The Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-11-01, Page 17INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT. BANK WE DNESDAY, NOVEMBER 1st, 1972 THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL; LUCKNOW .NTARIO PAGN IFIPTIENN _M/NENIONSEN*INIONN CAN IDB ..SERVE YOU? MONDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1972 one of our representatives MR. J. DJIRINKLOW will be at THE BEDFORD HOTEL, GODERICH 9:00 A.M. TO 12 NOON In this district and throughout Canada many persons and firms in practically ally types of. businesses including Agriculture • Tourist and Recreational Businesses • Construction • Professional Services • Transportation • Wholesale and Retail Trades, as well as Manufacturing • _have_ohtained_loans-from the-MB-to-acquire land, buildings, and machinery, to increase working capital, to start a new business, and for other purposes. If you consider that IDB can be of service, you are invited to arrange an appointment with the IDB representative by telephoning Telephone: 524-7337 or in advance by wilting to Over 200 Attend Night. School Just over 200 students are now enrolled in 13 courses offered evenings at the F. E. Madill Sec-. ondary School in Wingham this -fall. "Art for beginners" was cancel- led last week owing to ' insufficient enrollment. This Course will be offered again be- ginning January 3 if enough stud- ents enroll. A minimum of 10 is required. Also in January, a rug hooking class and a course in foreign cuisine will be available to anyone unable to attend the first courses. Courses which are now filled include small engines and out- PURPLE GROVE Best wishes'are extended to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cummings ,(Nancy Colling) who were married on Saturday , October 21. . . Mrs.' 13111 McInnes of Teeswater was_.a recent visitor with Mrs. Don • • fitness class, beginners' typing and personal grooming and hair- dressing. The Wingham Kinettes will be in attendance at evening "break" periods to sell refreshments as a fund-raising venture. This will commence November 1 and 2 and will be continued weekly if finan- cial support warrants, E. Beard, in charge of night school reports. McCosh. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Collins and Mr. and. Mrs, Roy Collins, attended James Quigley's wedding in London recently. Jim is the nephew of Ralph and Maria Hill, formerly,of Purple Grove , now residing in Lucknow. ' Mrs. Earl Elliott and Mrs. Bill Arnold representing Purple Grove. Women's Institute and Mrs. Leonard Reid of Pine River attend- ed the Bruce 'County W.I. rally in AllenfOrd on October 18. Mr. and Mrs. Wes Brooks, Jeff and Paul visited on Wednesday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Bob Thompson and Rcibbie. A good turnout was reported at the Sherry Pollock night held in ' Ripley on October 20. , board motor overhaul, ladies' • 9- 197-Yorlr-Streeti-L-on-clowlYntario N6 1 B2 STAN SOMETHING GOOD TODAY Canada Savings BOnds are instant Cash. They cari be redeemed anytime at your bank. at their lull .face value. plus MASONIC LODGE - CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 was well received by the large attendance of Masons and their ladies. Frank Hawthorne, Worshipful Master of the Lodge this year, was master of ceremonies for the evening.' A sing song,. with Mrs. Francis . Boyle as leader and Mrs. ROSS Cuniming at the piano, was en- joyed by all. Mrs. Cuniming had provided dirmermusic prior to the program. , Mr, Hawthorne introduced head table guests which included he and his wife; senior warden Frank Maulden and Mrs. Maulden; jun- ior warden Morgan Johnston and Mrs. Johnston; junior. steward Doug Martyn and Mrs. Martyn; junior deacon Alek Juba and Mrs..' Juba; senior deacon Ron Alton and-Mrs;. Alton; inside guard Bill MacPherson and Mrs. MacPher- son; senior steward Donald Mac Tavish and Mrs-.-MacTavish; immediate past master Donald Simpson and. Mrs. Simpson; out- side ard-.Gimin-Reed-and-his mother Mrs. Reed; treasurer W. B. Anderson and Mrs. Anderson; past district deputy •Dr. Jarries Little and Mrs. Little; director of ceremonies William Evans; .secretary Thomas Salkeld 'and• Mrs. Salkeld; chaplain Wallace Conn and Mrs. Conn; district dep- uty William Turnbull of Brussels and Mrs. Turnbull; past distric4 deputy Robert MacKenzie •and Mrs. MacKenzie; the guest speaker Bruce McCall and Mrs. McCall. Doug Martyn proposed a toast whictrwärteplied to by Mrs. Donald Maclntyre. Morgan Johnston thanked the Anglican ladies group, who cater- ed for the meal and this was re- Sponded,to by Mrs. Ernest. Gaunt. The guest speaker,was introduc- ed by Bob' MacKenzie. He *as thanked by Wallace Conn. sr Words of thanks were expressed to Mrs. Thomas Salkeld for the floral decorations on the table, a contribution she has made to the banquet for many years. Special mention was made by the chairman of the .44th wedding 'anniversary being marked that night by Mr. and Mrs. Cameron MacDonald. A program followed with Frank Hawthorne 'acting. as master of cerembnies. Violin music was provided by Elliott Carruthers, George and :Murray McDonald with piano accompaniment .by Mrs. George MeDonald: Mrs: Herb Barger provided accordian numbers and Mrs. Bertha scOtt vocal numbers, ac- companied by. Mrs. Doug Martyn. Frani( Hawthorne read a .poem concerning the third pedod of the final game in the Canada- ssia-4aoc ke-y Three members of the , family of Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Ballagh of-the-Tees-water-areav-B-yron 18 , Gary 15 and Donna 11 provided musical numbers. The boys'play- ed a variety of stringed instru- ments while their young'sister accompanied on the piano. RUBBER STAMPS -FROM- -Lt LUCKNOW SENTINEL Start' something good today with Canada Savings Bonds! They're the g®=aheatFway-to suve for the future. . without worry. They're backed' 'by all the resources of Canada and they pay good interest year after year. New Canada Savings Bonds yield an average of 7.30% a year when held to maturity. Each $100 bond begins with $5.50 interest for the first year, pays $7.00 interest for the second year, pays $7.50 interest fore each of the next four years, and then" pays $7.75 interest for each of the last six years. On top of this you can earn interest on your ;Merest and make each $100 grow to $233.25 in lust 12 years,. • • • CSI1,724; earned. interest. ` Canada Savings Bonds are easy to buyit .They're available in amounts ranging from $50 up to a limit of $50,000. You can buy them in three different ways:. (a) for cash where you work, bank or invest (b) on instalments through the' Payroll Savings Plan Where you work (c) or on instalments through the Monthly Savings Plan where you bank or invest. Go ahead! Start something gOod today! Buy, Canada Savings Bonds. 15! • • .11, ••••••••,c - . • • • • 111 AVERAGE ANNUAL INTEREST TO MAMMY •• ••••• •.•.. • • • • • • '"