The Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-09-20, Page 214 i91; WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 20th, 1972 THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO PAGE TWIRITY•01/1111 Doug- ald of arsary nts and igharn f lip. I Wen,- rtked a 4- sari 4-H 4-H at the tember fir,` May Mauer rs, Sun. )rt nd *or two count; of roanne y and and Drge Mr. ;land, and on the s: Day. Elyr II .1liam ck", -Ian of gO is laughter David Jarvis and ace !lph with )f the r,e Mr. Listow- in where he finish- Len they- Point n spend' um' thumb" swell the at- -deb he, jog the Ir. Jar' house ling in ;torker Id the ety of 1, as g Ga na& le is now ant acts !neigh' grand' ;rmidchild FALL. FAIR CONTINUED FROM PAGE l They were the Errington family , Drennan family, Mary Anne Alton and Mrs. Herb Barger. S. * Besides the fair exhibits, a number of business people had displays both inside and outside the arena and this drew t atten- tion of many on Friday a d Satur day. $ • Luclutow's Fall Fair has become famous•for its parade and Satur- day's parade, was outstanding. The street was lined with people forthe event which was headed by two high stepping horses ridden by David Finnigan and Mrs. Ron Alton. Hanover Drum and Bugle Corps headed the parade and made a second trip through main street at the rear of the par- ade. Other music was by 'Tees- water Highlanders Pipe Band and Lucknow School Band, riding on afloat. Fair,officials, Mies Dominicti of Canada and 15 en- trants in the Miss Midwestern Ontario Beauty Contest followed the band. • • • A multitude of horses, ponies, decorated bikes and trikes, doll buggies, as 'well as floats, decor- ated cars, clowns, etc. filled the parade route. • • • . .Crawford Douglas of Wingharn acted as master of ceremonies for the stage show in the park. Speaking briefly were Reeves George Joynt of Lucknow , Bob Lyons of West Wawanosh, Orville Elliott of Kinloss and Girvin Reed of"Ashfield Others speaking were. Ross Whicher, member of parliament for Bruce-, Charles Thomas, Liberal candidate for Huron. Mr. Douglas expressed regrets from Bob McKinley, MP for Huron and Murray Gaunt, MLA for Huron-Bruce, who were un*- able to be present. Mr. Gaunt is presently touring England, Gerin- any and Sweden as part of, a corn- mittee oil education. ' • • • Bob Gilchrist , president of the Fair Board, welcomed all. Norval Richards of Guelph, former, Dean of the University, himself a nat- ive of Lucknow , officially open- ed the Fair. • • • Each entry in the Miss Midwest- ern Ontario beauty contest was introduced at spoke briefly, Speaking to the audience were • Catherine Csaig, Bruce County, • Dairy Princess and Bonny Brady, Miss Dominion of Canada. • A full afternoon, of entertain , meat on the platform included Lorne Mann and group from W.rox , eter; the Silver Strings of Walton; Julie .Vallince and Joan Elliott, singers, from Brussels; Karen and. Lynn NichoLson, Linda and Mary Ann Lyons, baton twirlers. • • « « , The eldest lady present at the Lucknow Fall Fair was . Mrs. Thom- as Inglis. of West. Waw anosh who. is•9I years of age.. Fleming Ballagh of Wingham, age 90, was the oldest :gentleman to visit the Fair. The largest family award went to Mr. and. Mrs. John Howard of Ashfield. • • • • Parade winners were: Element- ary SehooliFloat: Lucknow Cent- ral, Kihgsbridge, Brookside. Decorated Car: Riders Roost Saddle Club. ' Antique Cali: Redmond 1929 Model A , Graham Cook 1928 .auto, Fairview Dairy 1931 Model A Coupe.. Society Floats: Town and. Country Senior Citizens Club, Recreation Project. Comic Float: Lazy Farmer from West Wawanosh - the Gammie Family , 'Jim Wilkins' Motorcycle, Married Couple - Randy Scott and • Melanie Dustow. Patriotic Float: Lucknow Boy Scouts. • Clowns;•Dave and Bob Shep- herd, Steve Errington, Dale Gil- christ. Decorated Bicycle; Connie Lanting, Wendy Forster, Ken Ir- win, Scott McKim. • . Decorated Tricycle: Mar Niich- olls, Jamie Nicholls, Darrin Mc- Kim,' Steve Hamilton. - Decorated Doll Carriage: Anne Hamilton, Ann Alton, Cathy Ham• ilton, Marian Raynard. Costumed Rider: Kent Alton, Steve. Alton,. Brent Sdott , David Aalders ; Laurie Aalders. • • • There was entertainment galore in all areas of Caledonian Park. 4-H judging, horse and rodeo show, livestock, pet show , baby show , midway, you name it , all events had their particular interest for fair goers: • Several drags took place during the day. Duncan Finlayson of It. R. 3 Lucknow won 100 gallons of fuel oil donated by Chisholm Fuels. Duncan's neighbour, Mrs. Dave Elphick also won 100 gallons in the draw which was made by Bob Gilchrist. • • • Bernice Campbell's tupperware draw had winners Mrs. Robert MacDonald, Detroit, Michigan; Anne Alton, Lucknow; Shirley Wraith. Lucknow, In a draw for peaches, the donor of which we were not sure when this was writ- ten, Barbara Hayden and Mrs. Margaret Johnston were the win- ners. • • • In the arena on Saturday night, a draw was made for a market pig and this was won by Art Helm of Lucknow. The pig was donated to the Agricultural Society by Russel hvin of Ashfield with proceeds of the draw. to assist Agricultural. Society work. • • • • . time permits, will appear else- where in thepaper. • • • KINLOUGH and Mrs. Frank Maulden and Keith and with Mr. and Mrs. 'Ernie Hanna and •family. Mr. and Mts. Ross Hildred of Kirkland Lake visited during the week with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Nicholson. Mr. C. A. Jones of Port Carl- ing visited on Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Maulden and Keith. Mrs. Edna Whytock and Miss , M. 'Day of Teeswater visited Sunday with Misses Edna and May BOyle., Friends from here were sorry to hear that Mr. and Mrs. Walter Forster of Ripley had the mis- , fortune to lose their barn. by fire on Sunday afternoon. 11:1=11-t-MTICILEke Western Fair at London during the week. . Week -end visitors with Mrs: Marretta Hodgins were Mr. and Mrs. Edgar of London and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hodgins and girls_of Niagara. Mrs. Steve Saknagi of Toronto visited with Mr. and. Mrs. Art • Haldenby. •Mrs..Haldenby return• - ed to Toronto with her for a visit. ,Mr. and Mrs. Howard Bennett brought her mother Mrs. Art Hal- denby home from Toronto and spent Saturday at the Haldenby home. The Bible Society meeting for this "District Will• be held in Kin loss UnitedChurch on Thursday_ , - evening September 28th. '. - On Sunday, September 24th the Anglican Parish service will be 'held in ' kinlough A number from here attended the Lucknow Fall Fair on.Satur - day. It's the event people wait for eagerly__ The unveiling -of the newest cars. And it's a time. to marvel at the inventiveness and creativity. Stop in soon. Wing the 'family.' Citeck out - every model. CKNX MOBILE UNIT WILL BROADCAST FROM I I THE SHOW FRIDAY NIGHT 12th ANNUAL GODERICH AUTOMOBILE DEALERS' THURSDAY, FRIDAY — Everyone- le- wekxonotei -bet' we must request that person* under 18 be iideeinelnled by en Willett be adlnitted to the arsee. Activity in the arena on Satur- day night included the Miss Mid- western Ontario beauty contest and variety acts•by the Chantones Trio ,and John Osborne; magiCian , and ventriloquist. Bob Finlay was chairman for the beauty contest—Other Fair Reports, as 9- 1. Vw• • . Next Sunday there will be' pre- -paratary ser-v-ide-in the- Pr;esbyter-- .2hurch, and the following Sunday, October lst will be ,•Com- munion. . • Mr, Jim Bartlett of Scarborough and Miss. Eileen Bartlett of Van- couver , B,C.'visited With Mr.