The Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-09-27, Page 11972 C Oc IC PC Lucknow Couple Are Married For 62 Years Mr. and. Mrs. T. A. Canieron of Lucknow will observe their 62nd wedding anniversary. on Thursday, September 28th. . Mrs. Cameron is the former Clara Purdon. They were mar- • vied at the home 'of the bride's parents at MacDonald's Corners. Following their marriage 62. years ago they farmed in. Lanark County, coming to Ashfield Township in 19.18: In 1946 they moved to-their-preseni4iome Lueknow. Mr. and Mrs. Cameron have a siitiltalphin'Athfield towit--- -- ship and A daughter Jean, Mrs. CONTINUED ON' PAGE 18 El • lc 10c y 20c 9c A.. Lions Seek Support For Paul As Best Series Player 4420 OLL The NO $6.00 A Year In Advance — 0.00 Extra To U.S.A. .WEDNESDAY, 'SEPTEMBER 27th, 1972 Single Copy 15c 20 Pages t.• En R Two Seriously Injured In Walkerton Area Accident Bob McKinley To Again Contest. Huron Riding. For Progressive Conservatives, Has Been Member Since 1965 by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Caslick of Whitechurch, were en route to Hanover about 3 p.m. Sunday afternoon, travelling on Highway No.' 4. At'a point this side of Walker- ton, at MacDuff corners, the high• way junction to Paisley , they p. Were in collision with a car driv- en by Reynolds Blackman of. Bur- lington who, was uninjured. The Ross car was hit broadside lirtheimpact-resulting-in serious injury to Mr. Ro'ss and Mr. Cas - lick. Mr. and Mrs. Ross were riding in the front seat of the auto and MO. and Mrs. Caslick in the rear Seat. 'Earl Caslick 81, received a fractured'right wrist, fractured • ribs, a punctured. lung and multip• le Cuts and bruises. Russell Ross received a corn- pound fracture of the right leg, a fractured clavicle, a.ruptured diaphram and multiple, lacera- CONTINUED-ON PAGE 19 Electoe: Up. 24% The total number of. Electors eligible to vote for the Federal AAA*A§O*AAAA Ellwood. Irwins For Hockey Series AMBERLEY NEWS Barton Irwin son of Mr. and Mrs. Ellwood Irwin, Sarnia, is spending this week at the home of his aunt and uncle kir. and Mrs. Bill Kempton of .Amberley while his parents are enjoying a trip to Russia to see the Canada- Russia hockey games there. Ellwood is a Lucknow native ana Mrs. Irwin is the former Joan Campbell of Amberley. Lucknow District Lions. Club, at their regular meeting on Wri- day evening, donated $1300 from the Lions general funds to. the Lucknow Swimming Pool Fund. This is a club donation and is in addition to any other donations made personally by club mem- • bers. This raises the pool fund tot-- al to $16,700. The objective is $35 ,000.. Donations are being received daily from all parts of the continent , as well as here at home. Your contributions to the pool fund would be welcome and - will assist the Lions Club in their -campaign objective. Give now, the campaign still has a long way to go. STUDENTS GOING HERE AND THERE Elizabeth Newbold, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Newbold of Lucknow , has entered the Uni- versity of Windsor in the four year nursing course leading to a B. Sc.' N'a degree. • • • • ' * Simon and John de 13oer, sons of 'Mr. and Mrs. Peter de Boer, R. R. 2•Teeswater are attending Ridgetown Agricultural College. 4.ohnds-2eginning_hisiirst year and Simon is in 'his second year. * , * • • • • * • Miss Gail Jamieson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Jamieson of Lucknow has entered her 'sec- ond year at Centralia College in • the Home Economics Course. • Lucknow District Lions Club is ,promoting support for Paul Hend- erson to win the "Labatts Best On Ice Hockey Award" in the Can• ada-Russia-horkey series. • Ai Hamilton, a Lions Club . member , told The Sentinel Tues- day that support is being sought frOm Paul's home community to cast ballots in this contest. Ballots may be 'picked up at the Mayfair Restaurant or BilryFina in Lucknow. Voting ends Oct- ober 7th. Simply indicate who you feel is the most valuable member of Team Canada crier the current series. Mail your ballot in and the player receiving the 'most votes receives a new automobile. Over $2000 was receive&by Mr. and Mrs. Walter Forster and Don- ald of Ripley at' a benefit dance staged on their behalf last . Friday. The Forster family, lost their barn and crop by fire recently. Four Whitechurch area residents were injured in va car accident near Walkerton on Sunday after- noon, two of then], quite seriously. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Ross of Kinloss Township, accompanied In 17th Year u. Bill Hall, son of Mr., and Mrs.' 'Elwin Hall of:Owen Sound and 0. formerly of Lucknow died sud- , —denlTat-hisliortieln-0-Wen Sound on Tuesday morning of this week. Bill was in his 17th year. He resided in Lucknow with parents-:vh-e-rrEl Lticknow DistriCt High School. Following die close of the Luck- now school, •Mr. Hall taught at Wingham before taking up a teaching position at Owen Sound- at which time the family' moved from Lucknow to,that city: A committal, service will be ireid-orniurklay at 3 p.. m. at, Alma Centre Cemetery, 2 miles west of Atwood. He is survived by his parents Rose and, ElWin Hall, brOther Bob and sisters Susan and. Sally. vie To. Rim-0Y Event Riding of Bruce for the forthcom- ing-election is 41,911. This compares with 33 ,722 eligible voters in the 1968 Feder- al Election or an increase of 24%. Returning officer A. E. Greer' of-Glamis-'made this announce- ment Monday. Robert McKinley , member for. Huron Riding in the last Parlia- ment was chosen by acclamation Wednesday night of last week by the Huron Progressive Conserva- tive Federal Association to run in the October 30 election. Mr. McKinley, a 42-year-old farmer and businessman, was first elected to Parliament in 1965, succeeding the Late Elston 'Cardiff who had held- the riding for the Conservatives for 25 CONTINUED ON PAGE 18 -)r,Z.,'Ir'W`,6*VnM"cMVVV4VW‘VV.V Total Now Is $16,700 • , Lions Dopato $1300 To..• SWinimint .Pool-. Campaign To Go On Sale Shortly Over $2000 At Benefit Dance Name Announced Raise $340 In Rumma-ge Sale The Olivet Unit , of St. Andrew's United Church Women, Ripley raised about $340 last week end at their rummage sale in Lucknow. The sale was for ,1 1/2 days on Friday and Saturilay, It is planned to continue the sale again this'Saturday. Proceeds of the rummage sales sponsored by the Olivet ladies. from time to time go towards APB support of Foster Children through the Foster Parents' Plan. The group has been sponsoring is a child in Korea and recently added a second child in India. Rhonda , the 5-month-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hogan of Ashfield Township, was the, prize winning baby in' the under six months class at the ,Lucknow Fall Fair. , Dr. Johnston's book has been named. The Sentinel has been advised by the publishers, that Dr. W. V: Johnston's book has receiv- ed its name tag and should 'be out this month or early in October. The publishers offered $50 to the winning entry in the "name the book" ebmpetition promoted through the Sentinel. Hundreds of titles were submit- ted locally, but the Sentinel re- grets that the publishers did not favour a name submitted through _the_local contest and settled on.' one which was'submitted by a • member of their sales staff. The book will be called "Be- fore the Age of Miracki:Memoirs of a Country Doctor". The book is scheduled to be available any day and The. Sentin- el has been appointed selling agent for Lucknow and District. Cost of the book will be $6.95. Mail orders will be accepted at the same rate , no extra postage is necessary. . The Sentinel will announce as soon as the book goes on sale locally and in the, meantime, mail orders will be accepted, - Make $6 . 95 payable to Vie Luck• now Sentinel. AVAAAAAAAAAVAAAAAAAA A A' A A AAAMAA