The Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-10-11, Page 24WEDNESDAY, OCTO.AER llth„ 1972 PAGE TWENTY-FOUR THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, IAKKNOW.,. ONTARIO CKNOW FRUIT MARKET YOUR "LOWEST PRICES" FOODLAND. Friday Nights to UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE 0.400.oisissiaipeoeo•Sosissa••••••••.•••• Clgthecostofedin THIS WEEK NEW SHIPMENTS OF WESTON'S 12 IN PKG. Wagon Wheels MOTHER PARKER'S 40 COUNT Tea Bags Sale MIR TWIN PACK liquid_t_etergent SAVE lk Pay Only 49c SAVE 22c Pat Only 69c GOOD VALUE Special 79c CANADA CHOICE 19 OZ. SAVE lOc Ripe Tomatoes PAY ONLY 2 This 49c •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• PHONE 528 2126 —HEINZ-10-OZ. Tomato Soup SAVE 13c 4 Tins 49c VALUES EFFECTIVE. THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY OCTOBER 12, 13, 14 PHONE LUCKNOW 528.3420 THAT D. W. V. Johnston's book is being well received in the community. The initial Order placed by the Sentinel was sold out within a week and 'a second shipment is expected by Wednes• day or Thursday of this week. Many_reguestsiOr books have • not been filled but it is hoped that this situation will be cor- rected, possibly by the time this' is being read. • soirof Lucknow obserVed her 92nd birthday.on Thursday, 'October 5th.: Mrs. Finlayson is a resid- ent at a nursing home just north of Whitechurch. t ►. • • CORDUROY FLARES ALSOA NEW SHIPMENT OF LEVI DENIM JEANS. What They S About The Pool, ••4 •• • • • From Finlay MacDonald, Chat- ham, "I hope the kids have as much fun in the new pool_as we had back a few years (in fact many years ago) in MacDonald's • ' • alive" write Mr. and Mrs.. Leonard Biloy of Detroit in clonal ing to the pool. • • • • • "Enclosed*cheque is sent with best wishes for the 'success of your campaign," are the comments ° of Mrs. J. E. (Mary) Haslam of Toronto. • of Windsor. • • • • • • "Enclosed find cheque for pool fund, haPPy taTerpir tesin- erson Irwin of London.. • • , * • "I ani so pleased a swimming Here's what they are saying as donations continue to arrive for the-community-swimrain ool—LI fund. Langside Community ex- tends its'sympathy to the. Conley families on the passing of their father. Mr. Joe Conley3 of Lucknow. Mr: Conley was raised` on what is knoWn as the 'Conley. Farm" on the 8th ofMMoss, now owned Ernie-Hanna. Ken Young arrived home Sun- day evening from Indiana aftee taking Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Cob- lentz and family down to their new home. - Everyone 0 avidly watching the series between Whitechurch and Binbrook for the All-Ontario. Championship presently tied .at one game eaCh; The "finalgame - is to be played next Saturday: Ross Moffat of Langside is one of the players.. Good luck, boys! The Langside Community, ex-, tends its sympathy to Mr. and Mrs. • Bill Bates on the passing of his smother, Mrs. Bates of 'Melbourne., • Mr. and Mrs. Don Nickel and goes on in Lucknow , my' home town, and may it bring joy ,and satisfaction to all you good people", ois the ,wish of Mrs. Wm. MacKenzie of Toronto in.dcinat- ing to di pool. * J * • LANGSIDE THAT Con Wyatt , a brother-in- law of Bloss Koyle, operator of Koyle's Supertest in Lucknow; arrived here a few weeks ago from London, England and has become associated with Bloss in a partnership arrangement at, the service station. • THAT the Stratford Beacon Her- ald, that city's daily newspaper, in reviewing the food concessions at the Internatibnal Plowing Match, had this to say about ' r. • . ms-Beet-h-ef-Holyrood-,— "Most hamburgers seem tasteless in comparison with the home- grown beef hamburgers barbe-, cued at the Hilray's stand. Served with Hilrargrown tOrn- atoes, these become, a hamburg- er connoisseur's delight. McCORMICK'S POUND SIZE Soda Crackers of late routine meeting reports. As we have stated many , many times before, these meetings are set in type on'Triday. We wel- come and accept these reports on a no cost basis to all organiza- tions ,but only if they are sub- mitted immediately after they happen. This week, after the SAVE 19c 2 F'kgs. 79c Thanksgiving Holiday Monday ,we found several re- ports in our. letter drop, some without meeting dates. They.do not appear' in this week's paper. • We cannot handle l'outine reports of this nature ,on a Monday or Tuesday when our facilities are taxed•to their peak. DROP IN AND LOOK THEM OVER "Glad to, see Lucknow come . • * _• • • "Best wishes and congratula- tions to. those 'who organized the' swimming pockproject. How lucky those Luc know kids are and I hope they appreciate it ," writes jack Webster of Edmonton. .5 • • ,* • "Enclosed is donation forthe Fool fund, sorry I can't give bre4"--writes-MrsJamer-Vaia , nda-ivtcQuillin-4f-T-brdntO-sPent- the holiday week end with their k. arents Mr. and Mrs• Dick Mc- Quillin. Other visitor were Mr. and -Mrs. Peter Neufelir and- Tanya of Niagara Falls and Mr. and Mrs. Eric Hewitt and Steven of Bervie , Mr. and Mrs. Harold . pool is on its way in Lucknow. Al Fowler of St. Helens, Brenda Mc- though I am in. my 97th ,year I '!] Quillin and Boris Tonkonah, bOth am still very interested in what. of St. Catharines. THAT The Sentinel continues to • have problems with submissions Memoirs of a Country Doctor BY DR. W. VICTOR JOHNSTON . $6.95 Dr. Johnston was born in West Wawanolh Township.and was a. general practitioner in Lucknow for thirty years. His book reflects his life and practice in this community. MAIL ORDERS . ACCEPTED AT SAME PRICE AVAILABLE AT THE LUC NOW:SENT1Na. 9