The Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-11-01, Page 2'AO' TWO Buy Poppy... Weer o Poppy . Proud of our veterans? Grateful to those who died for freedom? Show your gratitude and pride by helping the living . . . support the Poppy program. CANADIAN LEGION Lucknow Branch 309 CANVASS OF THE VILLAGE WILL BE HELD NOVEMBER 3 • The LUCKNOW SENTINEL LUCKNOW, ONTARIO "TIN Sepoy Town" - On the Huron-Bruco Boundary Second Class Mail Registration Number 0847 Established 1873 •-•-• Published Each Wednesday Afternoon Member of the. C.W.N.A. and 0.W.N.A. Subscription Rate, 46.00 a year in advance - to the U.S.A.,' $8.00 Donald C. Thothpson, Publisher WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 1st, 1972 Sprimmo L5 4 26 i---- ---- Totals 14,4(...3"`''' 3,766 15,005 Majority For Whither -- 682 • WIZINIOPIZIWOMSSVCSMIIMS - t Alisa Craig Ashfield . .... . Bayfield Biddulph Bluewater Rest Home (Zurich) Blyth BA. 2 7 0 4 0 2 McK 209 478 216 552 r ' .30 324 TH. 94 230 40 320 17 • 106 WE. • 19 52 18 106 1 24 Brussels Clinton\ 5 1169 391 86 Colborne 0 426 153 58 Exeter 2 / 1383 408 108 Goderich 18 2232 1076 240 Goderich Twp. 2 658 226 61 Grey 2 . 444 323 38 Hay 1098 415 • .78 Hengall 1 466 161 23 Etc'wick • 4 807. 365 110 Millet • '4 533 ' 221 40- Huron Park 3 220 116 51 Lu can ,„ 1 379 143 • 67 MtGillivray 1 512 -287-- 44 McKillop 1 346 315 43 Morris 0 492 236 26 Seaforth 2 1015 391 56 Stanley 0 608 • 135 26 Stephen 3 ' 846 349 71 Turnberry 4 410 199 42 Tuckersmith , • ,6 839 406 69 Vanastr a , 1 106 .39 30 Huronview 4 120 58 5 Usborne 0 557 162 48 1 Eas-t--Waw o h = - - Q:---------- - 3 --I54 - -, West Wawanosh 2 353 210 33 Winghani . 4 1056 506 84 Zurich 0 269 160 • 11 Adv,ance Poll 0 185 125 19 Totals 85 19131. 8631 1869 MAJORITY FOR Mc KINLEi 10 ,•500 %%1 \ '44%4% \ N'ts'...‘‘‘•*44 .4,4,NN,N,N4 \'\1•••••••4 1•\%•444‘04.'44NO ¤1%4,,..,••\‘',004.141'44"44%14%.4014%.••• BA. McK TH. WE.' St. Helens. THE LUCKNOW SENTINELS LUCKNOW, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 1st, 1972 Bruce Riding L.O. St. Edmunds 129 Lindsay 47 Eastnor , 210 Lions Head 119 Albermarle '109 Marton 421 TH. 32 22 28 '10 29 • 118 , Amabel 475 Sangeen 80 Arran , 315 --36 1. 17 68 ` 187 34 Seekkampton .515 164 1/ Saugeen 212 78 'Port Elgin 663'274 Bruce Twp. ' 368 182 Tiverton 4174 61 • rawer. Twp.550 146 • Irmcar Town 926 198 Huron 417 83 Ripley 131 23 Lucknow 284 32 Kinloss 298 40 Culross 277 68 Teeswater 222 ,. 28 Greenock 279 54 Carrick 289 89 Mildthay 154 43 Brant 664 163 Walkerton 893 217 Hanover 1459 348 • Paisley 210 45 Chesley • 521 91 KEI)Pel 431 121 Shallow Lake 79 32 Sarawak 364 166 Derby 495 150 Sullivan 421 120 Bentick 523 165 Slides On Holland Shown %own At Meeting The Lucknow Horticultural Soc- iety held their meeting in the Legion Hall•on Monday evening October 23. The President Mrs. Ross Cuinming extended a wet- - come to all present and '0 Can- ada' was sung. The financial statement was given and corres- pondence read. Following the • business session Mrs. Wilfred • Drennan acted as chairman for an interesting programme. Mrs. Orville.Elliott, Mrs. Ewart Taylor and Mrs.,George Joynt were also members on this committee. Mrs. Taylor gave two good readings entitled "Teach Him Gently" and "Builders". Garden- ing hints prepared by Mrs. Elliott were given by Mrs. Earl-Wight- man. .Dr. J. 'Little played two pleasing selections on his violin accompanied by Mrs. R. Cumming. Very beautiful slides picturing tulips• and other spring bulbs in bloom in Holland were shown by Mrs. J. Henderson. Our new 50" screen was used, in the showing of these'slides.. Ada Web• ster read the commentary on each slide.. . • Those taking part in the pro- gramme were thanked by Mrs. R. Shepherd. Drennan conclud- ed the programme with two suit- able readings.' 749 . 14 85 2 - 77 54- 9 67 No. 1 Legion Hall, No. 2 MacLean. 4. No. 1 Colvin Residence, No. 2 Township Garage, No. 3 Town- ship Garage, No. ;4 Salem Hall, No. 5 Formosa. • 1 Results in Huron Monday were: Huron- Riding- Kinle Conservative; Charles Ed Bath, Independent; Bob Mc- 'Thomas, Liberal; Shir ey 479 NDP. 437 76 337 423 316 387 John Loney, Progressive Conser- vative; Tom Thompson, NDP; Ross Whicher, LiberaL BRUCE AND HURON CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 In the 1965 election, Mr. Mc- Kinley defeated Liberal Malt Edgar by a majority of 125Q. In' 1968 his majority over the same Mail Edgar was 3787 and in the, current election, his majority skyrocketed to a whopping 10,500 votes over Liberal Charles Thomas. Results in Bruce Riding Monday were: WH. 159 71 199 144 233 Huron No. 1 Cemeron Store, No. 2 Reids Corners Hall, No. 3 Fry Aesidence, No. 4 Township Hall, No. 5 Clayton residence. • 'Ripley • 1 90 37 97 2 77 14 54 3 '73 6 38 4 52 • 4 • 45 5 60, ' 10 56 Lucknow 1 2 3 No- 1 Town Hall, No. 2 Parish Hall, • No. 3 Mrs. Peter. Campbell residence, No. 4 Noble Johnston residence. • Kinloss- 1 . 97 21 62 2 ' 102 7 91' 3 . 99 12 44 No. 1 Kinlough, No. 2 Cunningham residence, No. .•3 Whitechurch 55 307 138 537. 268 872 415 113 360 781 334 152 319 197 389 245 415 606 296 518 1331 1066 212 Store. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Young. •• and Kevin of Toronto visited Sat- Culross .urday with 'Mr. and Mis. Clifford 1 44 , 8 70 Yo9ng and family. 2 .. . 36 17 56 ' Communion services were held 3 55 11 60 unday at the Langside Presbyter- 5 - 86 56 11 21 74 Ran Church with the Interim - ' 129" a eary, Advance Polls 'Marton 49 .8 54 —Southampton 22 9 26 Port Elgin 19 0 ,40 Kincardine 19 8 55 Lucimow 18 3 24 Walkerton . 22 10 94 Hanover 27 0 40 Chesley • 39 6 59 Wybenga , the student minister, i and will be tBregm-an's. in charge. LANGSIDE W. M.S. • ; Mrs. Victor Emerson of White- The Langside Women's Mission)! church gave a, reading. The offer, ary Society held their Thankoffer- ; ing was received by Mrs. Dave ing meeting Thursday with auxil- i Moffat , and Mrs. Elmer Scott, iaries from Whitechurch, South ! with Mrs. Wiersma giving the Kinloss, Kinlough and Teeswater ; offering pra-yer: as their guests. Mrs. Donald' ,• : . , Huffman and. Mrs. Victor Wyben- I Mrs. Wes' Young introduced the, ga greeted the ladies. guest speaker Mrs. Gordon Wall Mrs. George Young, the Lang- !of *Wingham , one of Langside's Side president', brought the meet- former members. Mrs. Jim ing -to-order with=: the- call.tor-wor- Young thanked Mrs. Wall and ship; "0, Give thanks unto the presented her with a smallgift. Lord, ca-11 upon His name , make Mrs. Don Robertson, of Kinlough • known his deeds among the gave a reading and Mrs. Philip people"'. Everyone tepeated the Steer of 8outh Kinloss sang a solo. W M 8 Purpose."Jesus, ThyThe meeting-closed with the W. . . boundless love to me", was sung. singing' of "All the way my Sav - -Th. Langside groupsAng iour leads me" and the' Lord's" "Cod will take care of you": Mrs. Prayer in unison. Everyone was Peter de Boer read the scripture. :invited to the basement where Mrs. Victor Wybenza-gave-____lunch was served. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Young, and `' Meditation. Mrs. Visset led in prayer. Mts. Young welcomed family visitted. Mrs. Wm. Broome the guests., Mrs. Ken McDonald . in HuronView . Sunday. . of the Teeswater groups gave a ' The Langside Young People's reading. The minutes were read held their first meeting of the year At the home of Mr. and Mrs. Peter de Boer. 4 1CIE SKATES Ashfield 1 2 3 4 5 6 2 " 103 35 1 93 21 1 , 81 37 4 90. ' 27 0 49 61 0 62 '49 NO. 1 Mrs. Ethel MacDonald -No72-Townsbip-RalITN0 3-Wilifed----- Hackett residence, No. 4' Mrs. Roy Petrie residence, No. 5 Mrs. Dennis Dalton residence, No. 6 Ewan MacLean residence. West Wawanosh 1 2 . 3 Lucknow or the Whole Family 4 BE PREPARED FOR SKATING. WE HAVE SKATES FOR MEN, WOMEN C,HIXDREN. ***** ***** ** * * 'Or PETTER SHOES • • • . • • • • o. 2 AUburn, NO. 3 • Phone 528-2011 limiimmorsommi 2 115 32 14 0 87 48 7 0 • 25 40 , '1 0 126 90 11 • held at Mrs. Robert iigus i , ,No-4 9 5 11 8 "7 7 moderator, Rev. Glenn Noble of and roll call taken. The next , Lucknow and Mr. Victor meeting is the annual meeting