The Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-11-01, Page 15RATEPAYERS MEETING TOWNSHIP OF KINLOSS WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 8th TOWNSHIP HALL, HOLYROOD 8P.M. ‘ Changes in the election procedure have elim- inated the previous "nomination meeting", a mat- ter of procedure for many years. Kinloss Municipal Council is calling a rate- payers meeting for November 8th at which time ratepayers are invited to attend. Comments, questions and answers will be welcome. 0 RATEPAYERS • MEETING' VILLAGE OF, LUCKNOW. MONDAY, NOVEMBER 6th LUCKNOW TOWN HALL 8P.M. -Changes in the election procedure have elim- -hutted the previous "nomination meeting", a mat- _ ter of procedure for many years. Lucknow Municipal. Council is calling a rate- payers meeting for November 6th at which time village ratepayers are invited- to attend. Com- . Mentz, questions and answers will be welcome. • , ,.„ Mrs. W. I. Miller and. Misses W. D. Rutherford and Isobel Miller spent a few days at Rich- mond Hill with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McIntyre. • Mts. Harold Gaunt-art Hoed the Institute Areonven- tion at London during the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Miller., Lori and Lynn spent the week end with Mr.. and Mrs. Willis Corri- ganat_Barri The Remembrance Day Ser- N;ice will be held at the St. ficlenis-H-all-on-Sunday, Novem- ber 5 at 2.30 p.m. The. Lucknow Legion *and Auxiliaty will be in attendance With Pastor,Alfred service. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Thompson, Benny and Billy of Mississauga wete week end -visitors with her parents, Mr. and, Mrs, Gordon MacPherson. Norman Foran is a' patient in W . ham and District Hospital. The November meeting of the W.I. will be held on November -2.a_t/2 o'clock in-the-hall. Note-7 change in date! Mr. and Mrs. Ken GreWar Nancy and ffrad-leyofivississauga spent the week end at the Webb - farm. - ST. HELENS Fry of Auburn conducting the :1 THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO KINLOSS A family gathering was enjoy- ed Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Allan MacDougall. Guests were: Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd MacDougall, Grace and Audrey, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Needham and Jane, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Andrew and Shama, Mr. and Mrs. Clair MacDougall, Mr.. and Mrs. Dave Parks (Anna MacDougall) and Mr. and Mrs. Harvey MacDougall. .Two carloads of ladies from South Kinloss 'W.M.S. attended the Thankoffering at Langside on Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Philip Steer. contributed a solo in the programme. 1st Kinloss Venturers spent the week end at Hope Bay. A differ- ent experience was camping and" sleeping in a ca_Y„e. Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Moore and, Jeffery of Thorolci spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Harr ey Houston and Kenneth. Attending the Grey-Bruce Area Convention at Marton Monday and Tuesday, 'are Mrs: Evan Keith Keith, delegate from Kairshea W.I. and Mrs. Harvey Houston ; Provincial Public Relations offic- er. HALLOWE'EN PARTY The-old house on the former Alex MacKenzie farm came to life again on Saturday night , NOMINATIONS Notice is hereby given to the Municipal Electors of the TOWNSHIP OF HURON In the County of Bruce that in compliance with The Municipal Elections Act, 1972, chapter 95, the period for nominations in the said TOWNSHIP OF HURON is the period from THE 9th DAY OF NOVEMBER, 1972 UNTIL • THE 13th. DAY OF NOVEMBER, 1972 at 5 ol_clock_in_the-afternoon..-(being-the-period_between the twenty-fifth and twenty-first days before polling day) for the purpose of nominating fit and proper persons for the offices of REEVE, DEPUTY REEVE, 3 COUNCILLORS and . A REPRESENTATIVE ON THE BRUCE COUNTY BOARD -OFEDUCATION- to repre— sent the Township of Huron and the Village of Ripley-. All these offices are for a two year term. which allElectOrs-are-hereby-required-to---take-notice-ancl govern themselves accordingly, and if a greater number of candidates than required to • fill the said offices, are nominated and make the required declarations, polls will be opened 'on the dates stated below for the purposes of taking the poll from 11 o'clock in the forenoon until 8 o'clock in the afternoon. ADVANCE POLL — First day, 27th day of November, 1972, (being seven days befOre polling day) ADyAK,E POLL----Second-day,-2nd day-of-Decernberr-1972- (being two days before polling day) POLLING DAY Al4 -- the 4th day of December, 1972 Given under my hand this 28th day of October 1972 EARL TOUT Returning ,Officer RA.' 4 Ripley ‘usemidialiakeiia PAGE SEVENTIIIIIIN -October 29 -, when Wayne and Bev. frying from the ceiling, it was erley Bell, children of Mr. and a spooky place to be. After Mrs. Don Bell, entertained friends ducking for apples, pinning the at a Hallowe'en frolic. Lit by hat on the witch, hide and seek Jack-o-latetns, and lampS, .and other games, we all enjoyed warmed by the old wood stove, a ghostly spread of monster with ghosts, bats and witches • munch and witches' brew. , • . Notice Electors . _ . Act, 1972, said that in compliance. ,chapter isY hereby TOWNSHIP In/ the 95, the . TOWNSHIP THURSDAY, li with is given period to of the OF County OF the period NOVEMBER_9th, The Municipal for nominations ' ASHFIELD the Municipal ASHFIELD 1972 In of Huron from Elections UNTIL the MONDAY, NOVEMBER 13th, 1972 in the afternoon, (being the period between the and twenty-first days before polling day} for the nominating fit and proper persons for the offices of DEPUTY REEVE; 3 COUNCIL- ONE REPRESENTATIVE FOR HUR- ' at 5 o'clock twenty-fifth purpose of REEVE; LORS; -ON--COUNT---Y=--BOARD=CtF=EDUCA-TION-=for-- and West Wawanosh; ONE REPRE- FOR HURON - PERTH ,SEPAR,,_ Ashfield SENTATIVE ATE SCHOOL BOARD for Ashfield, West Wawanosh, East Wawanosh, Turnberry and Wii,igtam. All theseoffices are for .a 'two year , term. ' . 4 of which all Electors are hereby required to take notice and govern themselveg accordingly, and if a greater number of candidates than required to fill the said offices, are nominated and make the requiied declarations, , polls will be opened 'on , the dates stated below' for the purposes of taking the, poll from 11 o'clock in the forenoon until 8 o'clock in the afternoon. ADVANCE POLL — First Day, Monday, November 27, 1972, (being seven days' before polling day) ADVANCE' POLL — Second, Day, Saturday, December 2nd,1972, (being two dayi before polling clay) ,,, _ , POLLING DAY — Monday, December 4th, 1972 Given under my hand this 30th day of October, 1972 . DONALD M. SIMPSON Returning- Officer , R.R. 3 Goderich, Ont. KairsietrW1 The Kinloss Kairshea W.I. held their October meeting at the • home of Mrs. Cliff Roulston. ' Members and visitors were wel- comed. by the President Mrs. Bob ' Gilchrist. s Mrs. Lloyd MacDougall read communications and-minutes- in - the absence of the secretary. The scripture, Psalm 25 was read by Mrs. Ira Dickie. The. Senior Course Training school 'Working with Knits' will be held in Kincardine Novem.ber. 9th and 10th, with leaders Mrs. Bob Gilchrist and Mrs. Hank Hartemink Jaking the course. ,The Area Convention will be held in Wiarton,on October 30 and IT-Mrs:Snit-Keith as dele- gate and Mrs. Ira Dickie alter- nate. Mrs. Clarence Ritchie reported for the 4-H club.. It was planned to have the next meeting an evening meeting at the home of Mrs. Donald„MacKinnon at 7 p.m. 'A luncheon being serv- • ed by the 4-H girls. The Institute at Home will be held Saturday evening WA/ember 4th at the Kairshea Hall in the form of a Pot Luck supper. Time 7 p.m. A workshop will be held November' 6th at Holyrood Hall: with-the Hand-book-- The roll call was answered with a worthwhile purchase.. A report of the Rally 'was given by Mrs. Frank MacKenzie, who attended as a delegate. A film Consumer Goods was to have been shown, but the film had not arrived. Mrs. Allan. NlacIntyre and Mrs..,Ira Dickie substituted and showed some local slides, which were most interesting. A report from the'Jiinior Insti- tute Fall Conference held in the Blue Barn at Listowel was given oy Mrs. Evan Keith. A Penny Auction conducted. by Mrs. Allan Machityre proved amusing and profitable. The meeting closed by singing O Canada.. A tasty lunch was served by the hostess and directbrs Mrs. Allister HugheS and Mrs. Ira Dickie . WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 1st, 1972 •