The Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-11-29, Page 10HOW DOES YOUR LABEL READ? IF YOUR MAILING LABEL STARTS WITH AUGUST AND ENDS WITH 2 THIS IS.THE LAST WEEK. YOU WILL RECEIVE YOUR PAPER IF YOUR MAILING® LABEL STARTS WITH SEPTEMBER AND ENDS WITH 2 STARTS WITH OCTOBER AND ENDS WITH 2 STARTS WITH NOVEMBER AND ENDS WITH 2 YOUR PAPER IS DUE NOW PLEASE CHECK THE LABEL ON THE FRONT OF YOUR PAPER. To qualify for Post Offiee ra — subscrip- tions must be no further than 3 months in arrears. In, order 'that your paper will Continue please mail your subscription or drop into our office to pay. $6.00 for Canada $8.00 for U.S.A. and Foreign' THE:-.LOCKNOW SENTINEL BOX 38 LUCKNOW sect'. The closing hymn was #582 and Mrs. George tan ey, ga e. closing prayer. Lunch and a social time followed. GIVE... so more will live P I Bible Society Collect $688 44, • st„.1„, k‘1°P.e.41: ••••••,, •••• • SINGLE DECKS 85c, $1.19, $1.69 and $1.98 DOUBLE DECKS $2.35,12.0-iiid $3.75— EUCHRE DECKS 2 Decks For $1.10 JUMBO INDEX' For Poor Eyesight $1.59 • ‘14 4,-.„7", WE ALSO HAVE THE .LUCKNOW SENTINEL, .LUCKNOW, ONTARIO WEDNESP" NOVEMBER 29th . 1972 tv Chalmers COC WHITECHURCH NEWS Chalmers C.O.C. held their NoveMber meeting on Sunday in the Sunday School room during • church service. 'The call to worship was given by Clarence Wybenga. The C.O. C. hymn. was repeated in unison and also the scripture was read in unison. David Ross led in prayer. The minutes were read by Barry, Elliott. The roll call was answered by 10 giving a verse with Remember. The offering was re- ceived by W-ybenga and Lori Purdon gave the offering prayer. Mrs. Archie Purdon took the Juniors for their story and Mrs. Hugh Simpson gave the Seniors the stories "Built in Lie Detectors" and *Great-Thanks- for-Little. —. The meeting closed with' the singing of the closing prayer.. A CHRISTMAS GIFT IDEA MEN'S AN WOMEN'S Bowlmg Shoes PETTER sit (Formerly b1arhan Shoes) PHONE 52/1-2111 • LUCKNOW The Lucknow Branch of the. Canadian Bible Society has com- pleted ,it's annual canvass for funds'. It was very successful with a total of $668 collected in Luck- now and surrounding rural areas. Mr. Allen Johnson is the new treasurer of the local organiza- tion succeeding Mr. Doaald Ross, who leas moved from this area. Other Officers are Dr. James Little as president and Mrs. J. Van Stempvoort, secretary. Those taking part in the can- Services: 10:00 a.m. Service '2:30' pan. Service VISITORS WELCOME" •••60,44104610NOW‘OWI/%01.1400W0010.04"604.0". LUCKNOW UNITED CHURCH Rev. Robert Nicholls, B.A. Minister ' DECEMBER-3rd — Advent 1. 10' a.m. Sunday School 11 am. Morning Worship Those wishing transportation to church-contact Wm. G. Hunter 528-2741 7:90 p.m. Wallaceburg United Chirch Choir ShePherds4Iteioice" Admdssfon by ticket only • 1 1 POINT TO PONDER Jesus said, "Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and give Glory o your Father who is in Heaven.' • Matt. 5 : 16 Lucknow Presbyterian Church Be,. Glean ridge, BA., B.D. Phone 5211-2740 DECEMBER 3rd Canununion Sunday 9:45 arm. Sunday School 3:30, p.m. in the Suilday Sc.hool Room, the Sunday S cents' their annual as Carol and White .Gift Service, as Well. as the presentation of awards. 'for last year's attend- ance. Everyone vielcome. vase Were: Mrs. Cliff Roulston 4 Miss Liela Finlayson, Mrs.' Al Irwin, Mrs. Morgan Henderson, Mrs. Wm. Hunter, Mrs. Orville Elliott, Mrs. George Joynt , Mrs. Don Cameron, Mrs. Wilfred Drennan, Mrs, Frank Hawthorne, Mrs. Noble Johnston, Mrs. Eldon Henderson, Mrs. Jack MacDon- ald , Mrs. Peter Cook, Mrs. Jack Wraith, Wm. Houston, Mrs. Austin Loree, Mrs. Albert Morton Miss Carrie Milne, Mrs. Ross Shielis, 'Miss Ada Webster, Mrs. Roy Havens, Hossack Bain, W. F, MacDonald; also members of the Trinity United Church, Ash- field and the Young People's Society of the Lucknow Christian Reformed Church, Presbyterian Evening .Auxiliary The November meeting of the Inc know Presbyterian .Evening• Auxiliary was held in the' Church Fellowship room with 18 member and one visitor. Miss Maudie Fisher, president in charge, open- ed with a poem' and hymn. Mrs. Bruce Raynard gave the scripture and meditation with a Remembrance_pay _Themeim lug ing the reading of the poem "In Flanders Fields". The topic by Mrs. Ron ,Forster from the study, book on Africa was based on the chapter "Educa- tional Programme in Africa". Mrs. Jack Fisher showed an interesring-fitnr,abourRernem- blame Day entitled "That Other April", Thee W. M. S. Purpose was repeated and the roll call answered. The correspondence was read 'and, business was discuS- The annual meeting of St. Peter's Anglican Church Women was held Tuesday evening, Nov ember 21st, at the. parith Hall. Mrs. HarVey Mole opened the `meeting with prayer and a hymn was sung. Mrs.. Harold Cooper read the scripture Romans 15: 1-7 with ,meditation followin Eg by. Mr's.. Torn Orders were taken for the Living' Message and Calendars. it was dedided to purchase more cutlery and a coffee maker. _-i-The committee is to:set-a-day-- next week for Making turkey pies. : Mrs.' George Garrett took the chair for the election 'of officers: President, Mrsi Harvey Mole; ht Vice Pres:, Mrs.Clare John-' stone; -Secretary , Mrs. Harold-- Cooper;• Treasurer, Mri. Tom Phillips; Social Service, Miss Rtrth Thompson; Card Secretary, Mrs. Tom Pritchard; Living 'Niles- sage Secretary, Mrs. Emest'Gaunt; Press Secretary, Mrt. Cliff Roul- ston;.Banquet committee, Mrs. Ernest. Gaunt Mrs, Harvey Mole Mts. John Warren. Mrs. tOrn Pritchard and Mrs. Cliff Roulston were appointed' as a committee to prepare a pro- gramme for the next year. —The meeting-wasLc os with a hymn and prayer. lunch and a social time follow- ed. J. W. Van Stempvood Pastor Mrs. Harvey Mole Heads A.C. LUCKNOW CHRISTIAN— REFORMED CHURCH _ — • PLASTIC COATED .' • GILT EDGED • GOLD BORDERED '-PLAST IC CASE- • MIX OR MATCH DOUBLE DECKS • INITIALS OR-.NAME • IMPRINTED IN GOLD SINGLE DECK 3.50 DOUBLE DECK $6.50 LUCKNOW ersonalizecl playing cards