The Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-11-15, Page 16*414444"4444,4****W4444946W". onus interest • • on your savings SavingS you move to Victoria-and Grey - VI VG and GREY TRUST COMPANY, SINCE 1889 • .. Lealand Hill, Manager fi in and1C-ingliton - • Receive Awards At Commencemen KINGSBRIDGE NEWS Six young people of this area received awards at commence- ment exercises held at F. E. Madill Secondary School, Wing_-_ ham, on Friday evening. Kathy Hogan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Howard, received an Ontario scholar award, and the Wingham Kinnette Scholarship 'for the second highest average for, a girl in grade thirteen; Ben the_passing of the late Douglas Fraser. , Mrs. Lyman SutiOn returned home after being with her mother for a few days. She attended her father's fimeral at. Tillsonburg. We extend sympathy to Mrs. Sut- ton at this-time„ Mr. and Mrs. Tom MacDonald returned home from Palm Springs, California where they attended the wedding of their son Mac Mac- Donald. Mrs. Edith Spencer of Vancouv- er visited over the week end. with • Mr, and Mrs. Jack Scott*. Trank-Maulden spent the 'week end with friends in Muskoka. and. Leo Miltenburg twin sons of Mr. and Mrs. John Miltenburg, both received the.Dr. A,'3. Irwin Scholarship for general proficien- cy in.grade 12 in'the five year . course. They also received their Secondary School diplomas. Also receiving their secondary school diplomas were A nita Hogan, daughter of Mr-. and Nirs. John Howard_,_,Ben_Miltlen_burs -- son of Mr. and Mrs. 'Reis Millen- burg, and Michael Hogan, son of Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Hogan. Johanna 'Van Diepen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. ,Thecqan Diepen received the,Grade 9 Prolkcienc\ AWard in the' Girls' Occupational Course. DISTINCTIVE WEDDING INVITATIONS PAGE SIXTEEN period. November 1 to November 15 :Will receive full interest from November 1. This means that the savings account you open before November 15 earns full interest for as much as two weeks before you open the account! So, whether it's a 4% chequing account bearing interest on a minimum semi-annual balance or a fast growing 5% non-chequing account on a mirtimunrmonthly balance, bring,it to Victoria and Gtey now and get bonus. 'interest. THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 15th, 1972 Streets Goderich 524-7381 0414044444041441 444004% Brownies Tour On Tuesday, November the 1st .Lucknow Brownie Pack met at the Town Hall. After all had gathered we left for Wingham for a tour of CKNX. It was very interesting to see where the radio and-television programs come from and the Brownies saw many of the announ- cers at work,in the station. LETTER TO THE EDITOR Takes: Dim View Of Union 'Leaders Lucknow Sentinel, Dear Don. UNION POWER VERSUS GOVERN . IVIENT-POWER, What an opportunity our past Liberal Government missed when they didn't freeze wages• and prices when in power. It seems to me we should be voting to send our labor leaders to Parliament to govern this coun- try as they seem to have more power than the men we elect. This would be OK if our labor union leaders had the Y interests of Canada 'at heart, but unfortunat- ely thiris-norso---Some-of-them have never done an honest , day's work, at least what we farmers or small business men would call a day's work, in their lives, Yet we find them agitators and spokes. men.at .Union meetings. How long are the citizens of Canada going to put up with those needless strikes or allow their leaders to dictate 'to the Govern- --rnent_who_wilLcrog-s__their picket lines to keep our industries going. The nerve of them to shut off hydro as they are doing in Quebec today. Do we realize what this would mean to-us, no heat, no milking machines, no water. Post Office-employees, alsotelephOne and other vital industries where 70=.800/0of employees wouTd-sw)ner than go out on strike, are called on to suffer humiliation if they don't follow, in some cases, • ignoraht leaders who know nothing, of economics and couldn't care less what happens to our economy as a nation. If our government to-day has not the desire to. overcome those problems and correct them, they better step down and let others take over who will. We expect the men we elect to Parliament to rule, not the union leaders. Never was there a time in the _history_o_f_our_courirry that the people were so equally divided (as in the last 'election). • Now is the time for our two big horses to be hitched equally to a wagon with tongue and whiffle trees so that they can show what they can do by pulling the heavy load together.. Our national hock- ey team Pulled together or they would never have won those final games (with Russia). This world was made for you and me and still the Lord is our Shepherd and we shall not want. -If the writer, along-with-many other men, did not work together , the largest wooden bridge in the world would never have been completed right here in this country. (It was a railway bridge at Camrose, Alberta and was built with B.C. fir timber spiked and bolted together.) Let us as Canadian people 'of •all races (work together). Now, is the time in history for our two bi horses to do the a zey L _ hope'. Dan Wylds, R. R. 3, Lucknow , Ontario. Editor's Note: , The writer,_ Dan Wylds, is 86 _ years of age and-is still keenly interested in the affairs of his country._ Mr Wylds lives alone on the 12th of Ashfield. From 1905 to 1920, approximately', he worked, in Western Canada and was involved in building the railway bridge mentioned. The team of horses referred to are the 'Liberal and Conservative parties. Holyrood W.I. Hold Service Of Remembrance The annual Remembrance Day service was held in the Holyrood hal& on November 11th sponsored by the Holyrood Women's Insti- tute. Mr. Murray a • veteran of the 1st World War was 'Chairman and spoke fittingly. The service opened with "0, Can- 14;la,--%-after which Hughes placed the wreath in Memory of those who served in both World Wars, This `was fol- lowed with the 2 minutes silence and,prayer by Rev. T. J. Mc kin-, ney. The hymn "0 God Our Help in . Ages Past" was sung and Mrs. Gerald Murray gave a reading "ln Flanders Fields" by John Mc- -L.Don__BelLfa_v_oured._ with a lovely solo accompanied by Mrs. Jack Forster ? Rev, McKinney was the guest speaker and gave many worth- While thoughts. Mrs. Lyman Sutton thanked everyone who assisted on behalf of the Institute. The hymn "Faith of our Fathers" and "God Save the QUeen* 'Were itiricalir-v. Mc - Kinney pronounced the benedic- tion. Miss Edna Boyle was pianist for the service. We ,:extend syinpathy to Mrs. Douglas Fraser and children and Mr. and Mrs. Edburt Bushell in • O LETTER To THE 'EDITOR Political. Parties Two Big Horses Editor, 'Luc know Sentinel, Dear Don; Radio and TV • Brownies would like to thank the la w o too cars. -They were *Ws . Hamilton . Mrs . Ray - nard, Mrs. Wilkins and Mrs. Greer. 1%9 SUNBEAM, 4 door sedan, automatic 19idi CADILLAC FLEETWOOD, perfect *ape, all options 1%7 RAMBLER, 2 deer sedan, automatic, radie 1%0 FAIRLANE G.T., 2 deer .hardtop, buckets, 395 VII, automatic 1%5 ACADIAN, 2 deer 1%5 CATALINA, 2 deerItaktep HE'S BACK 'fl TRESSIVATER AT THE SAME LOT DOUG McPHERSO11 3924883 Residence 392-6941 Yours truly. 3 A MexttmhiLL_I KINLOUGH NEWS Bushell, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Barr and farnily visited on. Sunday with Mrs. 'William Walker at Pet- rolia and with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Jewitt at Sarnia. Sunday visitors with Mr. and, Mrs. Jack Scott were Mr. and Mrs. 'Blair Spiers Of Corunna. e it a ulit-MrEdith- Spence..r------ -- who has been visiting here return , ed home' 'With them. The Holyrood ,Wdmen's Institute held their first card party'of the season in the hall on Monday v~ning . , Mr: and Mrs. Art Haldenby re- turned froM Toronto where they spent the past week with their .family there. For the next three Sundays the 'Anglican Service will be at 10.-30 a.m. Select your wedding invitations.from our complete catalogue. 'For y9u ...a Keepsake cor, of your Invitation in luxurious gold. LUCKNOW —SENTINEL THE TrAk4/ Or . - Reply to Reddi-Chel Foods, 2 ingrain Wore, Toronto 15. giving address, Phone number, age, marital and financial status. present occupation and past 11131111lifillee. Location desirable but not essential. Franchise can be added to twisting business. In person interviews conducted in approximately twb weeks. Kentucky Style Chicken Fruchiss elm f.r this area ••