The Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-10-25, Page 23t it of cj - With 70ther ;172 • mai ,c1 Ripley Huron School News.. GIRLS SOCCER by Connie Irwin In the girls soccer the final games have arrived. It is the team which wins the best two out• of three games that win the soccer tabs. The captains of the two teams are Cheryl McGarvey and Debbie McFadden.rThe first game was won by. Debbie's team 1 - 0, Cheryl's team won, the next two' ames with a victory of 1 0 in both games. Cheryl's team is the winner for this year. BOYS' SOCCER CHAMPIONSHIP The. Ripley-Huron Central School started their Soccer .House-League Play offs or Thursday, October 12-. Danny Boyd's team beat Mark Stanley's team 1 - 0. Danny scored on a penalty shot to win the first game. The next two games a were held on Friday and Mon- day. Mark Stanley's team won both games, each score being 1-0. Mark got the winning goal on Friday and Brian Coiling got WHERE TO VOTE LOCAL and GENERAL NEWS Annie H. Kennedy of Wingham returned home on Sunday after spending ten days in Wingham and.District Hospital. John. W. Inglis of Gibsons, B.C. , is visiting with Mrs. Torn Inglis, West Wawanosh, it on Monday. So Mark's team won the championship. GRADE SEVEN ,EIGHT CLASS by Cheryl McGarvey This 'week in Creative Writing the grade seven and• eight class of our school were to write what our idea of happiness is. One of the students, Bridgette Lawrence had some very good ideas. This is what she wrote: Happiness is listening to music , , tasting things soft and hearing things pleasant. Happiness is seeing the sunset and seeing the moon rise. Happiness is touching all things that are soft. BRIDGETTE'S LEAVING by Heather. Boyle The grade seven and eight class are sorry to announce that Bridgette Lawrence is leaving our school. Although she has only been here since September, we have got to knOw her pretty well. She is moving into. Kincardine on Broadway Road. She also has two brothers in our school. John is in Grade- 5-and- De-nver- is in -Grad Sorry to see yob go. rigifill=6"Mir"IMX111MS' lhaw BOLD,. BREEZE OR CHEER DETERGENT Regular Size 56c PINE RIVER CHEESE, medium lb. 89c SILVER RIBBON PEAS, 19 oz. tin 2 for 47c WE STILL. HAVE A GOOD SUPPLY OF HALLOWE'EN CANDY ARNOLD'S . R.R. 7 Lucknow. Lanes. Phone 529•724.8 . 1 1 1 11 1 111 1 1 1 1 11111111 1 II 1 11 1 11 1 1 1 0 1 GUEST SPEAKER W Dowkes, from.University Hof Toronto VALEDICTORIAN Elliott Courtney 111111111011111110101111111111111111 RECEPTION TO FOLLOW GUESTS WELCOME WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 25th, 1972 THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO PAGE TWENTY,THRES MINImmummunimiamill11111111111.11111111111W McKINLEY ROBERT E. TOWNSHIP_OF_LWES'L_WAWANOSII__ Polling Division No. 129 (Rural) (West Wawanosh No. 1): Comprising Lots 13 to 15 inclusive,. Concession 6 and 7; Lots'. 13 to 20 inclusive, Concession 4 and 5; Lots 13• to 20 inclusive, Con. 2 and 3 ; Lots 13 to 20 inclusive, Con. 1. Polling Station at Robert Stothers, Dungannon. Polling Division No. 130 (Rural) (West VVawanosh No. 2): Comprising Lots 21 to 27 inclusive, Concessions 1, 2, 3, 4; also portion of Village of Auburn in W. Wawanosh. Polling Station at Auburn Library. Polling Division No. 131 (Rural) (West Wavianosh No. 3): Comprising-Lots 22 to 27 inclusive, Concessions 8, 9 and Lots 21 to 27 inclusive,. Concession 5; Lots 16 to 27 in- clusive, Concessions 6 and 7. Polling Station at .St. Augustine Parish Hall. Polling Division No. 132 (Rural) (West Wawanosh "No. 4): Comprising Lots 13 to 27 inclusive on Concession . 10, 11, 12, 13, 14; Lots 13 to 21 inclusive on Con. 8 and 9. (Village of Lucknow not included.) Polling Station at St. Helen's Library. TOWNSHIP,OF ASHFIELI) Polling Division No. '2 (Rural) (Ashfield No. 1): Comprising Concession 1, Lots 7 to '12, inclusive 'E.D.; Concession 2,' Lots 6. to 12 E.D.; Concessions 3, 4 and 5, Lots .4 to 12, inclusive E.D. ; Concession 6, Lots. 9 to 12, inclusive E.D.; Concession 7, lots 10 to 12, inclusive E.D. Polling Station at Residence of Mrs. Ethel McDonald, Dungannon. Polling Division No, 3 (Rural) Ashfield No. 2: • Comprising Concession 6, Lots 1 W.D. to 8, inclusive E. D. ;Concession 7, Lot 1 W.D. to 9, inclusive E.D.; Con- cessions 8, 9, Lots 1 W.D. to 12, also Concession 10, Lots 1 to 12 inclusive E.D. Polling Station at Ashfield Township Hall. rolling Division No. 4-(Rural)-(Ashfietd No;;-3):- - CoMprising"11, 12, 13, 14 inclusive E.D.; also Conces- sions 12, 13, 14, Lots 1, 2, 3 W.D. Polling Station at Residence of Wilfred Hackett. Polling Division No. 5 (Rural) (Ashfield No:4): Comprising. Concession 1, from side linES 6 and 7, E.D. to Lakeshore Road and Concession 2 from Lot 5 E.D. to Lakeshore Rod and Concession 3' and 4, from side line 3 and 4 E.D. to Lakeshore Road and Concession 5, from Lot.3, E.D. to Lot 3, W.D. inausive, and Lot 6 S., Town Plot N Town Plot inclusive Port Albert Village. Polling Station at Residence of Mrs. Roy Petrie, RR 3, Goderich. Polling Division No. 6 (Rural) ('Ashfield No. 5): Comprising Concessrons 6, 7, 8 and 9, Lot 2 W.D., to Lakeshore Road and 5th Concession, Lot 4 W.D. to Lake- shae Road and Lots. 5 to 24, inclusive Lake Range, also Concession 10 and 11, Lots 1 to 9 W.D. Polling Stal ion ___at Residence of_Mts-D_enn is.1) a Ito 3, God- erich Polling Division No. 7 (Rural) (Ashfield No. 6): Comprising W.-D. Concessions 10 to 14 inclusive, Lots 10 to Lakeshore Road inclusive, Lake Range, .Lots '25 to 45 inclusive, also Concessions 12, 13,.14, Lots 4 to9 W.D. Polling Shtion at Residence of Ewan McLean. sm.nenveuters..- . • • ,-- ON OCTOBER 30, RE-ELECT: PUBLISHED BY THE HURON PC ASSOC. ANNw RIPLEY,LADY CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 The occasion was one which attracted bout 800 people' to the. Auditorium of the Bracebridge and Muskoka Lakes Secondary 'School from all over Ontario, including a bus load from Huron's Star Lodge, Ripley and Hilltop Lodge, Bervie. The Award, of the Decoration of Chivalry' is a• Ceremony conducted b t e members of the' highest degree of OddfelloWship, the Patriarch's Militant , who are the informed branch of the Order Assembled in local Cantons. The ceremony was therefore in charge of the Commander of the."Department of Ontario", Elmer Teft. of Corunna , who holds the, rank as Ontario tead of the Pa tria General. Assisting in the .cerern-. ony were the Ladies Auxiliary 'of the Patriarch'g Militant.. Further assistance in the cere- mony was given by a number of members in Junior' Lodges. A number of Mile girls, mostly from Bracebridge and gowned in long white dresses, had appeal- ing parts to perform as flOwer bearers Bible bearers and Jewel bearers. The Ceremony itself was most impressive. The audience,was seated on three sides of the cen- tral part or the auditorium. The, proCeedings began with the arrival of the Canton Members and their officers , the, marching in of the colours and 'the entrance of ite principal officers. • Then the .Rebekahs who were to be honoured entered , wearin . long white, gowns, Part ,of th ceremony included the Ritual, washing,..of the hands, Children carried Bibles to them on Which. their bands .were placed as they tools the obligation, Their escorts by travelling to,Kentucky and other parts of the States. Are yOu interested in seeing news from your community app- earing regularly in yOur loCal" paper? It has been difficult lately compiling news for the paper and it would be easier if area residents would call the correspondent at 529 - 7441. With news instead of the correspond- ent trying to contact each indiv- idual. Your co-operation will help make a more interesting Kingsbridge column in The Sentinel. Gary Courtney who was admitt:- ed to the Kincardine ,liospital. following•a Car-accident a week ago Saturday is now home from the hospital. -13-e-iiii-SrMilteribiir-g -WaS-a-driii-tred- to the Wirigham Hospital on Saturday evening.' MURRAY - to Mr: and Mrs. Char- les Murray of R. R. 1 Holyrood on Tuesday, October 17, 1972 in Wingharn and District ilospital, a daughter. DALTON - to Mr. and Mrs. Clete Dalton of R. R. 7 Lucknow Wingham, and District Hospital on Friday, October 20th, '1972, a daughter. , ASFITON - to Mr. and Mrs. Fraser Ashton of Hull, Quebec ,, 'in Ottawa General Hospital, on Sat- urday, October 21, 1972, a daugh- ter, a sister for Antoine.. •••••••m, were Ladies of the Ladies Auxil- iary Patriarch's Militant. Other children accompanied officers as the Jewels of the Decoration of Chivalry were presented to each. Finally the ladies'who were/hon- oured received a flower as part of the Symbolism of the ceremony. They were then,congratulated by Department Commander, .Teft. A program followed. At the' conclusion the Ladies of Snow 'Queen Lodge , Bracebridge were hostesses for coffee and sandwiches 'in the school dining hall. ' ingsbridge School Portable Classroom KINGSBRIDGE .NEWS Congratulations to Mt. and 'Mrs. Cletus Dalton (Mary Louise Simpson) on the arrival of their first child, a daughter , born on Thursday, October 19th in the Wingham and District Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Marsman and family of Lon,dOrryere week- end visitors with Mrs. Dennis Dal. ton. A new portable classroom arriv- ed at St. Joseph's School last Thursday. It will be occupied 13ST the grade four class. It is the • second portable to be set up at the school. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Van,Osch spent the past week on holidays L RIPLEY. DIS/TRICT HIGH _SCHOOL COMMENCEMENT EXERCISES Friday, November 3rd AT 11, P.M. .