The Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-10-04, Page 14a THE BRUCE RID.11NO N.D.P. JOINS ALL THE RESIDENTS OF THIS. AREA IN EXTENDING WARM • 111111111.1011111111111111111MMIMMI • TO PAUL HENDERSON and all the memb*.s of TEAM CANADA 1 • / •TOM .THOMPSQN 11-DY:-CANDMATE1N. BRUCE • • •,!. THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL LUCKNOW, ONTARIO PAS! POURTEEN • .114PNESDAy OCTOBER 4th, mt e • St 4. • Lucknow recalls game enderson scored 17 goals FROM THE TORONTO DAILY STAR son, as his mother sees has been a long time dom- ing. The family wasn't weal.- thy and when Paul started playing at six under his father's guidance, he used Eaton's catalogues held up by rubber bands from pre- serve jars for shin pads. The 'Henderson home Mississauga was u,ri d e r siege yesterday afternoon, after jubilant pupils of Run- • MRS:PAUL HENDERSON, the , - former Eleanor Alton, daughter of • -Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Alton of West Wawandsh Township, is seen. Va I as she boards the plane with sev- eral of the Team Canada wives for the trip to Russia:— -- No doubt ElearKir's smile' was still there when'she returned. from Europe, happy for the success of Team Canada and particUlarly that of trer-hottgrid-Pairl. Paul Henderson's three game-winning k o, a 1 s. for • Team Canada impressed millions, of Canadians. but back home in .Lucknow they still-recall_the_night got 17. Seventeen goals in one game is how many pee wee Paul Henderson s cored when he was growing up in that village of 1,100 some 70 miles north of London. "There's no doubt about it." said 'his mother, Evelyn Henderson, at the family home last night. "The Lord • saw us through and answer- , ed our prayers. He heard all those prayers we sent up." , One of them that wasn't .sent up is painted in bold white letters on the side of a barn as you enter Luck- now: "P a u I Henderson, number 19. best on ice. the pride of Lucknow and all Canada." When the -big-goal-came, all Mrs. Henderson , Members is jumping up. "There's a low ceiling in . our home. My head hit." Success for Ptullierder- 0 S I don't excited Nor4. •Hendetgowiti . slept since the last goal on Thursday. I don't believe this has all happened. It , hasn't sunk in yet." • • 'The Hendersons w ere married 10 years ago when Paul was playing for the Junior A Hathilton Red Wings. They have three daughters, Heather, 9,' Jen- nifer, 7, and Jill 2. • ningbrook Public , • School chased the two. elder Hen- derson daughters the twn b*ks.horric Babysitter arid Leaf wife Mrs. .Darryl Sittler, gnt tough and cleared the front lawn. '!There- were about 30 Of them." Up went: a • hand-lettered sign on the front 'door warn• . int-that thei-e was no. pbini knOcking because they were freSh Out of, Paul Henderson • autographs. Squatting on: the floor of •: the•--sehool and Jennifer, 7, watched ' the game' surrounded by Scores , 'of schoolthate ers. Two-year-old Jill saw out the game at home with ; her sitter. , Interviewed after the • left-winger scored-the win- ning goal Tuesday, Heather hid • predicted her'Aather_ would get 'one rnore.yester• "I was right," she said last night. "I knew." . FROM THE TORONTO DAILY STAR Henderson could be nayor Though he's a star with 'the Toronto Maple Leafs; the Henderson's liras 'had been quiet until he was named. to Team Canada to, play in the eight-game se- FROM THE TORONTO DAILY STAR (Jerson and her two oldest Children leaving for the air- port to meet the 'team yes- terday. , Last night at 10.30 Jenni- fer. Heather and their mother stood Warmly bun- dled in the rain at Nathan Phillips Square. Huddled in the background where few could see them, they watched with Pride as Hen.' derson was carried by his teammates to the front of the stage and listened to the screams of thousands'of fans. And then, although the fails kept cheering' for more, the players and their ftniliet left the stage for . the underground' parking lot where cars were Wang to • -whisk them home. "Our, life has changed," said Mrs. HendersOn—tired and cold but happy,. "It will. probably never be the same." „ Hockey hero Paul Hen- derson has become so fa- mous that his children are neighborhood 'celebrities,' his wife:* Nora, is pointed out in Crowds and his Nils- ' sissauga house' iS overshad- o!ed by congratulatory bill- boards put there by delight- ed fafis. • "Our life his changed ov- ernight," Mrs. Henderson said yesterday. "We have huge billboards all over the front lawn welcoming Paul home. the phone . hasn't stopped ringing since I. got back from IVLosco* on. Sa- turday and we even have a card widi over 1,0011aigno- tares of hoine-owners 3n our area. • 4 sI'm numb. I don't know What day it, Is and I haven't Paul' 'l'enders-hr could he mayor of Toronto on he strength of his series-win - ning Da \ Id. Roteriberg said yestertiay "He could' heat n'it,'! no- tenberg cOnfes.e. asked how ho felt Anti Vic, result of the Cana da-Ras a hoCkey game in Moscow;. • 4. ' ries against the Soviet na, tional team and scored the • winning goals in the last three games. "If Henderson was to run for Prime Minister on'Oct: 30, he'd, win," said, :a hock- • ey fan watch* Mrs, Hen- .