The Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-11-22, Page 17OW, ONTARIO 528-20Of REG AND CAROL JONES EARLY ONTARIO ATLASES REPLICAS OF 18$114ATLASES ..rosergermoonmv. ••• HURON COUNTY (hard cover) $11.50 BRUCE COUNTY (soft cover) $4.00 -********************************** HOME WINE & BEER MAKING SUPPLIES NOW SOLD HERE , DISC LUCKNOW • 3 r .. . • 11111 1$111VINTIIINI. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 22nd, 1971 THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO farm whic .they purchased from Vixdin Mowbray. This was the former Waiter MacKenzie tarm. .Mr. and Mrs. Donald Ivlacln- tyre and family visited on the week end with Dr. Alex and Mrs. Maclntyre and their new baby ,daughter in Alliston. Mr. 'and Mrs. ha Dickie, Denver and, William were over.;' night guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Dickie of Hope Bay and all visited Saturday even- ing at Mr. and Mrs. Helmer Snell's cottage. Lard 1.1b. 28c ASPIRIN 100's Reg. $1.12 75c 'Weiners 1 lb. 69c 3 QT. BAG OF HOMO OR 2% Sunrise Dairy Kismet Soft Margarine 3' lb. for $1.00 ENGLISH HEALTH SALTS • 16 oz.- 75c Cold Meat 43c for 38c 89c 1. QT. CHOCOLATE MILK 29c WITH THE PURCHASE OF A 3 QT., BAG OF MILK --SCHNEIDER'STICOMCIS Mrs. T. J. Todd Presented With. Life Member Pin ST. HELENS NEWS. The November meeting of the. 'st., Helen's United -Church Womeri was held at the' home of Mrs. FrankMcQuillin with fifteen ladies in attendance. Mrs. B, F. Green 'opened the worship service and led in prayer. Mrs. Mintz read the scripture lesson. • Miss W. D. Rutherford led the discussion on India. Readings were given by Mrs. Don Cameron, Mrs. Lorne Woods and Isobel Mil- ler. Mrs. Simon de Boer sang "More Love To Thee". A life member pin was present- ed to Mrs. T. J. Todd by Mrs. Gordon MacPhersan and Mrs. • Frank McQuillin. Mrs. MacPherson conducted the buiiness period. Those having Church Calendars ordered obtain- ed them at this meeting. The meeting was closed with prayer by Mrs. B. F. Green. ' Lunch was served by Mrs. Lorne' Woods and Mrs. Tom Todd. WHITECHURCH Mr. and Mrs. Norman Stewart, 'Mark, Stephen and Heather of 'London visited Sunday with Mr. and MI'S. Walter Elliott and family. Mr. and Mrs. John Crowston, of Lucknow visited Saturday with Mr. and. Mrs. Ivan Laidlaw and family. Tom Jamieson visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Irwin of Lucknow. We are pleased to, report Miss 'Annie Laidlaw was released on, !Sunday frOm Wingham arid District 'Hospital. On Sunday, Mr.' and Mrs. Ed Smyth, Mr. and Mis. Albert Smyth and fa.mily'of Waterloo, Mr. and Mrs'. Gerhard Bauer of Toronto were at Bethesba United Church, Mississauga where the formers granddaughter Unaya Doreen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ron Russell was ,christened. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Faltoner and Tony of Streetsville on Satur- day moved to the house they have purchased from his grandmother Mrs. RObert Mowbray, The corn- inunity extends ,a welcome to Mr. and Mrs. Falconer and family. We are Sorry to report the .following were admitted to hospit- als last week - Lester Falconer,. and Miss Annie Laidlaw toWing- ham Hospital, and Bert King• to London Hospital. The cornmim- Iity wishes all a speedy recovery. We are pleased '.to. report that Mrs, Bill Evans returned home Wednesday from Wingharn and iDiStrict Hospital, RIPLEY ABATTOIR Custom Butchering Curing. and Smoking Cutting and Wrapping — Sausage Making — Fast Freezing iamb. law 0,40. .1 HOGS AND CATTLE (N MONDAYS • CATTLE ONLY ON FRIDAYS I Have cattle in on Thursday for Friday's kill ipipap• ' With Two Big Coolers, We Are Able To Hang Your Beef From 1 To 3 Weeks-- Whatever Your Requirements Are For Home Freezers We Sell Choice 'Home Killed Beef; Pork and Lamb In Any Quantity At Lowest Marketing Prices ALL MEATS ARE GOVERNMENT. INSPECTED FOR YOUR PROTECTION ' • CHAS. HOOISMA, PROP. ABATTOIR 695-2905 • STORE 365-2961 KINLOSS Mrs. Robt. Gilchrist is supply- ing in Lucknow School for Mrs. Wheeler, who is having surgery. Mr. and. Mrs. Vic Fenton and Christopher of Sarnia visited on the week end with Mrs. Fenton's • '''sister, Mrs. Allan MacIntyre„ • Mr. MacIntyre and family. PURCHASE KINLOSS FARM Mr. and MrS. Peter Edisbuigh and family moved last week from Grand Valley to their, new November 23 through November. 26 ***************Or******************* * ** * * * * * * ** * * * * ** * * * * * * * ****** Bacon 1 lb.. 99c BO,RACIC ACID 1 25c COLD SORE LOTION 39c ALL 10c CHOCOLATE BARS 3 FOR 25c CINDY LIQUID DETERGENT 32 oz. 39c Campbell's Tomato Soup 19 oz. 29c BABY OIL 8 oz. — Reg. $L39 99c 1/2 lb. 59c Bacon Russel Ritchie returned' honie last-week after visiting in Detroit with his brother Chester Ritchie and in Livonia with Mr. And Mrs. Russel Proctor and other relatives. Miss 'Mary Lou Wall of London spent the week with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Ira Wall. Mrs. Ken Scott on Friday even- ing conducted a Tupperware party at'the home of Mrs. Clark John- ston. Mr. and Mrs. Angu's Falconer alitrKeift-df Stirdthtoy week end with their son Allan Falconer, Mrs. Falconer and Tony who moved here last-Week. Mr. and Mrs. Milligan and, fam- ily of Streetsville also spent the' week-erid-with-Mr::and-Mri. Allan Falconer. . Mr. and Mrs. Fred Davis and !Dana of -Windsor spent the week lend with her parents Mr. and Mrs. 'Garnet_Earrierand_Mrs—Eunic_e Gillespie. On Saturday all attended the Farrier , !Christmas get-together, at the 'United Church LucknoW. This community extends' their sympathy to Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Coultes and family in the passing last week of his brother. Cecil Coultes. . . MrIrand 6s;---Riissel Chapman ' and Mrs. Garry Chapman were in London on Sunday, Where they visited with Garry Chapman who ,underwent surgery recently. He "has hopes of returning home on Tuesday. Sunday Mrs. Hazel Purdon Ashfield Native Dies In Alberta, Interment Here MRS. JOHN F. ANDREW Mrs. Edith Jane Andrew of Ed- monton, Alberta, died Friday, November 10, following a lengthy illness. The' daughter of the late Samuel and Elizabeth (Shepherd) Treleav- en, she was born November 13, 11894' in Ashfield Township, 6th !concession. She was active in Dungannon Methodist Church and In 1919 she married John F. Andrew and moved to the Andrew farm just south of Lucknow. Other places 'of residence included Guelph, London and Orangeville before going to Western Canada to Vermillion, Alberta where her husband became Farm Manager and_InstructoLin_Animal_Science !at the Agricultural College., In 1930 they moved to' Edmonton when Mr. Andrew was-appointed ----- Assistant Deputy Minister of Agriculture for the province of ilberta. Both were active in church ,and community activities. Many uni-' ersity, government and church friends shared the wonderful hos- pitality of the AndreW home over the years. John died October 4, 1937. Edith continued her assOc- iation with Metropolitan until illness curtailed her activities. She Was predeCeaked also by her wo brothers, Cecil in 1941 and arvey in 1972. She is survived by one dauthter and two sons,'Dr. Wm: Andrew (Bill) of Edmonton, Alberta- Elizabeth_ Betty)_,Mrs. Stanley Ward, of Clarkson, Ont- ario; and John Andrew of Ardos- san, Alberta; aLso eleven grand- children. . Funeral services were held in Edmonton, on Monday. Novem- ber 13, and, in Luckriow. on Wed- nesday, November 15, Rev. Clarence McClenaghan of Dun- gannon-United-church-conducted - the service at Lucknow at Mac- Kenzie Funeral Home. Interment was in-Greenhill Cemetery; Luck- now. 'Pallbearers were Dr. Stan- ley Ward, Barry and Bob Ward, David and Kenneth Kirkland and r' Richard Kilpatrick. Relatives from a distance were Dr__ Wm —Andrew-,-Ecnonton Alberta; Mr. and Mrs. Alfred. Andrew, OrilliarDr. and Mrs. Stanley Ward, Barry, Bob and Laura of Clarkson, Ontario and ' Mrs. Harvey Treleaven, London. Friends and relatives gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Kirkland and Nancy to share an hour of friendship follow- ing the service. after a few days visit with /dr. and Mts. Gordon Rintoul and family. Miss Gayle Rintoul haithis week as holiday from l employ. • merit at the Toronto Dominion bank. rendneirta-heehorne