The Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-09-20, Page 19Alex T. MacNay, Box 125 LUCKNOW Miller MacKenzie Ltd BricIdee Bldg., Tel. 5282320 SHUR•GAIN Iv* viEDNESPAY,SEFTEMEER 1912. • THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL,,6CKNow, ONTARIO :-3rd ANNUAL PAGIII • MINIMUM, LANGSIDE Mr', and Mrs. Ross Cayley rec- ently enjoyed a trip west I/ Their family stayed with Mr. and Mrs, Dave Moffat while they were away. Miss Soede 'of Holland visited with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Breg-, .man and family last week, Mr. and Mrs. Bregman went to Stayn- . er for their aunt Wednesday and on Friday took her to Kippen,where she stayed to visit other relatives.' VVHITECHURCH Is .FALL COLOUR TOUR • PERSONALLY ESCORTED BY: 'MAC' -CAMPBELL • ,..of .GODERICH SEPTEMBER 30th OCT01111U)st.. $45:90 (2 or more sharing) SINGLE 6.00 EXTRA GUARANTEED TRUST CERTIFICATES Here's a great way to put your money to work: 8% interest, guaranteed on 5-year term deposits. Other terms available. Minimum deposit, $500. Call or drop in and see us today. STERLING TRUSTS TORONTO-372 Bay Street (416) 364-7495 BARRIE - 35 Dunlop Street (705) 726-6495 ORILLIA — 73 Mississaga St. E. (705) 325-2226 laelow.Fair on Saturday which. ---"and-W* sGordon Carter in the - Legion Hall, Lucknow with music by the "Funk Family". Home for the week end were Heather MacKenzie from Toronto, Grace anciAudrey MacDougall from Bramalea and Brian Keith from Humber College'. A large crowd attended the rec- eption for Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Colwell in Ripley High' School, Friday night. Evan Keith read Mr. and Mrs..Clair .MacDoug- the address carrying the best wish- allof Elesherton and Orland Rich- es of alias they leave for Mani- ards oftucknow .were dinner toba and a new career there,. guests Thursday , evening 'with Mr. Mac MacInnei, presented and Mrs. Jack Needham. them with a well-filled envelope. Alf Williams' of Bell Canada,, Mr. and Mrs.' Ira Dickie visited while'working at Allan Park last Sunday afternoon with Mrs. - week, called on William Dickie. Dickie at Hill 'Top Nursing Home He a e.ad Wiarton-. QUite a few from here attended Anniversary Services at the United Church, Bluevale, on Sun- day Mr. and Mrs. Walter Elliott., Ruth, David , Barry , Karen and Paul attended the relative shower held at Walter Forster's on Sunday for Donna Foriter, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ronald. Forster. Dinner had just been finished and was' being cleared up when it was -netieed7-the barn-was-on-fir . Luckily all animals were saved and no one was hurt in trying to save the building. ' Mr. and Mrs. Donald Dow and fathily accompanied by Ivan Dow Sunday_attended_Huron_yerth* Presbytery family day•at Camp Bimini, South ofStratford. Mr. Anderson from the Minis-: try of EnvironMent paid, an offic- ial visit to. Whitechtirch Water System on Wednesday. .• 'Mrs. 'Eva Cameron of New York visited-on Wednesday-with Mr. ville spent the week end, with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Victor Wybenga .and-family., Mr. and Mrs. Victor Emerson were Sunday afternoon visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Show- ers_of_W_inghani. Quite a number from the com- munity attended Lucknow show. Many of the public' schoolers re- ceived prizes for things entered; Mr. and Mrs. Athol Purdori. and Shelley of Sarnia spent the.week end with Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Mowbray and Mrs..A.- E., Purdon.. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McMillan,., Paul, David and Gregory of Wat- ford were Sunday visitors with Mr,. and Mrs. Wesley Tiffin. Mr. and Mrs. Wilford Caslick of Wingham were Sunday callers on his parents Mr. and Mrs. Earl Caslick. • Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Wilson of Wingham were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Bob Mowbray. Miss Ruth Elliott went to Centralia on Monday to begin studies at Centralia College of Agriculture. Attending‘London Fair on Fri.; day from the 4-H Clubs in the loc. ality were Ruth Elliott, Elaine„ Boyle, Elizabeth,Ritchie and Ruth Graham. ' Miss Annie Kennedy of Wing- ham was under Doctors care over the week end. , - Mr.,and Mrs. Wallace Conn spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Conley and Jason of Wingham. Mrs. Jim Taylor of East Wawa nosh visited Saturday with her grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Earl Mr. and Mrs. Albert Coultes visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Fra.jik S-zott-uf Ripley. Simon de Boer of Toronto spent the week end with his parents• Mr. and Mrs. Peter de Boer.; Mr. and Mrs. Harry Moss of Plattsivillewere Tuesda_y_and 1 Wednesdayvisitors with her par- ents Mr. and Mrs. Ben McClen- aghan. Miss Mildred McClenaghan R. N. of Goderich spent the week end with her mother Mrs. Lillian Mc- Clenaglian. Carl McClenaghan attended the Horse Show at .Walkerton. Mrs. Webster Jacklin of Listow el and Miss Maxine Jacklin of Brantford visited-Satutdarw-kh- COST INCLUDES: DELUXE HIGHWAY COACH TRANSPORTATION ACCOMMODATION AT HALIBURTON'S FINEST RESORT, THE 'WIG-A-MOG' INN SCENIC TOUR OF , BEAUTIFUL HALIBURTON HIGHLANDS 4 DELICIOUS-CHEF-PREPARED-MEALS EARLY RESERVATIONS REQUIRED THROUGH ht (gnarl! Roust Xrattel Orruire NA HAMILTON STREET — pODERICH. 524-8366 EXETER—LUCKNOW—SEAFORTH—,2ENITH 21530 KINLOSS at the Scout Jamboree in Japan in 1971. ' •• A reception was held for Mr. Thexeather_Nas_perfect for a0n,was a big event. Many Irks to-ou-H4resident-and-his, wife, Mr. and Mrs. Robert'Gil- ' christ, and the directors for the nany hours of work donated, in preparation for the fair. 1. J. Houston and Lynne of Dow view were week end guests. with Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Houston and attended Lucknow Fair, and Mrs. Victor Emerson. Henry Wybenga of Bowman- 4-4 - ...__...— • • Would You InVest a. Few, Hours' 164 Trip . a ou ;I Improve' Your Livestock. Income? Thousands of farmers have inspected the SHUR • GAIN RESEARCH FARM at Maple, ----- - Ontario. We have., good reason to believe that many of our farm visitors take away, management and feeding ideas that they're able to use, to their profit, at home. If your livestock production interest is in hogs, dairy cattle, beef cattle, laying hens broilers, turkeys, sheep, or the roughage production programs that best sustain- livestock operationS . . . then there's much at the SHUR GAIN RESEARCH FARM that will interest and maybe profit, you. Here's your opportunity to wisely "invest a few hours in a trip", ,Get full Mr. and Mrs. Archie Purdon and family. . Mrs. Eva Cameron returned to Brantford'on Thursday after -visiting with her brother. Tom and Mrs. Morrison for a couple of weeks. : Gershom Johnston spent aiew da s last meek with Mr. and Mrs, JackJohnston and family of St. Pauls. • Mr.' arid Mrs. Gershorn John- ston spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Woods at their trailer at Boiler Beach near Kincardine. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Laidlaw, Janet , Kimberley and Mr'. Herb Laidlaw and Mr .• and Mrs. Don- ald Stewart of Teeswater spent the week end-in- the. Laidlaw er at. Owen Sound. Miss Joann Laidlaw R. N. of Goderich spent the week end with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Elroy Laidlaw and ,family. Mis, Bill Gibson on Monday had an unwelcome guest. A skunk got into the house.' basement • through the cellar window which. had a- pane- OT-graititit-Of The skunk had to be shot and Lands and Forest advised burning Sulphur to remove the odor. Mr. and Mrs. Russel Ross were in Kitchener on Saturday and were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Jim' Ross and family. . , • - s •