The Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-10-18, Page 22PMYETHyLfNE. 2 IN SIZES 6 FEET WIDE UP 'TO 40 FEET WIDE ST. LAWRENCE CEMENT PORTLAND and MASONRY IN STOCK b • I" '4"41 JOHN W. HENDERSO LUMBER LTO. Mine 528-3118 Lucknow l~W CQSl 0 PPORINIT fortIOME IMPRNEMENT ALUMINUM DOORS •1. cy Donaldson., Mrs. Florence Reavie; Mrs. Carroll McKim; Dr. Jack MC Kim , -Mrs: Ma rjor-le-Guest-, George Guest. Back row , Mrs. Mary Fisher, Scott Reid, Mrs.,'Audrey Reid, Mrs: Christine Currie, Jack Jack Hiller, Mrs. Gertrude Mid.- dleton Mrs.,Kathleen Moffat, family history.. Miss, 'Ma riorie Murray'gave the store ofSmith's Cemetery near reesvidter ails! Mrs Ken Grant the story of their faun, There was.a book disfla ar- ranged, by Mrs. Arnold; These. books were helpful. to loOsts' Recording your Fanii,1 Tree is good-hobby _ An interesting book went on sale in Walter Culbert's Variety Store last.week.' It is a reprint of the 1867 Bruce Count\ Directer ,and is a project, of the •Bruee District Genealogical Society. CRAWFORD MOTORS CHRYSLER - DODGE PLYMOUTH WINGHAM ONTARIO PRONE 357-3862 1970 DODGE Coronet, 2 door hardtop, power steering and radio -101UNCELIN, bucket seats and console, power steering, brakes and radio 1969 DODGE Coronet 4 door,' 6 automatic with - radio 1969 Pi,Y11400111 Satelite door -hardtop;-8 automatic, power steering, brakes and radio 1967 DODGE Dart 4 door sedan, 6 automatic, radio 20 YEARS AGO MAY 1952 THE LUCKNOW LUCKNOW, ONTARIO # •WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER nth, 1972 I. 4 Dr. W. J. Mumford, minister of Lucknow United Church, tender ed•his resignation, effective the end of June, Dr, Mumford has - served for forty years as an ordain- ed minister, but reluctant to retire accepted an invitation to Melville United Church, Fergus, as assistant to Rev. D. Glen Tay - lor. A call was extended to Rev. Grant Meiklejohn to succeed Dr. Mumford. Mr. Meiklejohn had been serving in the pastoral charge of Bervie , Blackhorse and Clarks. POO TWINTY-TWO WITH MARGARET THOMPSON , 4**************444•44**********4*+••••••••••••••• WOKING'BACKWARDS, THRQUGli. THE SENTINEL. FILES., S 40.'YEAR$ AGO, MAY 1932 Benson Park, age 19, was hon'- oured at a community gathering in Dungannon and was ,presented with a beautiful engraved honor- ary .testimonial from the Royal,. Humane 'Association for prompt action and presence of mind in the rescue of Neil. Haines, age . 9, from drowning in the Nine. Mile River near Dungannon. -The hear drowning had taken place the previous year. 60 YEARS AGO INSTALLING BOARD for the officers of Huron chapter 89, Order of the Eastern Star, ,are: front row , left to right , Mrs. Doris MacLennan, Mrs. Shirley Alex Nicholson, Angus McLeod, --John McDonald.; Anna„-Nicholson Jennie MacDonald, Sadie Mac- Donald, Sadie Henderson, Frank Miller, Peter McLeod , May Mc- Innes, Martin McInnes, Archie McDonald, Gordon Little , Clarence Irwin, Clifton Schneid- 4L,Bertie McLeod, Allan 'McCon- nell, Verna McLeou,Isabella Stewart, Archie Graham; Earn- est-Sellnef,der___ E. A. Dandy, Teacher. Letter To The Editor Joe ArrnOtong ,Diet In 55th. Year St. ThOrnias' Anglican Church, Walkerton on Tuesday afternoon„, October 10th, was filled with friends' and relatives and a good -representationfrorn-Brur P 1 eajj V en in Walkerton for the funeral service' for 'Joseph C.• Armstrong bearing rrEite tesrimourro the esteem in which the deceased held, throughout the community. Mr. Armstrong of 121 Gibson Street ,. Walkerton, passed away suddenly on Saturday , October 7th, while on duty at Brucelea Haven, in his 55th year. He was born in Lucknow , a son of the late Mr. and Mrs: William Armstrong. He was a member of the 99th Battery and went over- seas in the Second World War. Shortly after returning- from over- seas he was married to the former' May Isabella Gibbs on March 27th, 1948. • ,......4ri-19-81--r-Mr......an.cLheki,LArni - strong moved 'to Walkerton, where Mr. Armstrong joined the staff at Brucelea Haven as a. male'at- tendant. He was highly' regarded by the residents as well as by the staff., \ Mr. Armstrong was a member of St .Thomas' Anglican Chinch, and a member of Saugee,n Mas- onic Lodge- 117-of Wlitertvn Surviving besides his wife , are two sisters, (Ellen), Mrs., Gordon Baley, , London and (Frances) Mrs.. Joseph Austin of Woodbridge; three brothers, Cecil; Russell and Alfred , all of Port Colborne; he otieTtrittee-t-s--H A.t Ambleside 'The Bruce District Genealogical Society held theii..September meeting last week at•AmblQside. Local.p_e_ople v,ereBob Courtney , Mrs.. Wm. 'Arnold, Miss Mary Robertson arid Mrs. George YoUng Of Bervie: Mrs. Arnold and Mrs, loin; SSi Jack McDonagh of Ashfield took Over the' insurance business of the late John D. Farri.4h. Rev. C. B. Woolley of the Ash- field Circuit charge of the United Church accepted a call-to -- Dobbington effective the end of June. ---Mc-Kenzie.-;-- cf._)on a ld Vernie Barr, Douglas Graham, Mildred1,Little , Marion Fisher, Full:1 1/4 inehei Standard Sizes 2 ft: 6 in. x 'ft. 6 in..: ft. 8 in. x 6 Et. 2 ft. 10.in.'x 6. ft., 8 in. 2 ft. 10 in. x •6-ft 10. in. (SELF 'STORING SCREEN- MAY 1912' A school report of S. S. No. 7 Kinloss named the following tudents - Jennie Fisher Christie Lucknow Sentinel. Dear Don, I remember seeing in the Sent- inel last week that Dr. Johnston's book was now in print , ind that no title suggested by Sentinel readers had beerCchosen. Saturday's Globe and Mail had .STIEfTerre' review-of----- .'"Before the Age of MiracleS Memoirs of a .Country' DOctor'", a title .w high I find rather' unwieldy. However .,•the material in the book is interesting and honest • and I am. jtikt Waiting for a chance to read it. One sentence in the - review is He tells the•history.:Of jiisr,distriet-witstyle_and_bre ity which local would • be well'to study.'" • There .mitst be something spec- ial. in,the air of the part of Huron where .br.lohniton grew-up, The Literary Guild has , Chosen-as one • recommended Canadian' book - "The Great.'Canadian Novel!!_by Harry J. 'Boyle. It is about a __Canadian who has tolace the de- cision of living,and waTking in Canada or -going to the StateS • for recognition = or so.I gather frorn'the comments in The Literary Guild Magazine,. They' call it a "tough, hard- hitting controversial novel., very 'different from the preVious --gentlyittrmarotrs-booksi-1----1 Ne'wman,'Editor of MacLeans, says he expects it Will•become a book of the year. Another boob to watch for and read, with pride as Canadians and especial pride as Huronites. THE COUNTRY MOUSE. was predeceased .by'a brother son . H,The-teMains rested atttre— Tanner .anti Pearson Funelat Home, Walkerton where. a Masonic ser- vice was held on .Monday at 7.3u. , until Tuesday noon thence to St. Thonias' Anglican Church far service at 2 p.m. with the everiud--Nei-1 Ca-rVer-f-f-ic i a Interment was .in-Walkerton • Cemetery. The pallbearers were ,rack Hus-, sey , Albert Giesler, George. Pink- "ney , Walter Eidt, Mack and Earl .Kennedy . •