The Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-09-20, Page 24••• 411.111110=111111mmummorma KNOW FRUIT MARKET moo.irt••••,..040wONP•44•04.041P4P•oedw' I SEE . . . By The Sentinel YOUR "LOWEST PRICES" FOODLAND PLASTIC COATED: WASHABLE READY PASTED DISCONTINUED LINES THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO t 1' • SAGE TW ENTY-FOUR. Prices $12.95 'to $25.95 l'reviras . . Polyesters . cuffed or uncuffed . . . plains or plaids Sizes 8 - 20 38 = 44 Prices $7.00 to $26.00 SLIMS "NICCOLINI COATS Plain and fur trim Regular , . . Boot Length . . Pant. Coats Sheeptkin Look . . . Fake Fun Furs Sizes 5 - 15 8 - 20 16% - 24% $22.00 . . . $99.95 • Regular and Floor Length Polyesters . . . Double Knits . . . Acrylic Knits Juniors . . . Misses . . . Half Sizes Prices $19.95 . $43.95 asnion.s. for 172 WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 20th, 1972 VALUE AND FASHION ASHIONIHRHOpoW1 Ltd PHONE. 528- 2126 A letter of thanks was received at the September meeting by Lticknow village council from the Lucknow Recreation Planning and development Committee for the assistance given the commit- tee in their summer recreational program. • Council approved an application for land severance from John Jordan for property to the south of his residence. A resolution is to be submitted •to the Department of Transporta- tion and Communications indicat- ing Council's approval to replace the Canning Street bridge, seek- , ing the necessary/funds, and also funds. for the diversion of the east branch of the•Ludinow River. The Scott property is to be ineluded,in the necessary resolution for the 4 • diversion. The Canning Street bridge recently collapsed under the weight of a loaded truck. ••••••••••••••• in•Huron Townthip the' job was eariied -out by. Mrs. Wilbur Em- merton, Murray Ferguson, Mrs. Elva Lowry, Mrs. Pearl McKay and 'Mrs. -Allan MacTavish. In Cuirass, Township', enumera- tors are Mrs. Jean MacDonald', Bruce Wamsley, Jarnes Reid , Barry Hill and Mrs. Harold Fischer, Ashfield Township enumerators are Mrs. Cecil•Blake a, 'Mrs. Wal- ter Clare , Mrs. Con Hogan, Fred Crawford, Mrs'. Dennis 'Dalton and George Motidtlef. In' West Wawanosh, enurriera non is being done. by Mrs, Edna Campbell, John Foran Neil Stapleton And Mrs. •Isabe1 Mac- Pherson. THAT Mr. and Mrs. John Warren and daughters Patti and Nancy of Lucknow returned September 10th from a three week visit to Scotland, Wales and England. While in England they visited with Mrs. Warren's, mother, brother , sister arid families at Sundetland in north-east England. THAT Ken and David Farrish, sons of Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Parrish orlochalsh -and Graham— Hamilton, Son of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hamilton of Amberley; are playing hockey with the Stratford Warriors, a Junior B team. The boys are all enrolled in_school at Stratford and. are boarding in the city. . . THAT Mrs. Rae Boak moved last - Friday from Lucknow to Exeter. Her horrie in Lncknow is being rented by Mr. and Mrs. Jim Morrison. Farewell Party For rs. C Shaddick Mrs. Clara Shaddick was hon- Oured Thursday evening when her friends and neighbours gathered at -the home of -Mrs: Garfield- - MacDonald in Lucknow to hold a surprise farewell party. • , A sing-song was led by Mrs. Jack MaCDonald' and Miss Margar- et Malcolm. Mrs. Don Thompson read 'a poem. . Mrs. "Garfield MacDonald read an address to. Mrs. Shaddick and Mrs. Olive Smith presented Mrs. Shaddick with a step-stool and a candy dish on behalf of her friends and neighbours, Mrs., Shaddick thanked everyone and invited everyone to visit her in her new home in Clinton. Mrs, Shaddick plans to move the end of September, Lunch Was served by the host- esses. DRESSES SKIRTS l'revira : . . Acrylic . . Corduroy 12 - 18 $9.95• $15.00- SY _LA__ CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 Finlayson. In Ripley the work has been done by Mrs. Gertrude McKay • Jo y. Kinloss Township enumerators are Mrs. Kay Thacker, Mrs. Leo Murray and Bill Evans. THAT registration for -Lucknow night-elasses-will-belekLon Thursday , October 5th with, classes thereafter scheduled, for Wednesday nights. Watch next week's paper for details. • r_THAT_AA Whitby of Lu'cknow , son of Mrs. Sid Whitby', 'has re- ported for duty with the Oshawa Generals in the Junior A hockey league. Keith Kilpatrick of Lucknow drove Andy to Oshawa last week.. Andy, who is 17, played hockey • last year with Owen Sound 'Greys in the Junior B League. THAT Reeve George Jo;rnt of el that a ratepayers meeting' will be held•later in the year in Lucknow. With new nomination • procedures, the former nornina- tion meeting, as' has been the custom, will be a thing of the past. However, councils are , given the privilege of still call- -__ing-a_ratepayers meeting if they_ . so wish. "VIM" BRAND ' Powdered Milk SAVE '16c Pounds $1.49 SUPREME CANDY A. B. Gums SAVE 10c 2 lb. bag 69c SUPREME CANDY Assorted Slices 2 lb. bagSAViiCc "DAK" BRAND. ONE POUND TIN. REAL VALUE! Picnic\ Shoulders Pay, Only 99c • ,ca HYATT BRAND 19 OZ. OUR LOWEST PRICE! Beans and Pork 4 Tins 89c MIR TWIN-PACK SAVE 10c Liquid-D•eterged—Pay-Only119c WITH $5.00, CASH PURCHASE SAVE 20c Get - Half Gal. Ice Cream tlit-1 '79c Y1I+ININAA losed Friday Nights at 6 p.m. VALUES EFFECTIVE ' THURSDAY, 'FRIDAY, SATURDAY SEPTEMBER-21, 22e 23 ---L-PHONE LUCKNOW 528.3420 LUCKNOW, ONTARIO —41 -tUANIONFLORAND LINOLEUM rum °wrung carne DimacitAnnio,cornwe FINLAY marmann WALLPAPER AND 0.1•LPAIN13 PHONE ,S,,404