The Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-10-25, Page 11to serve you better We have been privileged to be aPPointed to direct figencY status for this area for MACAULAY MANN HERALDRY 'CROYDON ENGLAND Specialists in Family Heraldry Establish a link with the past through your surname Coals.xotilirms for Molar If your surname is in their comprehensive library of Arms . . . and the chances are that it is . . we are able to supply that Coat of Arms as an ornamental wall shield for your home, office or club. MAKES AN IDEAL PRESENT Further' information' and illustrated colour brochure on request from THE WAXWORKS BOUTIQUE 20 WATER ST. P. BOX 556 WINGHAM, ONTARIO Your exclusive agent for this area JUNE 19 62 George and Wm. G. Hunter of Ashfield bought the- residence of Wilbert Hodgkinson, on Stauffer" Street and obtained possession. June 1st. Mr. and Mrs. Hodgkin- son were returning to Wingharn and Mr. and Mrs. George Hunter would occupy the house. John- MacKenzie , Reeve of Bruce Township'and Warden of Bruce County , won the Liberal nomination by two votes over his closest contestant, Doug- las Kreutzweiser of Hepworth. Les Ballentine, accountant at the Lucknow Branch of the Bank of. Montreal, was advised of his appointment as 'manager Of the bank's new branch at Listowel. WITH MARGARET THOMPSON •••••••••••••••••4•••••••••••••••••••.......... 10 YEARS AGO PAGE WAY,* waDNESPAYf OCTOBER 25th, 1972 THE, LUCKNOW; ONTARIO • ••••••••••4•••!••••••••••••••••**••••44•••••••• LOOKING BACKWARDS THROUGH THE SENTINEL FILES AN INVITATION FROM VAUGHAN'S FURNITURE To our many friends and customers in Luck- now and surrounding area, I would like to say a sincere thank you for your support and patronage since we opened for business last March. IF YOU FEEL THAT OUR FRIENDLY COURTESY, SER- VICE AND FAIR PRICES ARE SOMEWHAT RARE THESE DAYS, PLEASE. TELL YOUR FRIENDS, I WILL BEND OVER BACKWARDS TO ENSURE THEIR SATISFACTION IS AS COMPLETE AS YOURS. BY 'THE WAY. WE HAVE A . STOCK REDUCTION: _ IN _ PROGRESS _RtGHT..-NOW„ SO• I F---Y-OU--A R E NGAR- DINE DURING THE NEXT COUPLE OF WEEKS, DROP IN AND SAY HELLO. YOU' MAY SPOT SOMETHING •YOU NEED. / . • WE ARE OFFERING UP TO :70% REDURIONS ON 2 PCE. BY FAMOUS BRAND NAMES CHESTERFIELD 'LIKE KROEHLER, SKLAR, SUITES. FUTORIAN AND BRAEMORE' OUR DRAPERY DEPT. IS GOING STRONG ON THE NEW FALL FABRICS FROM THE PRIDE OF PARIS COLLECTION Your drapes are made on the premises o-ensur possible service to you. SEALY'S FAMOUS POSTUREPEDIC MATTRESS IS.:: OUR SPECIALITY IN BEDDING, DOUBLE QR TWIN SIZE . WE HANDLE CARPETING BY 'HARDING, ARMSTRONG, CROSSLEY - KARASTAN AND CARAVELLE, AND WE WILL INSTALL 'IT FOR YOU AT-REASONABLE RATES. CH RISTMAS IS NOT FAR AWAY AND FOR THOSE SPECIAL GIFTS FOR SPECIAL- PEOPLE WE HAVE" KROEHLER RECLINER CHAIRS, SWEDISH SWIVEL LOUNGERS AND •LUBY SWIVEL ROCKERS. KINCARDINE . Sincerely, 30 YEARS AGO. JUNE 1942 W. P. Reed, treasurer of the Township of .Ashfield for thirty- four years, resigned the position. Alex MacNay was appointed to succeed Mr. Reed and commen- ced his new duties on June 1st. Since Sugar rationing was first introduced , the shipping situation had become more serious. The danger to ships and lives had in- creased. Consequently it had be- come necessary. to reduce the sugar ration from 3 /4 lb. to 1/24 lb. per, week per person. .Special pro-vision was made for addition- al quentitiespf sugar for hOme ' preserving and canning. Local residents were particular- ly interested itya Sunday overseas .broadcast , because of the fact that Russel Button was on the air sending a-rrressa-ge of greeting to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Button, other relatives and friends. 50 YEARS -AGO - JUNE 19 22 The baseball season was open- ed at. St. Helens when their ,first league game was played with Whitechurch. 'It was reported ,a close game with the score 14-13 and a victory for Whitechurch. The line-up for St. Helens was C. Cranston', C. McDonald, L. Woods, H. Webb, M. Humphrey, L. Webb, S. Todd, W. I. Mil ----1-er;T:-"-Antterrson-T -IvlatPhe r - son. For Whitechurch - F. Ross, F. Patterson, H. Sparling, C. - Gillespie, 0. Tiffin, McLennan, G. McKay, A, McKay, J. Conn, R. Henderson:. Team Work Prevent! Family. Breakdown On a routine call to visit the mother of.a newborn infant, the Public Health Nurse noticed how depressed. the mother seemed. Often this is the result Of .a tired, let-down feeling some mothers experience after 'a birth and it goes away usually "with the two nurse was alerted to other small signs that this Situation Might be more serious. The mother be- haved in an indifferent manner to'her three-year-old and seemed unable to listen to 'the child. A teenage daughter was openly rude to the ,mother. 1 nurse remarked, This softly spok-. en statement triggered a flood of•tearS„ When the mother, had become more calm,, the Public Health Nurse 'suggested that some- one-e-lieforne-to-y - "spineont she could talk over her problems with:" .The, "someone", Was a Children's Aid-worker. This is .a community where the Public • Health authorities and the CAS wOrk closely together.tb help troubled families who ma.y•not know that family counselling is aVallable. Visits with a CAS worker' were set up. It was soon learned that Nirs. A.' had• married a man,,sorte- What r older than herself and was the stepmother tb his. 13-year-old much.. ^ , Her .husband commuted to a ,nearby city to, work, leaving , her for as long as 10 hours each Tay. .The nurse made more than the usual number of visit's to the home. These visits relieved Mrs. A.'s sense of being alone and encouraged her to give adequate care to the baby in spite of her _awn feelings-of-de-jeotion--i----M-the- same time a series of family meet- ings were set up at the CAS office. Gradually the young mother was able to see that her step'- a-u-ghterls-itiv-airy-tow-ard-her-was a natural stage in her develop- ment and should -not be regarded as a failure on her part. The fath- er found that 'he .:could spend less time away in , the. city by delegat- ingsOme of his work to. others. The oldest daughter's resentment Society has encouraged regular meetings with other professidnals in the community on methods or spotting trouble prevent . family --breakd ow n Two New Tweenies ies.Betty Stanley, received her Cyclist and Collector Badges, Deborah Bolt .got a Musician dge-a-nd-E-lizabeth--Willtins-earn pleted her test in Golden Bar. . At' Pow Wow we/sang Happy -Birthdayto-Debra Arnold. Brown Owl then asked all the Brownies to try and bring a flower pot to' our next meeting as we are going to plant bulbs. So any of the . Brownies who haven't done their bulb diary , can start it next week, During work period Brown Owl had the BroWnies show how they should get a parcel ready foe mail- ing.. Tawny Owl had ,the Tween-. ies to work with them on their Brownie Law and Motto. We had two new Tweenies join us this week. They were Sylke Becker and Shirley Loree. BEDROOM SUITES. BY KROEHLER, PEPPLER, LAURIER AND IDEAL AT PRICES THAT ARE HARD -TO•BEAT ANY- ' nulibaln4111.endliaranaliP SO come on in for a that. If we can help you choose the home furnishings you ne we are happy. I guarantee„, you will, be happy-to6-andititiafie 1-Thatts again. • 11111111.1.1101 PHONE 396-3122 6 ED . •:LIGHTOWLER . OvvNER-PROPRIETOR Nemesimmummoommos The counselling sessions took several months. When the case as closed ,_._a_hamier_,__Well-knit _ family was,the result olthe efforts of the two agencies working to- gether. Together they had head- ed Off what might have becdme a tragedy. I There is a great need in every community for this kind of team-, work among professionals - to find problems while they are still small -and to refer them to the family counselling services of the CAS. 'Nursery teachers, school teachers ,• doctors as well as nurses - when they spot emotion- al problems - can suggest CAS . The meeting was closed with counselling. Our Children's Aid i3rownie Prayer. AVAILABLE. IN THIS AREA THROUGH 5 years Debenture Investmen- -- - Certificates FRANK THOMPSON DUNGANNON, ONTARIO MILLER, McK_ENZIE_LIMIXED the InnUnICIPal savings & loan corporation P.O. BOX 147, 88 DUNLOP ST. EAST BARRIE, ONTARIO (705).726-7200 Member: Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation INSURANCE AGENCY — RIPLEY 0 4 . . 16 Olt Join Brownies The .Brownies opened their meeting On' Tuesday , October 17th by playing a game of Human Ladders. Deborah Bolt was Fairy QuCen and she placed the Toadstool• for lessened when she was able to see Brownie Ring. While we were in her father Oftener. Encouraged by Brownie. Ring, brown Owl present- the praise of both parents, the girl ed, badges to three of the Brown-.• began to take a great interest in the new baby and to regard him, as part of her own family. A I