The Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-11-01, Page 6-9-11:,.1..,• ,, I. ,,,,- , • 0 l'e ori-N.0 U ".4i8„li :-., y%',1- . , i„.„; ,. • - NOTICES NOTICES Sincerely PAUL HENDERSON Mac MacDougall,' field representative, of Big `0' (right) with Mr. Lloyd Bender of RR 2, Crediton, winner- of- the Big TY21_0 acres Free Draw' at the International Plowing Match. Mr, Bender visited the Big '0' plant at Hensall recently to see plastic draingge tubing being produced and to collect his p.rize of 8,750 feet, of 4-inch diameter tubing. Planning : February 6th and 7th, 1973.;____CurrentIssues in' Market- ing: February- 12th, 1971 Under- standing the. Future Market: February 13th and 16th and March 2, 1973. M. R. Bolton, e \ Agricultural Representative to serve you better . ' We have been privileged to be appointed to direct agency status for this area for MACAULAY MANN HERALDRY CROYDON ENGLAND Specialists in Family Heraldry Establish a link with the past through Your surname Coalsirolgiirms tor Display . . If your surname is in their comprehensive library of Arms , and the chances are that it is . we are able to supply that Coat of Arms as an ornamental wall shield, for your home, office or club. . MAKES AN IDEAL PRESENT Further information and illustrated colour brochure on request from THE WAXWORKS BOUTIQUE 20 WATER ST. P. O. BOX SS* WINGHAM, ONTARIO Your exclusive agent for this area to keep the cattle clean and dry. - - E, -Bellman,_ Agricultural Engineer CENTRALIA SHORT COURSES Short courses at the Centralia College of Agricultural Technol- ogy have become very popular in-the last-two-years.-Thefollow- hig is a list of the courses for the coining year: Dairy Farmers Short Course: December 6th and 7th, 1972; Swine Farmers Short Course: December 13th and 14th, 1972; Emergency Measures in Crop Production: January 16th and 17 , 19731-Income' Tax-Fil--- ing: January, 18th, 1973; Getting , the Most for Your Building S's: January 23rd and 24th, 197 ,; Beef Farmers Short Course: January 30th and 31st, 1973; ' Farm Busin- ess , Arrangements and Estate "t"(11"1"ru avanswi I wish to sincerely thank the people of Lucc. now and District for their telegrams, letters ,and tremendous support throughout the Canada - Russia hockey series. , It is gratifying to know that so much interest and encouragement has come from my home town area. NEWSPAXE GET 1III S DOlIE NOTICE HILRAY FARMS LTD.. ABATTOIR, HOLYROOD The best in Home Grown, Dry Fed, Drug Free Beef. Try, our. Fresh Home Made Sausage. Custom ling by appointment. ____phene_528-2132 CLARK'S NOTICE OF FIRST POSTING OF VOTERS' LIST Voters' List 972 Township of West Wawanosh County of Huron Notice is hereby given. that I have complied wth Section 9 of The Voters' List Act, '1951, and that I have posted up at my office, R.R. 2 Lucknow, on the 20th day of October, 1972, the list of all persons entitled to vote in the said municipality at Municipal Elections and-thariach-list-re--- mains there for inspection. And I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate proceed- ings to have any omissions or er- rors corrected according to law, the-last-day_lor_appeal being the 3rd day of November, 1972. Dated this 20th -day of October, 1972.' Joan C. Armstrong, Clerk of the Township of West Wawanosh CLERK'S NOTICE -THE-FIRST-POSTIfte, OF THE VOTERS' LIST, 1972 NOTICE is hereby • given that I have complied' with sections 7 to 11 of the Voters' List Act, R.$.O., 1960, where such is applicable and have posted up at my office at R. R. 4 Ripley, Ontario, on the 20th day of October, 1972, the list of ▪ -at-persons---entitled-to --vote-in--the- , Township of Huron at Municipal Elections, and that such, list re- mains---,there-for-in.speetion._ Mut_ r hereby call upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to have any errors or omissions corrected according to 'law, the last day for appeal being the 3rd day of Nov- ember, 1972. Dated this 20th day of October, 1972. Earl' Tent, Clerk Township of Huron N • PAN SIX THE LAOCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 1st, 1972 Notice To Creditors NOTIInCEthT,OECsRtaRteDiaTORS WILLIAM HOGAN ALL, PERSONS having claims a- gainst the Estate of the above-men- tioned, late of the. Village of Luck- now, in the County of Bruce, re- bred farmer,,who died on August 22nd, 1972„ are required 'to file CLERK'S NOTICE OF' proof of same with the undersigned _ POSTING OF VOTERS' LIST on or before the 11th day of Nov- Voters"' List, 1972, Township of ember, 19n. Ashfield,'Couidy of Huron After that date the Executor will Notice is hereby given that I proceed to distribute the Estate have complied with. Section 9 of. having regard only to the claims of which he shall then have had notice. DATED at Wingham, Ontario this 23rd day of October, A.D. 1972. CRAWFORD and. MILL Wingham, Ontario Solicitors for the Executor CLERK'S NOTICE -OF FIRST POSTING OF VOTER'S LIST Notice is hereby given that I , the Estate will be distributed have complied wth Section 9 of entitled thereto The Voters' Act, and that I have amongst those posted up at my office in /unless, having regard only to the claims of which the Executors shall then on the 20th day of October, 1972 halie .notice: the list of all persons entitled to Dated at Listowel, Ontario this vote in the municipality at munic- 91th dav_oOctober 1972. ipal eleCtions -ate tat-Tuck list R. ANDREW, • remains there for inspection. • Listowel, Ontario And I hereby call upon all voters Solicitor for the Executors to t-Aimmedult-e-px-meoditqgs-to- have any omissions or errors cor- rected according to law, the last day for appeal being the 3rd day ' Of November, 1972. Bruce Farm Report Dated this 20th day of October, 'START NOW TO DEVELOP A 1972. PROPER-MANURE PACK '- -Fraser MacKinnon, Clerk of Twp. of fuoloso Dirty cattle going to slaughter cost the meat packing industry R.R. 5, Lucknow, Ontario a great deal of money each' year. CLERK'S NOTICE OF FIRST Directly or indirectly much of POSTING OF VOTERS' LIST this loss is passed on to the Voters' Lilt, 1972 Village of farmer. To a large extent, man- Lucknow, County of Bruce ure-laden hides result as a con- Notice is hereby given that ,I sequence of the fall to spring have complied with Section '9 of housing season, where the cattle the Voters' List Act, 1960, and are ,often forced to lie down in that I have posted up at my office wet, dirty conditions. at Lucknow the 20th day of Octo- The design of the housiag fac- ber, 1972, the list of all persons en ilities, along with management litled_to_voteilLthe said MUnici- can greatly influence the degree polity at municipal elections and of cattle- cle that such list remains there for major design principles is that inspection. cattle: should not be made to eat And I hereby call upon all voters and lie down in the same' area, to take immediate , proceedings to (unless they are on slats). If a have any omissions or errors car- manure pack system is used, the rected according to law, the last actual bedded area should be sep- day for appeal being the 3rd day arate from the feeding area a- of November, 1972. round a manger or feeder. No Dated this 20th day of October, bedding should be used in the Clerk of Village of Lucknow by frequent scraping (2-3 times a week). The bedding should be restricted to the separate resting area,,, where the cattle are en- couraged to lie down in clean, dry surroundings. , enough--he-adroon is-avail OPEN BOWLING OPEN BOWLING AT ' ' LUCKNOW BOWL Fridays All'alleyse 7 - 8:45 p.m. 2 alleys 9 - 11 p.m. Saturday nights. All alleys 7 - 11 p.m. Beryl's Beauty Salon will be dos- ed from November 4th to DeCem- ' ber 4th. The Voters List Act, 1951, and that I have posted up at my of- fice at Kintail on the 20th day of' October, 1972, the list of all per-, sons entitled to vote in the said Municipality at Municipal Elec- tions and that such list remains there-for.--inspection. And. I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to NOTICE TO CREDITORS have any omissions or errors cor- In the Estate of rected according to law, the.last JOSEPH CONLEY day for appeal being the 3rd day , Deceased of November, 1972. All persons having claims again- , Data- this-20thday of October- st the-Estate-of Joseph Conley,late 1972. Donald M. 'Simpson, Clerk of the Township of Ashfield of the. Village of Lucknow in the County of Bruce, Retired Express Agent, who died on or about the 5th-day of October 1972, are here- by notified to send full, particulars of their claims to the undersigned Solicitor for the Executors o the Voft-Vs'--Ltst.0972;-Townshin-of----- K County of - -13ruce Eatate-on- or-befork-the- 18th-day of November 1972 after which date _feeding___arRather, this area A. E. Herbert, should be paved and kept clean able, it is, highly desirable to allow, a manure pack to build up over the- housing season. This cuts down on the labour of hand- ling manure; it allows the great- rients in the manure for applic- ation on the land 'at a time most convenient to the operator and his 'cropping- practices; and it re- duces to a minimum the amount of bedding' required to keep the . cattle clean. NOTICE RE CURLING' The Ripley Curling Club invites all meth-hers and poWlitial mein, bees to join their winter's activit- ies. Membership Fees $50.00 can be paid $10.00 per year." Yearly--- dues - men $35.00, ladies $15.00. Mixed Curling --- Thursday night; noon (and or) Tuesday night; Men's Curling - Monday or. Wed- nesday and Friday night. Contaet J. S. Robb, phone 395-2878 or Don- na Elliott, phone 395-5004 before November 10. ctotit 111411 SEED CORN *DEALER IN THE BROOKSIDE AREA P 52 HONE tinsel Irvin 9 .7408 " In this connection, most man- ure packs are started in the fall of the year. The_beginning of the pack Is 'hi'ghly Important; enough- bedding should be used to keep things dry, and to keep the cattle up on top (cattle should never be allowed -to punch` through- this means starting .the manure pack properly). To do this may require the use of nearly one-half the season's supply of bedding, before Christmas; but never mind - as the pack develops it will require less and less bedding