The Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-10-11, Page 72 --1972 PONTIAC Ventura, 4 door sedans 6 — 1,972 CHEVROLET Impale; 2 and 4 door hardtops, fully equipped • 1972 BUICK Skylark, 4 door hardtop 1972 TORINO 2 door hardtop 2 1972 BUICK La Sabres 1972'PONTIAC stationwagon 2 ---1971 CHEVROLET 4 door hardtops 1971 PONTIAC Catalina, 4 door. hart* 2 --.1971 FORD Galaxie 500, 2 and 4 door hardtops 1970 CHEV Impala, 4 door hardtop 1970 PARISIENIsTE, 2 door hardtop 2970 FURL? Gidaide, 4 door' hardtep 2 --1969 CREVEILES, 2 door hardtop and a 4 deor'sedan 1969 PLYMOUTH Fury "III, 2 door hardtop • . 2 — 1969 PONTIAC Pariiienne, a 2 door and a 4 door hardtoP USED TRUCKS 1971 CHEV Ventura Van _2 — 1970/ORLD 5i ton pickups, a V8 automatic and a standard 1970 FORD V4 ton, automatic transmission • 20._.,-_1965..116681,f(tdels_. GET RESULTS - Notice to Voters in the riding tif Huron In the forthcoming general election If you are eligible to have your vote cast by proxie application forms #41 will be available at the following locations. 1. Office of Crown Attorney W. G. Cochrane, Court House,. Gocierich 2. Riding headquarters of each of the political parties. 3. Office of the town clerk, wing_ham. 4; Office -of the returning officer, 61 Old_ Mtli Road, Exeter. To . assist voters located in the northern portion of the . . . riding in prOcessing such prairie applications, I shall be present' in the Town Hall, Winghani on THURSDAY, OCT 19th, 1072 from -12, Nien Until 5-PAC -- . In order to be processed all such applications for a proxie must . be in 'my office not' later, than 10 p;m. Friday; Oct. 47, 1972. Garnet Hicks, • Returning officer; Rtding of HURON 0. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER lith, 1972 THE 11,,LICKNOW SENTINEL LUCKNOW, ONTARIO , PAGE WIEN ***www msmi immriot BANK FINANCE RATES. . 36 months at 11-.78%ori new and used models .-N,..\\1**11111111111111111 111111110111* USED CO SPECIALS BP Service Station •— Phone 817-6173 ON AMBERLEY On Monday afternoon a Corn- illurlity Shower wis held in Reids Corners Community hall for Miss Corinne Lowry, bride-elect of the month. Mrs. Bill Godfrey presided as chaitlady for the after noon's programme which started off with a sing-song led by Mrs. Jack Campbell with Mrs. Lynn- .Lowry at the piano. Debbie Lowry favoured with two piano Solos. The trio of Mary and Helen Kempton and Shannon Courtney sang "Each for the Other". All enjoyed a Scottish dance by Mary Lillian Simpson., Mrs. Godfrey then called Corinne and her two' attendants, Eleanor Emmerton and Ester Martin to the decorated chairs at the front. A lovely address was read and the gifts from friends and relatives were received and opened. Cor- inne thanked everyone and invit- ed the ladies to her parents home to View her trouSseau. A bounti- ful lunch was served. This week end was .the festival of Thanksgiving and a time for families to get together. Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Courtney were Mrs. Lottie Courtney;. Mrs. Nell Well- wood; Mrs. Gerry McLeod and boys of Kincardine. L=LIVIr. . and Mrs: Bill-Rempton-and family entertained Mrs. Mabel Campbell, Mrs. Jean Griffin from Lucknow and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Campbell from Kincardine for Sunday dinner. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Coulbeck and family y_isitecLfor_the__w,eek_ end in,Sarnia. Mr. and,Mrs. 'Bob Benson and , -fdIniiywent • the-iveek-end-with Mr. and Mrs. Melville-Henry.. Mr. and Mrs. Ellwood Irwin and family of Sarnia spent part of the week end visiting relatives here. Bob...Courtney travelled to Sarnia and Detroit for the week end% to visit with relatives there. Visiting with their parents for the, holiday week end were Kathy Elmes from Toronto; Gertrude Lee' Walden from London; Marsha -L Humphrey from'London; Kathy - Irwin from Stratford and 'Margaret' • COLIORNE: TOWNSHIP'S 7th ANNUAL CHRISTMAS COUNTRY FAIR. A Display and sale of local arts and crafts at The Township Hall, Carlow WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 18 AND SATURDAY, OCTOBER 21 10 A.M. CONTINUOUSLY TILL 9 P.M, BAKE SALE ADMISSION FREE. Features; handwrought silver jewellry; "Rockies" curios from Ontario beach stones; chair caning, puppet theatre and over 50 more distinctive crafts,. r. OLIVET pLINGANNON On. Sunday Mr. and, Mrs. Hugh' Mc Whinney had their family all ' • home for Thanksgiving, Mr. and Mrs , Cedar . , RIPLEY ABATTOIR Coiling and Wrapping Sausage Making — Fast Freezing Custom, Butchering uring and Smoking glow war disi. gliso •Eso• 4401.. 414••• • HOGS AND CATTLE ON MONDAYS • CATTLE ONLY.ON FRIDAYS Have cattle in on Thursday for' Friday's kill inn. dew ratio 4•106 4410. 44511.. 4asi. • With Two Big Coolers, We Are Able To Hang Your Beef Froin 1 To 3 Weeks -- Whatever Your Requirements. Are , For Home Freezers We Sell Choice Home Killed Beef, Pork . and Lamb In Any Quantity At Lowest Marketing Prices ALL MEATS ARE GOVERNMENT INSPECTED FOR YOUR ' - PROTECTION * • ellAS. ROOISMA, PROP. • r ABATTOIR 395-2905 8TOIM 395-g961 2 1970 G.11/1.C._Ltons, cab and_chassis,_350 engine,_a 4 transmission and an automaticetransmission 1970 CHEVY van, long wheel base 1969 CHEVY van, V8 automatic 1969 G.M.C. ton pickup 1969 FORD Suer van 1968 G.M.C. 1 ton pickup, V8 1967, CHEV ton pickup o wowysiovises Brussels Motors n of the lirehasing iintenanee in, direct- residents' s, recrea. personnelt sons; 'eluding a and Rest lefitS• and edtleation to 5 P.m., n inisirator 19, Onto Visiting Mr. 'and Mrs. Gordon Kirkland and Nancy on Sunday • were Mr. and Mrs. David Kirkland., Annette and Suzanne of LUcknow , Mr. and Mrs. Ken Kirk- land of Toronto , Mr. and Mrs. Don Kirkland , Lana and Darren of 'who_also_spent the week end with"Don's parents. Mr... and' Mrs. Frank Rieglirig , Craig, Todd and Lisa had Thanks,- °giving dinner on Sunday with Mr. and Mn.i Frank Ritchie. Other callers were Mrs. Roy Keane and Arlene of Stratford, Harold Gard- er of Hamilton and Mrs. B. Hunt. er, Lucknow. A number from the community ttended the draw on Saturday "ght.at Sebringville ploughing atch. Winning ticket on the rge tractor was -held bye a For sound counsel and a fair price on a monument correctly designed from quality material, rely on _ Tat_011agan, Prop. ESTALISHEI) OVER SIXTY YEARS WALKERTON PHONE 8111.0234 ONTARIO Courtney from Sarnia. Also visit- young "girl from Woodstock. ing at her home was Wendy Court- -Mr-rand-Mrs-:-Ghar-les- Gyiiltxns ny--,-..wh4ts-naployeAl----w-ith-t-. he • Credit Bureau of London. Sympathy of the community is extended to the family of the late Mrs. John Reid, who passed away. this past week. Burial was " &Om the MacLennan Funeral Home on Saturday. and Mrs. W. Irwin and Lloyd visited on Sunday .with Mr: and Mri-, Wes Alton 'of London; Mrs. Frances Wilkins returned home with them after spending a few - days with the Altons there. While, in London Maimie Wilkins had a• chat by phone with Mrs. Ô. Kais- __er_who_had_enjo ed a trip east • by Conducted tour recently. She was also entertaining her family in her home on Sunday. Mr. ?and Mrs. Ernest Bogie of Nile and l Mrs. Elizabeth Sitter, 'Goderkh; visited' On Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Ritchie. '-. Home for the Thanksgiving holiday were Misses Donna Ritchie of London., Brenda Ritchie of Owen Sound , Barbara -Wilkins of, Guelph .and Wanda. Hunter of St. Catharines. 0% OFF ALL Rubber Boots PETER SHOES LUCKNOW PHONE 528-2011 WANT ADS Mr. and Mrs. Oscar White attended the funeral 'of Mr. -White's cousin in-Arkhead on Sunday. Visiting. with Mr.. and ,Mrs.. • Walter Black and family on Sun- day evening were Mrs. Harold Vogan arid Leonard of Ripley. Mrs. Walter :131ack and Mrs. Stan BlaCkwell Visited with-Mrs. George Lockhart in Wingharn __HospitaljoiLMonda y. 'David and Bill Black of London spent the week end with their „parents Mr. and Mrs. Walter • . A few farmers from this area travelled to Northern Ontario last wi-el-tcr-atteud some-cattle auCtioni. Harry Scott.visited in Toronto with Mr. and. Mrs. Gordon Maybe for Thanksgiving.' Nancy McGuire, Joyce Black' and Susan Hooey started world. 'as candy stripers at Kincardine General Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Robert. Barkwell of Dundas and Mrs. Evelyn Barkwell of Lucknow 'visit- ed with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hamil- ton and family and Mrs-. W: R. Hamilton on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. David Rigg and Adon spent the week end in Tor- onto visiting with friends and rela. s. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hamilton of Hanover spent Monday with Mr, and Mrs. Ray 'Hamilton and Mrs. W. R. Hamilton. Valley; Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Murch and baby Vincent Clinton; Jim McWhinney-, Zurich, and Mr. awl Mrs. Harry Chambers, Goder- ich'. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ham ey'Alton over Thanksgiving week end included Mr. and Mrs. Harry -Westlake-and-Mr—Wm, Westlake , Saltford; Mr.' and Mrs. Paul Hend- erson . heather , Jennifer and Jill' of Mississauga; Mrs. Garnet Hend- erson, Carolyn and Sandra of . Lucknow; Mrs. Marilyn Chislett - and daughter Robin of Galt; Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Alton, Randy , Blair and Kent of Lucknow. Mi. and Mrs. Ivan' Henderson ,s Greg, 'Brian, Darlene and Dagyl of Weston spent the week end with . Visitors with• Mr.' and Mrs. Har- old Errington and family were Mr. . ' .and Mrs. Stan Dagworthy and Douglas of Toronto. Mr.' and Mrs. Russell Johnston spent the week/end in London with Mr. and Mrs . Harold JOhn- Ston. They were guests on Satur- a at_their randsore_s wedding_ ,at St. Mary's when William John- ston married Jennie Dale of St. Mary's. A reception was held ._ later at the home of—Mi: and Mrs. Harold Johnston, London. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Sowerby spent the week end at their parent al homes here and Goderich town-t Ship. 4,