The Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-09-27, Page 8Ladies--9 battle. It surely took courage to do this and it really doesn't mat- ter whether you win' or loose 40. lose , it's "how you play the game" that matters most: The fourth game in this series will be played on Wednesday, September. 27th at 8 p.m. in -Thompson 251, Ma5g Wilson 241, Dorothy Errington 240, Grace Elliott' 230, Ruth Jardine 227., Gwen Caesar 226.‘ The honours for men go to Har- old Maize with a triple of 717. Russel Whitby had the high single - - Men' over,250 are: Harold Maize. 2,78, Jack Fisher1269, Orville Elliott 250,, • , Team standings: Coons 7; Cubs 5; Tigers 5; Wolverines 5; Beav- ers 4;' Pole Cats_ 4;__Chipmunks 3; Zebras 3; Gophers 2; Squirrels 2; Kangaroos 2; Lions 0.• Town 'and CounMtry Town and Country Bowling commenced for the new season with six alleys in play. Olive Smith bowled the high • single of 216. She also won the high double at 361. Milvert Reid won the high single at 118, also the high doub- le at 296. Team points: Clarence Bell's Blues 5, Mel King's Yellows 0; Al Irwin's•Oranges 3, Harry Lav'- Redt -2-; Liella Firilaysoir s Violets 3, Earl McDonald's.. Greens 2. See. you all next week. AREHOUSE $2.00 to PER SQ. YD. - ON 4.00 CARRETS AND 0.045,1040~4C04411114) IN STOCK 4160; 41010 .41111110. AM" 44111104111111. 41.11. 411111P. .41.110 4/1111110.41.1/0 4.11m. Custom Draperies and --- Drapery Hardware . 411110. •411111110 44.1110 . 4111/0" 411.11* 411110.. •41.110, 401.N. .11111110, .411.1..4111110" 11116. • ;10,11 Dominion and Armstrong Cushionflor and Inlaid Vinyls 401.11"' 4001110*-4401. 4sono. (emp.,.ms• CARPETING EUEHIONFLOR AND. LINOLEUM root cibiotIAlt INNXinANNci CiNtffit DRAPERIF;s 1111-Ai LUCKNOW, ONTARIO WALLPAPER AND C.I.L mum to - PHONE I21-3434 •4001011.0 4)! wEIMESDA.Y", SEPTEMBER 27th, 1972- THE I;IKEHOW. SENTINE14,..1414.CK.NQ.Wit ONTARIO i CLOSED AT 7. PA. EVERY EVENING Jan Fludder bowled high single with 239 and also took high triple with 554. Games 200 and over: Jan Viud- der 239, Mary Cleland 221, Kay , Crawford 216, Zena Riegling 207, Mary Lou Barger 204, Lynn Wall , 200. Team points: Dean -Agnew's Gumdrops 4, Marianna Porter's Pepperrnints 3; Barb Sanderson's Ju Jubes 5 , Lorna Quays Lollipops 2; Grace Hopi's Jelly Beans 5, Marie Hoffman's Chocolates 2 Team standing: Jelly Beans 16 Gumdro 12 • Ju Jubes 10, Peppermints 8, Loin- Nice bowling! Fops 4. Ladies over 225 WE HAVE A NEW NAME I.E.MacDONALD LUCKNOW , Dungcinnon As the LuClulOw-Dungannon league starts a new season we find Marg Wilson leads the ladies with .a high triple of 607. Joy • Dennis has. 'a high single of 253. Ladies 6:30 p.m. Lucknow are: Arnetta, 1. • COUNTRY ROAD NITRY-ROAD 2 mild,: south of Kincardine of 1kintrots Road Marion MacKinnon bowled the high single game of 270 and Grace Elliott the high 'triple of 658. Good bowling girls ! Games of 200 and over Marion MacKinnon 270,"-Grace" 260 , 225, Ferne MacDonald 240, 206. Team Points; Bell Mole's Shrimps 5, Carol Martin's Crabs 2, Vana Gammie's Clams 5, Bobel Miller's Lobsters 2, Kath- leen MacDonald's Oysters 4; Jan- et MacPherson's Scalkts_3. Teamrstandings:7G-la-ms-15 , Lobsters 13, Oysters 11, Shrimps W, Crabs 9, SCallops 5. / By Teresa Courtney In the Ashfield-West Wawa- nosh Recreation League softball playoffs',, boys 11 years and. under, -kiiigibridge against Berimiller-,------ Benmiller has taken the lead two games to one. in the best 3 out of 5 games in the final series being played at the Lucknow Ball Park. Scores were 25 to 3 and 9 to 6. .Ball fans_ were disappointed at what .should have been 'a real thrilling game on Fridly, evening, September 22nd, which turned; outto be a one sided battle. It was a tough break for the Kingsbridge youngsteti when their pitcher , Mark Frayne, fell and burr-his piLchiltratra-while--- roller skating at the Lucknow. Arena on Thursday' evening. As if .things weren'tbad inititigfiT their catcher Barry Austin as struck while at bat when Ben- miller's . • . pitcher threw a wild throw, catching Barry in the ribs and, knocking him tao the -ground__ _ 1 'would like to commend these kids for showing/ good sportsman- ship and playing such a losing • The first game in the semi- finals was played on Sunday after- noon at the Port Albert ball park, Port Albert• taking the lead, with the score Pon Albert 7, 13erniller 6. • The second game in this series will -be played on Thursday , Sept- ember 28th at 8.30 p.m. in the Lucknow ball park. LUCKNOW IN FINALS • ' In the Senior Division,- boys 17 years and over, the third and* final game was played in Luckriow under the lights. .on Sunday, Sept- ember 24th at '8 p.m. with. Luck- now taking the right to enter the finals playing against West Wawa- nosh, with the score Lucknow Kingsbridge 3. . The first' game in the best 3 out of.5 series between West Wawa- nosh and Lucknow will be played in Lucknow on Thursday , Septem- ber 28th at 7.30 p. m. • • A 4 PAGE EIGHT 4 a Cr Car Ride Feel Much Too Hard? You don't have to be a member of the Rough Riders any. longer. Stop in, and join Our smooth-ride club. New shock ab- sorbers are part of our cOmfort check., for Safetyi Sake LET 0' ma.. ST. HELENS Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McIntyre of Richmond Hilt were week end visitors with Mrs. W. I. Miller and Isobel, Mrs. Harold Fowler is a patient in Wingham and District Hospital The October meeting of the W.I. will be held on Tuesday , October 3rd at 8.30 p.m, in the hall. Mrs. Cliffoid Purdon will be guest speaker. Note change of date! Frank MCQuillin is a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital, London where he was to undergo surgery on Tuesday. Frank Ivlewhinney returned home on Thursday after two weeks in Victoria Hospital, London. Benmiller Up One In Playoff Series Comfort for . Cars Lucktiow Enter - Final Series By Teresa Courtney JENMILLER WIN In boys 12 to 16 softball, in the' Ashfield-West Wawanosh Recrea- tion league, the third and final game was played between Ben- miller and Nile at the Lucknow Ball park on Wednesday, Septem- ber 20th.. Benmiller won the right to enter the semi-final division playing against Port Albert, by winning with the score Benmiller 8, Nile 0. I wish to apologize to the Dan- gannon team for the error made last week in saying that the Port Albert team won the by. Dungannon team gets the by and Will-wait,and enter the final series playing the winners of the Port Albert-Benmiller semi-final