The Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-09-27, Page 20I. 4. VALUES TO, $18.00 ONE PRICE ,n 1 95 , 43 ON JELL-O ASSORTED ' Jelly Powders SAVE k Pkgs. 49c MONARCH POUCH PACK CHOC., WHITE, ETC. SAVE 39c Cake Mixes 5 Pkgs. 89c DEL ' MONTE TALL 4$ OZ. SAVE 35c Pineapple Juice 3 Tins $1 CANADA CHOICE '19 OZ.- STOCK UPI 4 . Tins'f89c Green Peas MATRE "D" BY MAKERS OF MAXWELL HOUSE. REAL, BUY °flee ig in, Pay _Only $1.69_ osed Friday Nights at 6 p.m. 4. PLASTIC „COATED WASHABLE . READY PASTED A SINGLE ROLL 4 c4a3AP-4-'621,1( WW4. NEW SELECTION OF WALLPAPERS JUST ARRIVED SPECIAL THIS SUNDAY, OCTOBER 1 -ROAST BEEF. DINNER .52.00 • PAO! MINTY THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNQW, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 27th, A. 4 16 SHADES 7r . • Mostly new. arrivals. Brown, navy, burgundy,: green, black Purple, turquoise, white, off white, pink, coral, orange ice; blue, yellow, rose, striped turquoise and white. .0000404:t44.1100344E C*4003100' I ID a good variety-of-styles and shades. 100%---Polyester-or-70-%-- Polyester and 30% Cotton. 4.44•4P4r.,~0104.444444.4".••••••••••-•44.4•91.4%. • SEE.. . By The Sentinel 14.4%•••1441.*:••••••.•~4.44~~.000~, • THAT Mr. and Vrs. Jack MacDow ald of Lucknow recently celebrat- ed their 25th wedding anniversary when relatives from Owen Sound, -Stratford, Guelph, Ripley and Seaforth gathered in their hon- our. Mrs. MacDonald is the former Audrey Campbell. Last weekend Mrs. Kenneth (Alva) Deans of Fergua-visited with the MacDonalds. Mrs. Deans was bridesmaid at the wedding '25 years ago. THAT Benny and Billy Thompson, ages 13 and 12, sons of Fred and Isabel (MacPherson) Thompson of Mississauga and • grandsons Of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon MacPher- son of St. Helens, are the proud --hold is -Autographs of-many of the Russian hockey players. The boys were on a fishing trip with' their parents in British. Columbia and while leaving Vancouver airport , spotted the Russian play- ers whose autographs they quickly secured. The boys' father flies for Air Canada. LUCKNOW FRUIT MARKET YOUR "LOWEST PRICES" FOODLAND 69 YD. ••• TRIM EXECUTIVE FASHION . Knit Slacks _SUP-.:REME-CANDY-------REPEAT OF SELLOUT A.B. Gums lit Fruit Slices 2 lb. 69c THAT one item left out of 'our story last week on the new rep- latiotis for municipal elections is that the clerk of each municipal- ity now- gets a vote. THAT a four headed cat. tail was recently picked by the roadside on Highway 86 near W,hitechurch' by -10-year-old Colleen ,Adams of. Kinloss, daughter of . Mr. and Mrs. Robert Adams. Colleen's find is an unusual one. • VALUES EFFECTIVE THURSDAy, FRIDAY, SATURDAY • SEPTEMBER 2S, 29, 30 PHONE LUCKNOW 528•3420 • .ro ,Mrs. Pord Cunningham Mrs. Charles Robinson ,‘ Mrs. Philip 'MacMillan and Mrs. Harold Ritchie attended the 35th Biennial Convention of Royal Canadian Legion Ladies Auxiliary, ProVin- rdaLC.oniniand heldeinitind.s from SePterriber 18 - 21st. Mrs.4 .Cunningham was the voting dele gate from Lucknow Ladies AuxiIr iary with the other ladies as frat- ernal delegates. " Mrs. Evelyn Carroll, of Goder- , Zone C-1 Commander , was elected Honorary Treasurer on the Provincial Board. • • THAT. Mrs., Ron Alton of Lucknow,. riding Ronda's Golden. Princ5tss, wonsthe award for the Best Light. Horse on the grounds at Seaforth --------/vii—;---Bernar&Stewa-rd-and-daugh--- —Fa-it-Friday. A- horseshoe--o ter Linda of England spent the last artificial flowers was received by three weeks visiting Canada arriv- ing on September 1. They spent their first Week in Burlington at the home of Allan and Jane 'Stewart and family and visited with Lloyd and Dorothy of Dundas and Gwen and Jack Wil- a- •. he secolid=a7nd' third weeks were spent' visiting Mrs. Philip Stewart of Lucknow and Winnie Stewart of London respectively. Bernard is the nephew of_the • late Philip and Charles Steward of Lucknow. They returned to England on Saturday,. September 23. ---The-Durrgannoirfal beginning back in 1858 and has • provided-that community with an annual Fall exhibition ever since. .This year's event will be 'held on Thursday of this week, Sept- ember-28th-a-nd wilt kick off at 1.15.p.m. with a .parade from Dawson'i corner. Robert McKinley, MP tor Huron will open the Fair. Special 'events will feature the Huron Trail Rid- ers and there will be rides for young and old. • Harness racing will also be a *feature of the afternoon. The annual Fair dance will be held on Saturday evening in the Hall. Gordon Smyth of West Wawa - nosh is president of.the Fair.' Ma vin Durnli of Dungannon is sec- retary-treasurer Of the Fairarid has completed 30 years in this position. the winner. Dungannon Fair Is On Thursday jVIAR 47:4 OFIED Y' autism/4c custuomost AND LINOLEUM DiArEltILS Ivan cositters Noss vieconthvia ONTO FINLAY DICORATORS LUCKNOW. ONTARIO WALLPAPER AND C•i•L PAINit 194"1"14°1 DISCONTINUED . LINES ASHTON'S {Lucknow) Ltd. PHONE Sz8- 2126 Attend Auxiliary Visits Relatives Windsor Convention Log Cabin Restaurant