The Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-10-18, Page 20YOUR MEMBER OF PARLIAMENT IS: • A PROVEN BUSINESSMAN WITH AGRICULTURAL EXPERIENCE • ACTIVE ON COMMITTEES and in the HOUSE OF COMMON • READY TO OFFER ASSISTANCE AT ALL TIMES TO THOSE WITH PROBLEMS "Bob" McKinley has achieved an outstanding-record of-effeefive--representatiou_ for_ Huron Biding PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE (PUBLISHED BY THE HURON. P. ASSOCIATION) DIES IN CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 was driving northerly , 'Gary Court- ney southerly when the crash took place at the bottom' of a dip in 'the road. Both vehicles were demolished.. The funeral service was held from the McLennan-McCreath • " Funeral Horne in Ripley on Mon- • ay con•lidte y owe - of Kincardine United/Church. Burial was in Kincardine Cemet- ,ery. She is survived by her parents Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Holmes .Of Millarton. Her mother, an --erivioyee-of thea;.a.alc..in is the former Lorraine I,cre; also surviving'are three sisters and one brother ,Celeste of London, George , Margaret a a q-,Trotst- horile; grandparents. Mr...Ind Mrs. Fred Holmes of Kincardine; Y. Ptf10111 ifUnit THE,LUCkNOW.SIENTME UliCKNOW, ONTARIO' • WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 18th 19.72 BROWNIE NEWS On Tuesday, October 10th, the Brownies met at the Town Hall, then continued on their way for a hike to the Greer farm. Upon arriving at the farm Brown Owl topk Nancy Thompson, Barbara I-lackett . Marion Rayn- 'ard and Kimberley Copke with her as they wanted to try some of their test for Observe Badge. They were asked to ame the flowers that were g wing in the flower beds nearby. Tawny Owl 'ha'd the test of the Pack play games "Telephone" and "London Bridge". Everyone then took.a walk through the cedars and down along the stream. It-was then time to hike back to town and home. SECOND FIRE CONTINUED 'FROM PAGE 1 Cecil checked the property ° •Friday about suppertime and there . was little evidenc.e of any fire remaining at that time.. He and,. his daughter Susy went to Huntz- \Tulle for the ,week end where Mrs. Garniss is presently receiving • • treatment at the hospital' there. Sometime Saturday before noon, a shed adjacent to the hoiise ruins, caught fire and , burned. The fire was noticed and kept under observation., Several people, including members__oLthe_Lucknow Fire Department , checked the site several times' in the , day and one person-vras-at-theseene-about 8.30 p.rh. Saturday evening with • no sign of any problems. , Less than an hour later , the barn was in flames and was com- pletely destroyed. George Whitby, chief of the Lucknow Fire Department , said that the shed fire was kept under observation all day and it, and the fire in the basement ruins, had been under control and did not present a•hazardous situation. The wind was not blowing toward the barn. According to chief Whitby, the barn fire started on the inside Of the barn and on the west side and he believes that vandalism .or arson may have been involved. in the incident. A representative of the Ontario Fire' Marshall's Office, as Well as Ontario Provincial Police , have been called in to investigate thee--fire Mr. Garniss recently purchased a large mobile home and was planning to move into it within the next few days. They have been in rented quarters since the fire. It was, parked near the former house site' and when the Cleanup operation was started on the house ruins, the trailer was , moved in front of the barn as a safety measure, At the height of the blaze , the home was towed away from the barn but suffered scorching to the paint and five windows were broken out. Lost in the fire was about AO biles of hay belonging to Jerry McRae of Lucknow who Was stab- ling his horse there. The horse, Vas out on pasture at the time. -High, „gusting, winds blew emb- ers'frOm the barn fire in a south- easterly diredtion and had neigh- bours concerned for their property for a time. 11: