The Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-12-13, Page 4• •N" FOR RENT FOR SALE - snowmobile suits $12,95 to $39/.95; boots $8.89 to $12.95; mitts $4.95i- to $11.95. Full range of sizes, Also goggles, hel- mets, face masks. Open daily 1 p.m, to 9 p.m. Clarke Ferguson Ski Whiz Sales and Serviee, Point Clark, phone 395-5454. SPRAY PAINTING ARNOLD STOTHERS 'PHONE S29-7403 • FOR ESTIMATES 2911. THE LUCKNOV,i SENTINEL 'makes an ideal Christmas gift, $6 per year, $13 otitside Canada, an at- tractive gift card 'will be sent, at no xtr t ho e 528-72Z2 • / CAROLFEST '72 , Carolfest '72 at the .South Kinlos Presbyterian Church will be. het( DeceMber 17 at 8 p.m. An are wel come to this community event Free will offering . 'to THE. LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO • •••• `tS. ••• 4111111111.... COMING EVENTS COMING E,1/NTS. FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE -"alaillgliliggigawiwil -cktmmitliwei°11ilmir=eck x 91tru with. 6' racks, phone 357-2939. 11111•11.1.1111111111111 Table Paper is now available in' DEAD STOCK SERVICE OPEN RECEPTION TABLE PAPER LORENZ checked patterns of yellow, green An open • reception for Mr.- and $20.00' dead horses; $10.00 cows. Mrs. Brian Stothers (nee Marilyn over 1000 pounds. ' Phone collect Montgomery) at Saltford Valley 369-2410 Durham,- _ Hall on Friday, December 22nd. ' . -Mimic by The Country Boys. Lunch CHRISTMAS TREES for sale by provided. Everyone welcome. the Lucknow Boy Scouts, orders SUPER CASH BINGO Legion. Hail, Lucknow, every Thursday, 8:45, p.m. Pot• of Gold game - winner take all. 14 reg- ular games, $10 each. 2 Shore the Wealth games. A $30 Special, Jack-, .pot games for $120.00 on 60 calls or $25 consolation prize. Four free ST. JOSEPH'S SCHOOL CONCERT draws for turkeys. • PICTURE .FRAMING - our spec- ialty; wood and metal. Snyder-- Photo Photo Studio, Wingham. James Snyder, proprietor, shone 357-1R51. FOR SALE - Beatty automatic feed and ,raanure handling equip- ment, stabling and pressure sys- tems. Contact Beatty Farm Ser- vice Centre, Clinton,482-9501. or red 36" wide by 100' • length, priced-3:50 a roll. Also available as before in white at $2.25 a roll. The Lucknow Sentinel. CHRISTMAS TREES - for sale, Scotch Pine $2.25; Balsam $1.50. Floyd Milne, Lucknow, phone • 528- =12 •or 528-3215. 'V taken,' phone 528-3942. - St.. Joseph's School, Kingsbridge PRINTED STATIONERY: both invites everyone to their annual writing paper and envelopes, large Christmas. Concert, in their school variety to choose t-om.' see our gym, Thursday, December 21 at sample catalogue, ideal for Christ- 8:15 p.m. An evening of enjoyment. mas. The Luclmow Sentinel. • Everyone welcome. NEW YEARS EVE PARTY Lucknow .Legion and Fire De- partment are sponsoring a New Year Eve Patty, Staley, Decem- ber 1.st, in the Lucknow Legion Hall. Dancing to the Country Music Men. Smorgasbord. Admission by ticket only, $12.00 per couple. NOV refunds. Persons 18 and over wel- FOR SALE - 1971 - 35- I-come:' Tickets -available from (,;or- cycle RUpp snowmobile, liSt $1395 I don MOntgomery, Stuart Jamieson, Bill Johnstone, Clarence Greer and the Legion Steward. BOXED STATIONERY - for. Christmas giving, boxes and box- es of stationery, all styles and prices. You are welcome to have a looks •The Lucknow Sentinel. CHRISTMAS SHOPPING SOLVED - "Before the Age of Miracles", a best selling Canadian book by Dr. W. Victor Johnston, Lucknow general practitioner for 30 years, is available from the Luclmow Sentinel, phone 528-2822 for $6.95. Mailed-anywhere in • Canada or United States at no additional charge. SILVER LAKE GENERAL STORE RESTAURANT . FOR SALE - No. 20 Bell ham- mermill, with blower, reconditioned: Russ Ritchie, phone 529-7696. SNOW T1RE$ Now is the•time to get your snow tires. See Lucknow -District Co-op. FOR SALE - set of tractor 18.4 x 28. Jim McEwan, R.R. 4 Kintardine, phone 395-2410. for $850. Phone Mitchell, 348-8668. - • USED SKATES for sale, men's FOR •SALE - 1970 Polaris • snow: ladies' and clildren's. Petter mobile. Phone 392-6613. Shoes, LucknoW., phone 528-2011 i , HUMIDIFIER -SWPLIES-- We have filters and Sanitaire for your humidifier. Greer T.V: and Electric, Lucknow 52873112. FOR SALE - several purebred, Yorkshire . and ,LaCoinbe boars, ready for service. Austin Martin. IMMEDIATE PAYMENT for good DUNGANNON CARD PARTY phone_305,-2,_5., .• s anding timber and bushes. Write Dungannon L.O.L. will hold their ,gi v. Card Party' in_the...1.1) I- Halt 0.0. PERSONAL LABELS Robert EagleSon, ARA-Craig, Thursday, December 14th Every- GumMed or Presson Labels with ing location and telephone number one welcome. our--narne-and;-address-,on--them_in.. or phone 232-4450 before 8 a.m. or • a handy re-Usable plastic • box, after 6 P.m. -- Gummed labels; white. only; 300 for r WANTED LANGSIDE CONERT $1.75;.Presson Labels, white, gold, All types of fat and reolnemero The Langside Community Con- 200 for $2.75; Makes an • " cert will be held in the Community ex- cattle. cellent Christmas gift. Order now. on. Saturday, December 16 at PHONE IN. THE EVENING _Lueknow Sentinel, phone 528-2822, 8.12-5865 or phone 881-0863 I 8:15 p.m. Ladies please bring lunch_Ev_eryone welcome. SPECIAL PRICES HELP WANTED -7-- capable ON BAG FERTILIZER woman for night duty, preferably FOR SALE FOR SALE - 1960 Chev V pick-up truck and 3 point hitch frail snow- blower.' Ivan McFarlan, R.R. 2 Kincardine, phone 396-7621. FOR SALE - Van Dale Silo Un-- loaders, George Wraith, Box 95 GOderich. Phone Residence 5247002 or Shop 524-6511. CHRISTMAS BAKE SALE FOR SALE - record player. sym- The ladies of the National Farm. -phonie-stereo-,--autornatic„-gOedCPa-,-er ris-I-Jrtiori-_wili-hold-a--ChriStrnas-dition, $25. Mrs. Jack, McGuire, R, : Bake Sale on Saturday, December R. 5 LucknOw, phone 395-2827. 16th at 2 p.m. in the fotmer. John. ston Restaurant, Lucknow, Come in for a coffee break. BRUCE COUNTY HISTORIES From 1907 to 1968, a sequel to the former book; also Norman Robert- son's original history, 1906 and prior years; $7 per copy. An ideal Chriftmas gift, at -The Lucknow Sentinel. Please add .$1 extra for mailing and handling charges. WANTED liCINLOSS, •ONTARIO 1/2 gallon ice cream -- 85c FOR SALE approximately 60 Compare our 'prices for all fro ton of dry 1971 cob corn at $43.00 livestock feeds per ton at -the-erib-.--Orville-Russell,open._ Daitrila R.R. 3 Wingham, phone 357-2507. -- • Closed Tues., Fri.,Sun.,evenings FOR SALE - 1957 Fargo 2 ,42 ton truck very good. $250.00; , 1961 A. TYPEWRITER for Christmas, Studebaker Lark, V8 automatic, all price' ranges starting. at $59.95, radio, wheel covers, overhauled lay away yours now and don't be -.-44-161.0r-ancl new brakes excellent-disappointecL_ er The Lucknow red finish $175.00. Phone Orville Sentinel, phone 528-20902., Rustsell,'R.R. 3 Wingham. 357-2507. - - - FOR SALE - dropped calves, EXCAVATING AND TRUCKING Hereford and Hoistein. Alex Far- sand and gravel. Phone Robert Symes. Lucknow 528'3047 . 1528-7305. rish, R.R. 7 Lucknow, phone RECEPTION SATURDAY 8 - 32 16 , an R.N.A., but all applibants con- A Reception will be held in bon' 6 - 24 - 24 1 .sidered. Apply Pinecrest Manor 15 . 15 .. 15 ; Nursing Home, • Lucknow, phone our,e of Mr. and Mrs. Max Riegling I PRINTED ' GIFTS .--- serviettes; 528-2186 or evenings 528-2136. . (mien CoUrtneyi, Saturday. Dec. FOR SALE - 3 York sows bred Duroc: quantity of sheilec: corn.. -. ' ON TRUCKLOAD LOTS 1 ember 16th in the Lucknow Legion , playing cards, cOasters, matches. DELIVERED SAME WEEK AS . WANTED - One pair of stabilizers Hall. Music by Carruthers Orches• arnei all h 395-'1,6. • etc.. inexpensive and different, low ORDERED . for David 'BroWn.. • tractor. Phone provided.' Everyone !.529-7329. " .• , welcome. BARN EQUIPMENT :omplete prices, The Lucknow Sentinel, 528- LUCKNOW DISTRICT CO-OP BAND MUSIC . line of Acorn Equipment and Clay 2822-. Equipment for pushbuttc,n • farm- --FOR SALE -- Geese .and duCks, Lucknow Feed' Mill, Good wages Weststeel-Rosco Granaries CHRISTMAS CARDS-our , stock nowuntil_Christmas.. live Or dress-, The Lucknow Central Publ'ic Phone 528-212S - • HELP 14'ATNTED for Tieleaven's • for responsible man. 40- hour week. Zero "inir SYSten15. ed, have something to your liking, drop Ph-one-528-3000. f boxed Christmas cards will Lowry !School Band will be supplying rntis. Farm Systems. Arnberley:. phone BERG STABLE EQUIPMENT variety of designs and prices; The cabinets. formica and arborite 1 Cathur te'r service on Sunday, Deedinber 17th th----litomnr,-. 395-5286. Detzler, Teeswater 392-6486. in and make yoUr selection, a wide WANTED - . general carpentry, ; R.R.• tops'. _Elmer -Culbert 395-5298. Lucknow Presbteria.it Grant McDonald. Ripley Holyrood. phone 395-5390. . Wallace Ballagh. Teeswater , FOR SALE -. table turnips. by the - Licensed Auctioneers ical-- $ • AUCTIONEER SERVICE Lucknow Sentinel: Contact 'Lloyd Johnston, 3 • :ELP WANTED wing ,and entrance of .the LucknoW TeesWater 392-6170 able at the Sentinel Office or from SKATES FOR SALE - pair child's Legion Hall. Interested persons BLY.TH BINGO ('owe to. Blyth 11n0i, every :Saturday night at 8 :;1 1 p in -Myth Memorial Hall ',Admission $1.00; .12 , regular. gaifie'N of $19 eaelv::_2 share - the -:woilith $25 special; door :5T171-'§-40- . jackpot on 60. calls or undyr if 'not taken $10 added each, v. et.k bushel or pound. Allan Miller.. Lucknow: FOR SALE - "It's, Christmas Caretak r wanted for the north Sales of all types Time original words and phone 528-6540, R..R. I Lucknow, Phone Ripley 395-5353 music by Mrs. Lorne ,Sparks avail- phone - white V skates. size 9: pair girl's send applications to Box 99. Luck- nan•___JIow by December 16th, i Thompson. Lucknow 528-3516. , • CAR FOR SALE - 1966 Austin. Bob Greer-, T-Lucknow, phone -5M 2327. THE; TEESWATER NEWS, - is. available at . The Lucknow Sentinel.. 10c per copy. if yon, are interested in the news of Teesviater and Dis- trict, pick up a Copy. .PRINTED GUMMED 'LABELS -- an -inexpensive Christmas gift. 300 for $1.75. order noW. The Lucknow Sentinel. 528-2822. ' ROY'S ALUMINUM SAL AND S,ERVICE. win- dows. doOrs. Fc,r fret estimate call Boy, Emberlin, your local ,dealer. FOR RENT - 3 bedroom house, full bath, oil heated,' central to -----ny-l-acki.14w am' Goderich, available ZION cARD. PARTY Maple Grove L.Q.L . will • hold ‘a PAPERING - PAINTING .kisi ADDING MACHINE = for, ChtistMas, e ectri stock, The Lucknow Sentinel, •phone 528-2822. Floor -'Sanding and Splay Paint- ing. Fred Emberlin, Phone Luck- rd_P M daV nvcembei• , • ar y on on a. 18th in the Zion Hall at 8 January 1st Phone 52927521. ' ' cook Stove in' good shape: Phone NOW AVAILABLE heated, linen supplied. available Admission .50c. Ladies with lout~, ° FOR RENT -- furnished I room FOR SALE - a General Electric 'THIRD PRINTING apartment with- fridge- and -stove, free- • • FOR, SALE -, Ebersol bale shred- ' der complete with 3 H.P. electric' 529-7211. `‘ • Norman Robert.con's History of motor. : good condition: Phone .395 , _ , C y, fir stp ' e i -2. : Lucknow 528-3723. used. Gordon Anderson. 'phone partment, bed-sitting room, large 10th or 17th to. see The Best Prom FOR SALE .- Fairfield automatic 1906. second printing in 1960. • . ' the West, IBN HATHFAN, -I )ear 529-7358 after 6 p.m. - ;add $1 for shipping and handling Spartan 17:' T, V: Jim MacTavish, , kitchen, bathroom. All utilities. heated double water bowl. never , !' PRICE SiS7.00 ' , FOR SALE -- black and white , - FOR RENT - furnished bachelor i . paid. Phone Ripley 395-2672. old Arabian stallion who has o'er THE LUCICNOW SENTINEL is sequel of thiS bobk, The Ilistdry' SHOW- YOUR COLOURS - the ' 170 ribbons and 30 troPhies Coffee for sale at Mel Stanley's Sunoco:, of The County of Bruce 190'7 - 1968 perfect gift for Christmas, a pure mimia Walkerton. 'from 2 to 4 o'clock at Cunning Lucknow. phone 528-3320.. We also ha le available the ! wool Bruce. County Tartan necktie. hams' Ranch, 20 • Brown Street. Sent Post paid for only 12.99 plus 15c,tax. Send Money _order of $3,14 to ever, eeswater-,---Out-:-ffi --u- ario. flow. . • YOU ARE INVITED on December immediately. Glenn's Apartments, LOST Umbach's Pharmacy. H. and B. Discotnit and Koyle's Supertest in Lucknow. written by Norman McLeod - same price. ' THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL , 1 ' ST. AUGUSTINE BINGO - Bingo in -St.- Augustine Paris ; Hall, Friday. December 1 5th a -8-:30 - p.m, -Door'-'i-pritc-r-gee.,11DR card with presentation -of this ac Plus admission. • LOST - a Brown suede jacket at e giTaTritalt-LticknOw, Deceit - ber 9,, 1972; taken by mistake. would the party concerned with its disappearance please contact 357- HIGHEST //PREVAILING PRICES • SANDBLASTING paid for dead' and disabled cows and horses. Call collect . N1-3459 'Walkerton. 'Gr-af Stock Removal. PLAYING CARDS • Plastic coated 'single 'decks from $1.19. up as well as double 'decks and euchre , decks (euchre cards only). Drop in at The Lucknow Sentinel, DEMOLITION ,WORK