB 41111iP 4111111. AMIN. 4111111w ill! Ail. iinne guirs. OUTRiltElEr:Pee—Sidelit '--13013—RITMET-4tic-Treas:-- - - LUCKNOW SNOWMOBILE CLUB, Requesti snowmobile owners to please stay off private property in the village. Please use the most direct route in and out of town of ter" 11 p.m. YOUR CO-OPERATION IN THIS MATTER WOULD BE GREATLY APPRECIATED. 4111.11i11.111N1111111111111MMIIIIIMr . , • NOTICE It was indeed a pleasure for me to meet All the kind people on my canvass of the ratepayers and electors of Kinloss Township. My congratulations to the elect- ed council and the other. candi- dates. It was my own doings that my name was on the ballot paper. Sincerely Wm. E. Haldenby Clarence Bell wishes to thank all those who remembered him with cards, letters, gifts and inquiries while he was an out patient in Vic- toria Hospital, London. These kind- nesses will long be remembered. I would like to say thank you to those that sent cards and get well wishes and those who visited me while a patient in Wingham' and District Hospital. Special thanks to the Doctors and nursing staff. James Smith Holyrood We would like to express our ap- preciation to our wonderful friends, neighbours and relatiVes for the most enjoyable social evening held for us. We both plan toh,ave some- ( thing! for our homes in memory of the occasion, which' you made s-0-happy-for-us. Elsie and Harvey Houston Ililda and Raynard Ackert Marion and Perrin Lowry. wish Ito thank neighbours, relatives and friends for cards, gifts and flowers' and for all the kindnesses shown to the familTat home during, the times t Marion was hospitalized, which will alifays be -remembered. HOI.YROOD 'Jim Smith returfied home from .the Wingharn and District Hospit- al where' he was a patient. Mrs. Smith visited with Mrs'. Ina. Eadie at . Wingham while Jinf was in the hospital. - Mrs. Brian WYlds won the: C istmas c rsse'roie draw at Maiwelps Store at Holyrood '. Mrs. Ellwood Elliott returned from. LOndon where she was with her mother Mrs. Waiter Chesboto who underwent major surgery at : St. Joseph's Hospital.. Little David Elliott. sent the Ird---1.4-ittfl-od Lynn — Miller at St. Helens-. - Mr." and Mrs. P. A. Murray held their famiiy gathering on' Saturday, December 9th in the , Holyrood Hall. Those attending we're , Mr: and 'Vt.-S. Bob'Dales , (Margaret Anne) and family Of . Srhith Fall's, 'Mr. and Mrs. Donald Fisher (Elaine) and family .from Barrie, Mr. and MrS. Keith Mc- Carter (Veronica) aild famTly-frOrn- Wallac'eburg, Mr. and Mrs. John Murray and family from Drayton, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne ,Kraemer' (Eleanor) and family .of Mr. and Mrs. Alphonse Murray and family of Luc know Mr. and, Mrs. Frank Murray and family of Westford,, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Murs 7 family,Mr, aad, m Charlie Murray and family, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Murray and fam- ily. Miss Barbara Murray„ and Miss Margaret Murray of Montreal. 'Mr. and Mrs: Ernest Ackert and Jeffrey returned home from , a winter holiday in Florida', VILLAGE OF LUCKNOW All Vehicles must be removed from all streets in Lucknow between the hours of 2 a.m. and 7 a.m. during the winter months. The Village will not 'assume responsibility for --damage to-vehicles-who-do_not_complrwith these regulations. Now is the time to order your fertilizer 11 TO GET IN ON AtISM/ifiit Van Phone 528-3618 TO THE SEPARATE SCHOOL RATEPAYERS OF ASHFIELD, WEST WAWANOSH, EAST WAWANOSH, KINLOSS, CULROSS, TURNBERRgY AND THE. TOWN OF WINGHAM Your continued confidence shown in the election Monday, December 4th is deeply' appreciated and I shall endeavour to serve you to the best of my ability. •• THANK YOU OSCAR G. KIEFFER Lisclmow