The Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-09-20, Page 20THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 20th, int the late Edna Moore, and the white tipped feather carnation and groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs: sweetheart rose corsage. The Wilfred . McQuillan of R. R. 1 groom's mother wore a' street* - Lucknow.„----• lengthpink brOcade_dress. with • • The bride was given in marriage matching white and pink accessor- by her father. She chose a form- ies and a white and pink sweet- al gown of white silk organza and heart rose corsage. Chantilly lace with empire waist . The bride's uncle , George and deep cuffed Victorian,sleeves Blake of Waterloo, toasted the banded withhantilly-lace—The bride . soft-flowing A-line skirt was band- The bride changed to a navy and white wool dress, navy and ed by ,a deep'ruffle, that extended around the Cathedral white accessories and a y.elloW • train which was also trimmed sweetheart rose corsage for travel. with Chantilly lace. The dress ling to the East Coast. was accented by a panel of pearl The couple, are residing in flowetettes extending from the Stratford where the bride is on roll collar to the deep.ruf the teaching staff of Immaculate fle - . Conception School. Her face was framed by an em The groom is on the teaching broidered pearl cap holding her staff at St. James School, Sea- silk illusion Cathedral veil. She forth. -d--a---bouquer-of-white-steph anotis daisies and baby's breath.. Guest soloist , Miss Lucy. PoWer of Stratford, sang "Ave Maria" and "Ode to Joy". The bride was attended by her sister-in-law , Miss Sheila Mc-• Quillan of London, as maid of honor. Bridesmaids were Miss Wieousinf=r13e- bride ., of Waterloo and Mrs. Con- nie McClelland of Stratford. The attendants-were-gowned-alike-in-- imported mauve crepe floor- length empire gowns with wide cuffed long sleeves and _wore_ mauve mohair "picture hats". They carried baskets of white and yellow daisies, purple statis and baby's breath. • The tiower gir was ss.CO1-; leen Murphy 'of Stratford', niece of the. groom. - She was gowned similarly to the bride with a mauve bowed sash and an orchid flowered ribbon in her hair. She carried a white straw basket- of white and yellow daisies, purple statis and baby's breath. Ringbearer was Jimmy- - • McQuillan of Ottawa , nephew of the groom'. Jimmy was dressed in navy blazer and gray flannel slacks*. .-His -pillow was -accented by orchid ribbons, white and yellow daisies and purple statis. .Dr. Archie .McQuilIan of Ot- tawa, brother of the grOom, was St. Joseph's Roman Catholic Church, Stratford was adorned with white chrysanthemums and' shasta daisies, for the marriage of 'ltAturheresa-Sniith--tcrJa-mes Alexander McQuillan on August 19 with Rev. Fr. Vincent Gleason officiating at the double ring cer- emony. The bride is the daughter of Mr. Clifford Smith of Stratford and r0 x Couple Residing In Stratford L: • McQUILLAN - SMITH groomsman. Ushers were Lorne McClelland of Stratford and Michael Blake; .cousin of the bride , of Waterloo. ---Aleception-and_dinner_ follow - ed at the Optimist Hall in Strat- ford. • The bride's aunt wore a street length royal blue crepe coat- dress and matching accessories of white and black with a blue and . •T • * ,, • . if •,... FRIDAY ,,,,,• „ ....„.... ), :.. 7 OCTOBER . SATURDAY AND ' 6 & St. 1st Teeswater gayness and Livestock HEAT Jolm's FUN --Missidajorette-of___ Bugle . Canada AT 1 Girls Racing Highlanders Corps P.M. ALL Drum 4-H Demonstrations Exhibits RIDES' FOR FRIDAY OPENING BY SHERRY RIPLEY ONTARIO, DAIRY Entertainment Woodstock The Good Intentions Miss Majorette , Canada FRIDAY NIGHT COFFEE HOUSE AT TOWN ENTERTAINMENT WOOtittOCK SATURDAY CONCERT - . DANCE AT ARENA 8:15 MUSIC THE COUNTY NIGHT POLLOCK . HALL AND P.M. BY GENTS PRINCESS - By BY- NIGHT of , , N.F.0 NEWS Contributed. "The gradual concentration of ownership or decision making into the hands of a relatively few , large diversified companies pioy• es unfair PomPetition,,to inde- . pendent producers in the short run, These companies are in a better position to -produce eggs, at a loss ,for extended periods of time because this is usually only a smalLpart of their total opera-' ,lion and they can use the returns from other branches is a cushion". This is from the report of the inquiry into the egg industry by Judge James Ross. The' National Farmers Union believes that this theory applies to any line of farm production. It was not the small producer' who caused the egg price problem during the past two years. It was not the aver-• age• farmer 'who caused the de- plorable hog glut. The N.F.U. believes that the basic right to produce and share the available market for farm commodities should , in so far as possible , be available to all farmers. In this respect we object to the free entry into production of farm commodities by corporate integ- ' rators'Infhose primary interest • dues not-lieln-the-income-frem the production itself but the 'use of the production as a means of marketing a- manufactured prod- uct such as feed, or for the pur- pose of acquiring production for further processing. OLIVET Miss May, White has started training, as a R.11.A. at Wifigham Hospital. Miss Debbie McFadden of Rip. ley spent the weekend.with Wen. dy Hamilton. • Joanne Hamilton has returned to Waterloo University to complete her final year of a 4-year honours history course. Margaret MacKay and Susan Brooks of theeClover Valley Club were chosen to attend 4-H activities, which were held at the London Fair on Friday , September 15th, Visiting on Sunda) with Mr. and Mrs. Oscar White and May were Mr. and. Mrs. Gordon Mauer and 'Todd of Pinkerton. 'Visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Jack McGuire and family on Sun- day were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Oldnall of Toronto. Mr. and -Mrs. Oldnall are from New Zea- land and came to Canada for two years to work and visit the count ry. They are close friends of Mrs . McGuire. Mrs. Ray Hamilton and Joanne were in London last Monday and visited with Mr. Bert Eaton in Victoria Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Al Smith and Maggie, Mr _and Mrs-.Qeorge ---4.- Rigg„ all of Toronto , and Mr. and Mt's. Ron Woods of England, who are visiting with: Mr. and Mrs. George Rigg , visited on the week end with Mr, and. Mrs; Dav: id Rigg and Adon, cer of Kitchener, Mrs. William (Lois) Luescher of Woodstock, ancLtheir three Sons Norman of Huron Ridge , Kincardine , Doug= las of Palmerston and Gerald of, Listowel. Wedding anniversary cake and table Appointments were carried out .in white and gold for the occasion. The 'bride of 50 years agb is the former Lula Murray, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. David Murray of Monkton. Mr. Jarvis is the son of the laie Mr. and Mrs. George Jarvis of Newmark - -et Their marriage took place September 2, 1922 at Guelph with Rev. ..O. G. MacPherson of the Presbyterian Church officiating. Following their marriage Mr. and Mrs. ;Jarvis resided in Listow- el until Mr. Jarvis retired in April, 1967 rpm t e colm FurnitUre Company where he had been employed in the finish- rig department. .Sinee then they have made their home at' Point Clark where they had been summer spend- in-ph-C months fora nutk ber of years. • Mr. Jarvis has a "green thumb" ant the Jarvis residence is well known at .Point Clark ,for the at-, tractive floral displays which he maintains in the yard during the summer. In the winter Mr. Jar' vis is known for his greenhouse undertakings. Mrs4 Jarvis , while residing Listowel ,-was an active Worker in the Willing Workers and the Women's Missionary Society of Knox Presbyterian Church, as will as in 'Branch No4 259 Canad'd ian Legion Auxiliary. She is not well known for her constant acts of kindness to friends and neigh-, bours from Pine River to Arnberley. The couple have eight grand.- children and one, great-graridchik Tops The Lucknow Chaper of Tops met in the Lucknow Town Hall with/13 present for their weekly meeting. Members and new members were weighed in with a 27 lb. weight loss recorded. Dr, McKim will be present at the September 27th meeting. Members are planning to attend• a meeting in Walkerton in the near future with the Walkerton Tops club. Marion Mowbray read an art- icle or weight reduction and a discussion followed. ,We have 3 new members' this week. The meeting closed with exercises. Residents of Listowel for many 'years, Mr. and Mrs. • G. A. "Andy"*JarVis, now-of Point Clark, celebrated their golden wedding anniversary Sat- urday , Septemher 9. During the afternoon a recep- tion.and dinner was held in the Canadian Legion Hall, Lucknow and during-the evening-the couple held open house at their resid- ence on Ronald Street, Point Clark. Receivinewith them .were their dau-ghters-,--Mrs-;--Jaek-tJun--e)-Spen Pointaarktouple lila& Anniversary, Dinner Held At Lucknow Legion Hall