The Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-11-15, Page 13• 1,972 WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 15th, 1972 T. FIE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO- PAGE THIRTEEN e4 icT 41- the r ; ir- gin - ig 111011 ce , he • low en t- St.. Helens W.1. St. Helens Women% Institute__ held their meeting November g at 2 p.m. in the hall. -The Lucknow Chapter of TOPS Twenty-one members and.two met in the ToWn Hall on Novem- viSitors answered the roll call. A ber 8 with 17 present, They pot luck supper will be held in weighed in and then all repeat- the hall with Group 5 in charge. ea the Tops pledge. . After roll Betty Firiberlin The ladies-will-earerJor a . reported a weight loss of 31 1/2 bangyet December 1 for the Wing- lbs and gains of 8 lbs for the harn Western Foundry at the Leg- group:--Mar--ion Mowbray's team ion Hall in Mt-know: won. The minutes were read and Mrs. Harold Gaunt gave the adopted 'and the treasurer's report high lights of her trip to the given: - ' London Conference. Eunice Cunningham brought the Card, parties will be held every felt, for the banners and also re- • second week for the winter ' ported that the before pictures, months. are back. / The "after" pictures will be taken as each member reaches her goal. A travelling plague is being purchased by the seven clubs in this district and will go to the club that has the largest average the topic on Steven Leacock, weight loss in the month. That Mrs. Frank McQuillin gave an club will keep the plague until 1 instrumental, The motto prepar- another winner is declared. THE ‘'.LUCKNOW .SENTINEL TOPS Club Are Good Losers PH4T0. CARDS ed by 'Miss peatriceMcQuillin was 'given by Mrs. Jim, Aitchison, Take time tO'read wa,y of knowledge. "Let There be 'Peace on Earth." was.sung accompanied by Mrs. • E. •W. Rice at the piano. The meeting closed with 0 Canada. Lunch was.serVed by Mrs., Fred McQuillin and Mrs. E. W..' Rice. A donation will be given to the Institute of the Blind. The St. Helens W.I. will open a bank account for little Beverley Aitcheson. Mrs. Peter Chandler presented AT Youth Club. Serve, Hot lunCheon . KINGSBRIDGE NEWS A hot luncheon was served to the members of the Catholic Women's League and their hus- bands, as well as other parishion- ers, by the Youth Club, after the nine-thirty Mass, on Sunday morning in the church hall. A special and most interesting guest speaker was Mrs. Jerome Voll of Kitchener, who has been totally blind for the past eighteen years. She spoke of her personal exper- iences and of the work of the Mrs. Voll is a sister-in- law 'of Brother Carl Voll of St. Joseph's Parish. • Clem Steffler, principal of St. Joseph's school, is a patient in Victoria Hospital, London where he underwent surgery last Thurs- day. Mrs. Jim Hayden of Port Albert is supply, teaching at' the school. Mr. and Mrs. John Van Osch and family of Waterloo and Mr. and Mrs. Tony Middegaal and family of Blyth were Sunday visit- ors with -Mr. and Mrs. Jack Van Osch. • Mrs. Betty Janke, a volunteer representative for Canadian Arthri- tis and Rheumatism,Society, _Walkerton,was=guest-speakerat- St. Joseph's School last Wednes- day at a meeting of the Knights of Columbus, Goderich Council, which many.members and their wives attended.' COngratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Vogt on the arrival of t eir irst grans Dd. A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Sandy Rosie Vo • t) at the OshaWa Gen- eral Hospital on Saturday,. Nov- ember llth. Also a daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. George Collinson (Donna Hogan) at the Alexandria and Marine Hospital, Goderich, on Saturday-, November,4th. Congratulations! Miss Rose Zrenski and Miss Florence Kawka of Detroit visited the former's sister, Mrs. Jerry, VOgt, Mr. Vogt and fainily on' Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Heffernan and family. of Newmarket were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Orrnie Heffernan. • • • O'Neil has returned 'to her home after/spending some months in the Alexandria and Marine Hospital, Goderich. SOLD FARM Mr. and Mrs. Gerrit Logtenburg have sold their farm to' Clarke Zinn and moved Co their new home in Clinton on Friday, Nov- eniber 10.' • W.I. Workshop At Holyrood Hall 'A very successful workshop *as held m HoIyrood Hall on the 6thi- of November for members of South Bruce District <Wornen's Institutes: Forty members were present with Mrs. ErnerSon Emke of. Han- over as chairman.. She very cap- ably explained many of.the feat-. ures in the new hand book and. gave a number of addresses where the standing committees could send fitr_prs)gram rnatesria_L Mrs. James Kirkpatrick, Dist- rict President, thanked Mrs. Errike for her leadership in the workshop. Those present gained much knowledge from the workshop. AMBERLEY Mr. and Mrs. Ron Farrell of Walkerton visited with relatives here on the week' end. Mrs, Ellwood Irwin and Marilyn of Sarnia spent the week end with relatives here. Misses Mary and Gert Walden of London were week end visitors with their parents Mr. and Mrs. Murray Walden. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Cooper and Mark Gray of Toronto spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Thorburn of Amberley. Wendy Courtney of.I.,ondon, was home for the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Bob Courtney. Margaret Courtney of Sarnia spent the week 'end with her par-' ents, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Courtney. •, Brenda and Marsha Hn,mphrey. of London were home for the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Humphrey. . Mr. and Mrs. Gary. Courtney, Steven and Denic'e enjoyed visit- ing in London over the week end. MeMbers of the Farrell famil- ies, gathered at.the home of Gordon Farrell on Saturday for their Christmas get-together. Members of the Explorer Girls of Pine River •United Church along with. Mrs. Glenn Boyd, Mrs. Lynn and_Mrs„Emie Gibson, 1 Jane Treleaven conducted a contest, onfiii-c!ds good for you and foods note good for you. Song iheets were passed out. and Mayme Wilkins, led the sing song. Two new members' joined this week., Exercises concluded the even- ing: Bring In Your Negative We'll Do The Rest 1973 FORD F 100 % ton 8 cylinder, automatic transmission 1973 TORINO 2 door hardtop 1973 DART Swinger, 2 door hardtop, 6 cylinder automatic 1972 OLDS Delta 88, 4 door hardtop, V8 automatic with air conditioning 1972 CHEV Impala, 2 door hardtop, V8 automatic, power steering and power brakes 1972 CHEV Impala 4 door hardtop, V8, power equipped and radio 2 — 1970 FORD Custom „500, 4 door V8 automatics 1970 OLDS Cutlass Supreme 4 door hardtop, V8 automatic, power steering, power brakes, vinyl roof 1970 FORD XL, 2 door hardtop 1970 CHEV Bel Air- 4 door, V8 automatic, power equipped 1970 MONTEGO 4 door, 6 cylinder automatic 1969 CHEV 4 door, 6 cylinder automatic transmission 1967 PONTIAC Firebird, 2 door hardtop, console with bucket seats ' 1967.BUICK WILDCAT 4 door hardtop, fully equipped 1967 PONTIAC Grand Parisienne, 4 ' door hardtop *********TootmootrougtoOoo* CA R.:$ALES LTD • BLYTH PHONE H52-3-4-142 1 0 /0 ON rzaysARFAISSMiNtkiAgiVAWANtgil*S3e5371S3WAPZ3t5.MA$z5525Xn3zZaI2513*NV6ilegIZiWAM115A11SAS5455 /125.1105X11;.15::AMPA3U:S=ZMAgzmu4stasIg 11 Aff')-1 ALL CASH PURCHASES accompanied Rev. Mr. Hill to the Kincardine Hospital on Sunday evening. While there they 'pres- ented a Worship Service for the patients. The girls present were *, Heather Boyd, Mary. Kempton, Shatition Courtney, Anne Drzana 'DaWna Rutledge, Florence Ward- ell, Debbie Lowry, Peggy Mac Tla --,.- v.argo-• essenger - Mary 57 110 Aili EVERYONE WELCOME If io. I r"'"**;"savismiaiesammagA3ustissitzgyogutfsygomigiguitamutzpazwziougvigivoNzgstaiissofzuwayozfoximayzatsmousoxiszammomma NOVEMBER - 2.10 irotri.. 7 to 10:00. P.M. Ann Verhuist and Laurie GibSon. Mi. and Mrs. Robert MacNay entertained their Staff, both past and present, of the ,Amberley Store at a Sunday evening dinner in Goderich.