The Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-11-22, Page 10. SUPPORT THE LUCKNOW and DISTRICT SWIMMING "'opt, FUND. r. (Formerly Marhan Shoes) Lucknow Phone 5282011 !•••••:•:•••,., - Chalmers W.M.S. Elect Officers Hear Travelogue On South Africa Tune Up For Carolfest '72 Tune up your voice , get ready to sing!, Carolfest 72 is just and 1/2 weeks away. This is an event that involves people, from, all walks of life around Lucknow farmers students, nurses, teach- ers, ministers, office workers and many children. They get togeth- er for one purpose -.they enjoy singing' and especially at Christmas. Each year the popularity of this happening has been increasing as was evidenced by the tremendous crowd that packed into the South kinloss Presbyterian Church for 'Carolfest 71. There will be singing' by 2 choirs and best of all there will be lots of singing 'by you. We have a Junior Choir of 22 voices who are working hard to sing their very best that night. Mrs. bons-Bell i Mrs. lack4orster and Mrs. Bruce Hamilton• are assisting Mrs. Lorne Sparks in e training of these Very boys and girls. LUCKNOW UNITED CHURCH Rev. Robert Nicholls, B.A. Minister NOVEMBER 26th '10 ILM. Sunday School 11 a.m. Morning Worship Those wishing transportakion to church contact Wm. G. Hunter 528-2741 Coming December 3rd, 7:30 p.m. Christmas Folk Musical by Wallaceburg 'United Church Choir POINT TO PONDER Jesus said "no one can serve two masters; for • either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You can- not serve both God and Mam- mon." Matt. 6: 24 rim! y You-th Group' ‘.. The president, Bryan Ritchie, called the meeting of Trinity' Youth Group to order. The Minutes acid • treasurer's re- port were given: --The—next meeting wil recreation meeting whiCh is on November 29th. Bob Wilkins and Larry Hackett are to look after this meeting. The meeting was then turned over to Bev Blake, Bill Wilkins, Glenn Robb and Michael Hackett, LUCKNOW CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH J. W. Van Stempvoort Pastor Services: 10:00 a.m. Service 2:30 p.m. Service VISITORS WELCOME Lucknow Presbyterian Church Rev. Glenn Noble•, B.A:, B.D. Minister Phone 528-2740 NOVEMBER 26th' 9:45 a.m. Sunday Sc 11 a.m. Morning_WorAiip_ December 3rd Sunday School presents their 'Annual Christmas presentation and Award Sunday at 3:30 in the Sunday School 'Room who led a discussion on, '"fakin.: Chances". 'Rev. Hummel closed with a prayer. All are welcome at the meetings. ' The wee girl with the big voice, Annei-iamilton, who sur- - prised .so many people last year, will, be singing a solo again this year.. Isn't it hard to wait for December 17th? And by the way, you can pick up your copy of "It's Christmas Time Again" at the Sentinel office and learn it so that you can help us sing •it at Carolfest 72. t- That lasts the Whole Year 'Round. A'GI-FT THE-WHOLE•FAMILY CAN ENJOY A GIFT ' SUBSCRIPTION TO The LUCKNOW SENTINEL 94 $4.00 for Canodci $8.00 for U.S.A. and F6410- AN ATTRACTIVE GIFT CARDMILL BE SENT AT NO. EXTRA CHARGE 111110.11111111111.111111111.112.001.111..."11111111. ANL THE LOCKNOW .SENTINEL: I,OCKNOW" ONTARIO, I WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 27nd" 1912 GIVE TO MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY. WHEN YOUR CANVASSER CALLS • Ekquer.Skotes For The-Wholle Farnily Ashfield W. M. S..held their November meeting at the home of Mrs. Stuart MacLennan .. Mrs. 'Jim West welcomed everyone and opened the meeting.with prayer foiloWed by a hymn. Mrs. Jack MacKenzie,gave meditation and scripture reading. Offertory prayer was given by Mrs. Russel Swan followed by a hymn. • Roll call was answered by a verse on Peace with seventeen members present and four guests. Mrs. Ewan MacLean conducted the business and Mrs. 'Bill Ross gave the treasurers report. Mrs lulac Ceci7ie ' •rroshi,ce• the guest speaker, her aunt, Mrs. Hicks of. Centralia, who showed lides-anFgave-a-most-en4 explanation about her trip to ', South Africa. Mrs. Russel Swan thanked Mrs. Hicks and presented her with a' gift.' Some of the articles Mrs. Hicks had taken home from Africa were displayed as well as a display of books. Mrs. .West closed the meeting with a poem composed .by her- self. A delicious lunch and soc- ial time followed. WHITECHURCH NEWS Chalmers. W. w.as held. on Thursday, November 16 at 2 'p:tn. at the home of Mrs,' Daw- son Craig: The president Mrs. Bill Rintoul opened the meeting with a reading. The scripture and meditation was given by • Mrs. Dawson Craig who said many. believers interested- in their personal lives and do not wish to ,be denied any earthly.. ' joys. Your, responsiblity is to be , true to your own calling. • .Mrs., Wallace Conn led in' • prayer. The, roll call was. - . . xtereschy_gemembrance by. 9 • attenders. Thank you letters. • • .• were read from , • Mrs. Earl Easlic,k i----Mrs--Ftu . Ross, Mrs.'.Bill Evans.. 'Mrs, , 'Wesley Tiffin repOrted.dresses,' s'14tirts, blouses coats , sweaters „. shins, had all been received for. ' the bale. .. '• The next meeting will be held -Thursday December at p.m. . • For the winter months the :Meet • ings will be held on the .3rd Thurs- . day.. The:offering was received • •• and dedicated by Ws...WM. • ,, Rintoul... • •The'roll .call'is.to .be • • answered at the December meet- .•.• ..... ing.witO a gift fOr a child . , the Childien's,:Aid Society Mrs., • Robert Ross. gave readings "Differ• ent'Skin"., "WhOtan say" aixi. 'I Mrs. Wesley 'Tiffin gave a read ing... Mrs. Johnston Conn gave. the topic Remembrance under the. headings of Loyalty and. Courage: 'Remembrance Day brings . ,.•• to mind the loyablty of those Men. • • who gave their livei for 'home and- country. LS thereloyalty to God' the• publican, tax collector ,. ostracized from society. He made breakaway'frorn:hisast7,-lifeto- . follow Jesus.. True loyalty de- Mari& sacrifice , courage, deter- mination to-face-danger. Co age is faith. When man feels God is with him 'he has faith. -True courage is illustrated when Jesus wore the Ciciwn of Thorns: The election of bricers were Past President, Mrs. Wallace „Conn; President, Mrs. Wm. Rin- toul; 1st Vice , Mrs. Wallace Conn; 2nd Vice, Mrs. Wm. Evans;'Secretary, Mrs. Dawson . Craig; Treasurer, Mrs. Johnston Conn. Secretaries - Glad Tidings. Mrs. Walter Elliott; Friendship and'Sery ice , Mts. 15iirdon; Literature and Library Mrs. Don Rbss; Home 'Helpers, Mrs. Elroy Lardlaw; Supply , Mrs,. Wesley Tiffin; C.O.C. Leader, Mrs. Hugh Simpson; Assistant , Mrs, Archie Purdon; ,Treasurer Ladies Aid,Mrs. John de S:oer; Press, Mts. Viotor Emerson; Whitechurch —Messenger WHITECHURCH NEWS The Messengers held 'their Nov ,- eMber •meeting November 19 in the United Church Sunda}' School room. Richard • Moore gave the Call to Worship* All sang Jesus bids us shine after wmch Linda Mbote •read the scripture. Murray Gibb gave the prayer . The offering was received by Nan- cy Tipp and the offering prayer given by Janet Laidlaw. The roll was ca I.C.',E;F. collection was The next meeting is DeceMber 10. StOries were then given by the leaders to' the Juniors and The Benediction was given by Jackie Whytock. Pianist, Mrs. Johnston Conn, Mrs. A. Gaunt; Nominating Com- mittee for 1973, Mrs. Johnston ' Conn, Mrs. Rol*. Ross, Mrs. Earl tasiick; Committee i6 airange yearly programme, Mrs. Mary Coulter, Mrs. Dawson Craig, Mrs Wm . Rintoul • The 1.7leetinc:. closed repeat- inc the Lore's Fn.\ er in unison,. The hostess Mrs. Dawson Craig ser‘ed