The Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-10-04, Page 18WEDN ESDAY, OCTOBER 4th, THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL LUCKNOW, ONTARIO PAGE EIGHTEEN VOLLEYBALL SEASON. Sports at RDHS commences with the B.I.A. volleyball seas- On, and interest has beentigh enough that both boys' and girls' junior and senior teams have been formed. Mr, Ed Brown, head of the RDHS physical educa- tion department, made the cut in interested participants to form the following teams: Junior Girls- Kim Farrell, Joan Courtney, • Barbara Grubb, Margie Collins, Julie Reeves, Keriy Boyle; Sus,an Carter, Connie PollOck, Janice Reeves. Patti MacDonald, Pris- cilia Zipfil and Nancy. McGuire. Senior girls - Dianne Kempton, - Shirley McCreath, Joan Ferguson, -Liz MacKay , Mary Needham, Sally Elliott, Kathy Farrell, Sally Harrison and Bonnie Boyle. Junior boys - • Ken MacKay, Doug MacDonald. Sandy Liddle, Randy Ackert , Doug Bissonnette Danny Hickey , Wayne Nicholson and Clarke Aitken. Senior . bdys - Barry MacDonald, Carmon Courtney. Mack,Srnith, Bob Bit- .sotmette , Garry Farrell, Boyd. Cirruthers, Blaine Carruthers and • Diyid MacDonald. , 'The remainder of the volleyball schedule includes games all at hcine: October 3 - Sacred Heart ar Ripley; October 5 - Bruce Pen- insula at Ripley; October 10 - Kincardine at Ripley; October 12 - Wiartori at RipleyLWhy not come out and support your local ath- • letes by attending these games in the. RDHS gymnasium! RIPUY-SAUGEEN SR. GIRLS On Tuesday, September 26, the senior girls' volleyball team jourm, eyed Port Elgin to play against. the Saugeen team. Since Saug- eel-I-has-no-junior girls' teanr,--our— am IPLEY NI-CITES attendance to enjoy the high . school exhibit that_ included leath- er and paper mace work, hand crafted lamps and place mats, .• and art pieces done in, charcoal. water, or oil colours. Leading point earner was Patti MacDonald of Level Two, followed, by Bill Bissonnette of Level Five. Others who made a good showing were Gail Messenger and Margie Mac- Kay. The. success of this display was indicated by the lack of.room for all of the .exhibits. Included in the high school section were French and Geography projects. An innovation to the high school display was a 'Man 'in Soc- iety' project, a television tape that was produced-last spring ,by the class under the direction'of Mr. Turvill, principal of RDHS. Appearing on the show was con- genial host Larry Irwin with a . panelthat included Sherry Pollock, Donna Needham and Beverley Smith who were on hand. • to. discuss "How Symbols Define Social Roles". Man in Society t• LUCKNOW, ONT. \ CAROL A REG JONES $28-2906 +++++++++.444-"+++ bat) BRUCE COUNTY DIRECTORY 1867 $:1.50 was a class that .has been taught at RIMS for the past two years, but this year it has been replaced by Psychology , making RDHS the first Ontario High School west of Toronto to offer that subject in its curriculum. HIGH SCHOOL FLOATS • High-school floats-swept the- top prizes in the fair competition on Saturday. With fifteen floats entered.' Level One took the first prize for comic floats with their • entry of Canada vs Russia - a take-off on the world t,cookey. series. Level Two gained the runner-up with their entry "Pol- lution" which featured a globe • / We are sorry to report that Mr. Elden Eckenswiller (Sr.) is a patient in the Kincardine and District Hospital. We wish him improved health. 25th ANNIVERSARY Mr. and ,Mrs". Donald McEwan , that was surrounded by litter. , Capturing the first prize for fancy floats was .Level Three with "Mary-,, Mary , Quite Contrary"• • and LeVel FiVre•, with theirfloat - entitled "Ontario Dairy Princess", in hcinour of their former class- mate Sherry Pollock, took second. KINIQUGH. • Mr , and 'Mrs. Ross Brindley, Mr, and Mrs. Donald Bushell, Mr, and Mrs. Max Bushell, Mr. and Mrs. Morley Bushell, attended , Mr. and Mrs. Perry Bushell's 25th wedding anniversary where a dinner was held at the Dixie. Plaza , Toronto. Friends from here extend congratulations, Donald McEwan went on a Moose hunting trip to Caramat. - Mr. and Mrs. Weir Eckenswil- ler were guests at theiinephew's wedding at London on Saturday, Steven Eckenswiller visited on Saturday with relatives at London. new wa tareall _et mail rtioviri tir local Postal • , NOW IN :STOCK • BRUCE COUNTY ATLAS 1879 Soft CovOr $4.00 HURON COUNTY ATLAS R.Prit* "79 $1 1 50 Hard Cover senior girls lost to the Chesley ad, while.our junior team won r game. In the first game. the score was 15-8 'in favour of RDHS and the second game was a 15-10 victory for the Ripley jun- _ iors. Kiwi Farrell, Kerry Boyle • and Joan Courtney were the top scorers in the first game , while Kim FarreIl, .Kerry-Boyle-and Barbara Grubb got the most points in the second game. BOYS VOLLEYBALL . The boys' volleyball season started two Weeks ago with_Sen- ior and Junior practices. Mr. Coultes and Mr. Brown are coaching the boys• again this year and expect the boys to try their best, win or lose. junior team remained at home. The Seniors tried their best , but they fell into defeat with Saug- een winning two out of the three, games. Better luck, next time gals! • RIPLEY-CHESLEY SR. GIRLS, Both the senior and junior girls' volleyball teams travelled up to Chesley on September , 28. The " as marry codes. In fact, all we need is one code to represent all the people in. your town and on your rural route. - So, if you forget your code, just ask one of your neighbours. Then don't • et the hank. By now, you've probably received forget, send it to your friends. your new Postal Code. And you. mayIf they live in.big cities, tell them s have seen or heard ads telling people how complicated their life is. in big cities how accurate and com- pli-cated their-codes are. Well, your local code is not as complicated. Obviously, since fewer people live in your area, we don't need And if you haven't received your Code by October 16th, please call ydur local Post' ffice. We will mail it to you immediately. It is possible-however, that4DA.Lare_t_ aciin_tlag_Satithve.tern -Ontario POstal District, in which case.your area may not have heeri coded yet. • POSTAL ca0EptsTekaliPtiSTRCOOE compcsTrt ma POMP& cook KIST& . COCIEPOSTrt MOE PCBIA CODE • • • RIPI,EY AT ,CliESLEY Both the Senior and Junior teams journeyed to-Chesley on Thursday to engage Chesley in their game. unfortunately, die Seniors were defeated ,by scores of 15-3 and 15-11. ' The 'Juniors lost 15-1 6 and 15-2. Undaunted _though-by these defeats,- they will' take on Sacred Heart at Ripley. RIPLEY FALL FAIR An entire wall of the-RDHS gymnasium was covered with art work and crafts - the work of our high school artists. - on Ripley Fall' Fair Day. • A huge Crowd was in Canada poste; *Post Canada