The Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-11-08, Page 21NAME STUDENT couNcit, At the beginning of the year it was decided to have a student council. There were four people , nominated fOr each office and the results are- as follows: -Presid- ent - Bob Shepherd; Vice Presid- ent - Donna Errington; Secretary ,- Cathy Simpson; Treasurer - Val- erie Errington; and Press Report- ers Rick Taylor and Nancy Al- ton. Every roam from grades — five up has a rbom representative who sits in on our meetings and reports back to the class. The room representatives are asfdl- lows: Room 2 - Donald Dors 6 cht; Room 10 - Lynn Miller; Room 6 - Sharon Pollock; Room 9, - Murray Lyons;-Roomer - Kevin Kilpatric k; Room 8 - David Simpson; Room, '11 - Maxine Bradley; and Room 12 Dayle MacDonald.. Mr, and Mrs. Frank MacKenzie, visited on Sunday in Toronto with Frank's mother and sister, Mrs. • Wm. MacKenzie and Catherine. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Harnilton returned from a bus trip to Winni- peg. Manitoba where they visited with their son, Ross Hamilton, Mrs. Hamilton and family. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Houston moved to their new home 'in Lucknow last week. Mrs. Jas. McNaught9n and Mrs. Ira Dickie were overnight guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs.. Carl Dickie of Hope Bay while attend- ing the Area Convention in Wiar- ton on Monday and Tuesday. Joe Kerr entertained members of council from the townships of Turnberry, East Wawanosh and 'Kinloss at a banquet at Belgrave on Thursday evening. Those at- tending from this.community , were Mr. and Mrs. Fraser Mac- 1<innon, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Murray and Mr. and 'Mrs. Barry Johnston. SPOKE ON RUSSIAN,TRIP Mr. and Mrs. Ellwood Irwin of Sarnia were guests at the Kairshea Women's Institute At Home held in Kairshea Hall on Saturday evening., Mrs. Irwin, the former Joan Campbell-, taught_at the__ Sixth School about twenty years ago and boarded with Mr: and Mrs. Allister Hughes. EllWood's ;account of their trip to Russia, ;was Most interesting to both the iadults and children: Ross L. MacDonald returned on Monday -fro=i-sitirrg-with hrs daughter Mrs. Carl Deleuze and Mr. Deleuze in Montreal., Queb- ec. Mr . and . Mrs. Evan Keith, San- 'dra and Murray visited on. Sunday with Mr. and Mrs...John Reid and • family and Mr. and Mrs. ,Neil McAllister and family of Chesley., • • 1 A flexible plan Protect your family's home with a CIA LIFE five-year renew-' able term policy — it allows you to adjust the coverage period- ically to the changing mortgage needs. Ask your . CIAG representative -for—helpftd-suggestions on this— and other insurance needs.' AUTOMOBILE — LIFE HOME PROTECTION FARM FAMILY, LIABILITY ACCIDENT AND SICKNESS BUSINESS— SNOWMOBILE BOAT — CAMPER - TRAILER JEAN WHITBY - .LUCkNO-W CIAG INSURANCE CO OPERATORS INSL'4 LtiCE AS4OCIATIO1N III (.; 3 , PH WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 8th, 1972 THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOWeONTARK) PAGE TWENTY,ONE Married In Ceremony At Sarnia KINLOSS A.•-•••• RECORD HOP On Friday ,,October 27 , the stud ent council held a record hop for grades five to eight•at noon hour. We -made a tota1--of---$1220°: BROOKSIDE HAPPENINGS which will go to It was.quite successful and we hope to, have another one in Nov- ember. HORROR HOUSE : On Tuesday, October 31 the student council held :a horror house. 'At noon the grades five to, eight pupils, went through. After last recess the little children were allowed to go through. The horror house was -enjoyed by-a-H-arici made $5 :80 profit. DRESSING UP On Monday, October 30 the little children from the first kinder- garten who attend schoolon that , day dressed up and paraded around to all the classrooms and were en-. joyed by all. On Tuesday„Qctober 31 the Kindergartens as well, as the entire junior Wing, up to grade foUr i. dressed up and paraded around after recess. They also had tw.o overgrown spooks who accompan- ied them in their parading. By Nancy Alton rani HE NEW-In—EXCITING, RUGGED, TOP-PERFORMANCE, DEPENDABLE. EIGHT-EXCMNG-MODELS---- TO. HOOSE FROM. See Boa-Ski's new instrumentation panel, deep padded seat, wide stance skis and exciting stylings. "flees more to-Boa-Ski. mans best friend in the snow 42 HACKETT'S ,f,ARM. EQUIPMENT . .LUCKNOW, ONTARIO DOEK McQUILLIN High Park United'Church, Sam- vest suit with a gold shirt. All is , was the setting for a double male attendants wore, bouton- ring ceremony uniting in marriage nieres of yellow daisies. • • mother ofthe bAde -chose • Doek on Saturday, September 23, an original floor length gown of at '4 p.m. Rev. Gordon Pickeil mauve Wisteria crepe. The dress, performed the ceremony. The church was decorated with, baskets 6f orange gladioli, yel- low and white .daisies and baby's breath. Orange'bows,adorned the pews. The organist was Mr.. P. Doue and Mr. K. Eyre was soloist. Ie ,sangah_e The mother of the groom-w-ax- Wedding Prayer and-The Wedding lovely in a floor length gown of - Hymn. pale yellow angel crepe with The bride is the daughter of high neckline and long sleeves, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McQuillin fashioned with a Matching, floor of Sarnia. The groom is the son • length coat in wool lace. She of Mrs. Cornelia Doek of.Strath- wore a white cattleya orchid with roy, and late Klaas-Doek yellow throat. Given in marriage by both her • The dinner and reception was father and mother, the bride wore held at the Dante Club, Sarnia. an original gown of crystal crepe The bride's table was centred' with a three tiered wedding in empire sil*ette: A chain of lace daisies divided the skirt from cake. Silver Candelabra with the bodice and ran in panels down orange candles and yellow and white daisies also'decorated the the skirt, and around the cowl neckline. The' full Victorian table. Ron Hicks, of Montreal, uncle of the bride, was master sleeves carried, the same lace. A ceremonies. • ' full Cathedral train fell from the of , _Obi bow at tticw4j§•A X1411F For travelling to Florida and_the... cap Of matching lace and mater- Oaharnas, the bride wore a vest ial held a scalloped French illu- styled dress lin dusty rose with* sion veil to the head. She carried, black patent accessories. A single a Cascade of White sweetheart white rose froth her bouquet cbm- roses, daisies and baby's breath. pleted her ensemble Following their honeYrrioon, Mr. and Mrs: Doek will reside in .I• all friendS of. the bride .' They were dressed alike in floor length ' gem ns--of-orange-chiffon-featuring= long -sleeves , empire waistlines anq high necklines 'trimmed in velvet___The .skIrts . w ere fashioned -in a chiffon flOral print with a deep ruffle at the. hemline. They wore orange picture' hats. arkfcarried cascades of yelloW daisies, orange carnations and baby's' bi:eath . Ffower girl was 13ett ,Dock,. Strathroy , niece' of the Her, gown was ,Of a. floral print over orange chiffon similar to those of the. bridesnixids. She also wore an. ° orange picture hat and carried a cascade of daisies and carnations. Jake nuister, Strathroy, , was .grooinsman,.. The guests were ushered h\ Andy GarriSbn, Sarnia— friend orthe groom and Don Mc - Quillin , brother of the bride ., "Flit groom and his attendants wore broWn tuxedos with-gold ruf- fled shirts, 'Ring-bearer was John Tamming, Strathroy, nephew of the groom. He wore a brown My sincere thanks to everyone who assisted with my election campaign also to those who supported me. It was all very Much appreciated. 090412 Zoney P.C. Candidate for Bruce featured a pencil sheath skirt with wrap over panel and embroidered beading to match the same motif on the small cowl collar and. host, ige_.ANhite cattleya orchid With mauve throat completed her ensemble. -a 'Mrs.. Shirley Davidson of Sarnia as matron of honour and brideS- Sarnia. ' maids were Mrs. Vicky. MCKinlay Out of town, guests were present •Vallallk 1.4 DOM let-of-Sa-rnia , Strathroy,•Kin- outre a Icardine, Lucknow, Ripley, North 'Bay, St. Catharines, Toronto, 'Walkerton, Niagara Falls, Oak- ville,, Hespeler, London and St. Clair Shores, Michigan. ' ' Mr. and Mrs. George Hicks, Kincardine, and Mr. and Mrs. Richard McQuillin, Holyrood, grandparent of the bride ,:-.were--- honoured guests. Prior to her marriage the bride, was the guest of honour at four' showers arranged 'by neighbours, friends and the offite staff of Dow Chemical where the bride is employed. 'An Open House was, held at the home 'of the bride and groom to display tlieir many lov- ely gifts.